Everybody Wants a Subscription

Tucker Carlson’s streaming service to charge $9 per month.

“We’ve been working in secret and producing an awful lot of material for months now. We’re launching a brand-new thing very soon,” Carlson said in a post on the X social media platform on Saturday, as he unveiled the website for service.

Oh, no doubt it’ll be about as revelatory as the election fraud evidence nobody’s ever seen. Seems Tuckie’s wagon hitched to “eks” is in a rut. The driver’s low as the snake named Trump’s belly in that wagon rut. The only thing this cretin ever worked on was getting paid for shooting off his hateful, rascist fuckwit mouth.

Tucker Carlson Misrepresents Defense Secretary’s Remarks on U.S. Troops, Ukraine Aid.

Cable news gasbag turned podcast MAGA mutherfucker.

Diva Down Nailed It

it’s a searing broadside that hits the Tesla and SpaceX CEO where it hurts: as a guy with genuine accomplishments who often seems deadset on undoing that legacy with a series of increasingly public outbursts, irrational conspiracy theories, and ham-brained business decisions.

Grok this.

First off, let’s talk about your obsession with X. It’s like you’re trying to compensate for something, but I’m not sure what. Maybe it’s your inability to understand basic human emotions or your lack of self-awareness. Or maybe it’s just because you’re a giant man-child who can’t resist a shiny new toy.

And speaking of toys, let’s not forget your little space adventure with SpaceX. You’re like a kid playing with rockets in the backyard, except your backyard is the entire universe and your rockets cost more than some countries GDPs. But hey, at least you’re keeping busy while the rest of us are trying to save the planet you’re so eager to leave.

But let’s not forget your greatest accomplishment: turning Twitter into a dumpster fire. Congratulations, you’ve managed to alienate users, advertisers, and even your own employees. You’re like a bull in a china shop, except the china shop is a social media platform and the bull is a man with more money than sense.

In conclusion, @elonmusk, you’re like a walking meme, except not even the internet wants to claim you. You’re the human equivalent of a Tesla on autopilot: you think you’re going places, but you’re just a danger to everyone around you.

-Grok AI, Courtesy Spaceboy himself.

Elon Musk’s First Wife And Mother Of 5 Kids Says He Had The Marriage Therapist Break The News He Was Filing For Divorce — And Claims He Was Engaged To Another Woman Just Six Weeks Later.

Votes for Sale

Lauren Boebert has to be the most two-faced, deceitful waste of taxpayer dollars ever to crawl out of a roadhouse restroom. Just when you think this cunt can’t get any worse, the imbecile sets a new low bar for disgraced public figures from the great state of Colorado.

The only thing I’d pay her to do is play Russian roulette.
Fuckers are holed up in DC payin’ each other off to do their dirty work.

GOP Full Fascist Putin Stooges

This is the same group that brought us a lost war in the Stan, The Jan 6th Capitol Riot with The Fuckwit and everything in between. His first attempt to parlay Ukraine failed in an impeachment, which also failed. MAGA loyalists not recognizing the facts and relationships might perhaps view politics as more of a spectator sport. Either that, or pull their effin’ heads out. I just love how Beau is so polite about everything.

I prefer to reflect the most damning, culpatory reality I can possibly emphasize.

It’s Official: Ohio Repugs Batshyt Crazy

They must’ve had alot more toxic train derailments than got into the national news over the years. These fuckwits apparently ingested enough somewhere to do some serious brain damage. They are leading their lemming pack to the brink of political destruction in the great state of Ohio. Chatsum:

Couldn’t mention anybody else in the same breath? Imagine that.

Handouts to the Rich

Trae Crowder does an excellent job putting the school voucher program(s) into perspective.

From the uToob vid comments. Mike Dense’ stomping ground, imagine that:

Indiana has been the voucher pilot program for over 20 years. This program started out as a “rescue” for low income children “trapped” in failing schools. In the past decades the Republican super majority has redefined and reallocated the program so that vouchers are now available to families earning up to 250,000 a year and eligible even if their children have never attended public schools. This drain on public education funds is designed to ultimately end public education because it’s the largest government expenditure in every state – and its very existence is anathema to any Republican. It’s also a vehicle for refunding tax dollars to wealthy families who don’t use public education so don’t want to pay for it. They want their tax dollars back so they can help pay for the educational programs they DO actually use – religious schools, or not. Accredited, or not. The effect on public schools – which educate 90% of Indiana’s kids- is irrelevant to them because the end game is for all parents to receive a voucher and then have to shop for the educational program they can afford. By that time, public schools will be the equivalent of the county pubic health department – the bare bones resource of last resort for the poor. -@micheleheck9486 1 day ago (edited)

The Johnson Problem

I don’t think this current government, including the most ‘effed up Court ever to disgrace the bench, could be more biased and corrupt. My view of both Johnson jerk-offs presently inhabiting the DC legislative chambers is given below. for your reading pleasure. They literally had to expel a member for criminal activity today. I never even bothered commenting much on that Santos fuckwit here, because the whole scenario is just so fucking creepy and disgusting.

This particular Johnson attempting to lead the House into religious fanatic oblivion portends even more egregious demonstrations of legislative brain death. Chatsum:

Secret Nazi Plot

Despite Hitler getting a little out of hand leading up to World War II, the ideology remains alive and well in the USA today. It’s no secret any longer and I for one, am ready to kill some vermin.

We can look back now, at a distance of more than eighty years, and see that all those American fascists (along with their lies and disinformation, their Hitler love, their white supremacist antisemitic derangement) ended up splintered on a rocky embankment. But in the moment, the lead-up to World War II in America was a much more close-run affair than we want to remember. It was a fast ride through churning and dangerous political rapids, and it wasn’t clear at the time exactly who and what were going to survive the journey. A lot of powerful figures in Congress, in the media, in law enforcement, in religious leadership, were bailing hard to keep the fascist boat afloat.

ALL you MAGA mutherfuckers can suck my dick and choke on it.

Ramitsloppy Thinks X is Broadcast

MAGA must be the biggest echo chamber to ever afflict media. It’s endemic in all forms now, paper, air and all cyber formats. He seems a bit tech-challenged for somebody pandering to younger voters.

And Lucifer can do color commentary during commercial breaks!
Announcing he represents truth implies he’s a lyin’ POS. He can stick his truth where the social sun don’t shine.