They Did It Again!

Steelers found a way to win under the worst conditions. Yesterday’s classic cold rain AFC North match-up finale once again held season-ending consequences for the loser, with the winner potentially going on yet another 2-team AFC North playoff offering. Still waiting for the media pundits to remark how the division always seems to be the one sending 2 teams to the playoffs.

It was a pre-playoff game all the way – a defensive struggle punctuated with just enough offense to get the job done on the Pittsburgh side. I’d love to see Ben come into the league and go out with a Super Bowl victory. That would be one for the record books even Brady can’t match.

Then last night, in the weirdest elimination scheme anyone can remember, San Diego and Oakland almost played to a tie, eliminating the Steelers. A field goal with 2 seconds left in OT set the playoff stage at the very end of the last game of the season.

Hope for an all-PA Superbowl, once again!
Fuckin’ eh.

Super Wildcard Weekend Schedule

Steeler Nation

Things were right with the world in Steeler Nation last night, despite slim-to-no hope for a wildcard berth. The Defense hammered Cleveland into submission once again, and MNF set the stage for a hometown sendoff Ben will not soon forget. A Jacksonville victory seems unlikely next week, but there’s another wildcard called Covid this season. Just remember an unlikely 2005 Super Bowl run starting with a 2nd year rookie quarterback on a wildcard bid.

T.J. Watt Closes In On Sack Record.

Ben Roethlisberger Goes Out A Winner At Heinz Field.


The job title no longer means anything. “Astronaut” is now conferred like so many participation trophies and honorary degrees. Pilots aspiring to astronaut status used to be a different breed altogether, amassing a sum total of technical knowledge and skill unparalleled anywhere in the world. Now they are just customers on an expensive amusement park ride.

The USAF Space Badge I was awarded in 1983 means more than this.

AR ≠ AB and White QB’s ≠ Black Receivers

And a lie is not misrepresentation, or vice verse. Maybe it’s all part of the Pass Interference FUD factor. After the whole Colin Kaepernick fiasco, it seems remarkably disingenuous how, given the opportunity, the NFL still managed to fuck this all the way up.

Can’t imagine why the Tampa pundit thinks any different.

How many Packer players came online to say they were fully, officially aware of Rodgers status again? Riiiiiight.

Fall in Frederick

We had some nice, colorful fall foliage this year, so I stopped to take a few pics from a little different perspective on our walk yesterday. We often take a route following the creek south from the house, around a big neighborhood loop, returning along the creek from the north. It gives the dogs three different off-leash stretches including the highline ditch running through Hobby Horse farm west of here. The maple trees in back are getting big, leaving a copious amount of leaves in the yard to be dealt with.

Pet window in the big gate is new this year.

We had three different colors on the backyard maples. The creek’s getting low this time of year, but the mutts always manage to get plenty muddy anyway. Soon it’ll be frozen and I won’t need to hose them off every time we get home!

Football Season Off to a Good Start

Broncos took the flag this week for the first time in 2 years, due to a better score compared to what the Steelers managed to compile against their opponent yesterday. But that’s just the flag rules here. By all pundit accounts, Pittsburgh’s win was more convincing. Denver’s got a new attitude this year, but the Steelers are just doing the same they always do – finding a way to win.

Josh didn’t look like all that against the Steeler D yesterday.

Women’s Volleyball Rules!

With fires raging out of control again this year I’ve stayed busy managing disaster prep and home maintenance activities with not much time to watch the Olympics. It’s just another example of how the repugs have ruined everything. I was certain it would be cancelled due to Covid, but at least there’s the occasional bright spot, and we’re giving the Chinese a good run.

We do have some badass women

Late Update 9 AUG 21: U.S. won the medal count, overall.

Eric Clapton Can Go Suck a Fat, Hard Throbbing Cock

“Wah, wah wah, I had a bad reaction, so the vaccine must be bad!” …said a celebrity musician dumb enough to believe he has a clue about the matter. I used to like Clapton’s music, but this public health menace is now just another tired old hack too stupid to keep his mouth shut.

Fuck you, racist asshole. And good luck with those concerts!

“Who shot the Sheriff? Certainly wasn’t you, mate.”

Covid-19 Cases Triple in U.S.

Pond v8 Spring

It’s still not quite finished, but this year we finally arrived at a point where I can finish it. There were a few years recently where the liner solution was looking real sketchy. That’s a done deal now, with a proper finish epoxy coat coming in probably spring ’23. It just took a few years to get the base built up enough to give it some physical integrity.

Recent year’s medical bullshittery is now water under the bridge as well. My body has recovered from the hip surgery malpractice as far as it’s ever gonna get. Struggling through the liner process spring ’20 almost finished me off. Suddenly losing the ability to do heavy labor was a difficult transition. It won’t take much to grind off the mess and re-seal after the liner is completely finished in another couple years. All that’s left to do before then is just moving small stones as I complete the masonry around the flowerbeds. I can manage that no problem with frequent breaks.

There’s around 40 goldfish in there now. Half are the old veterans in the 6-10″ range and the other half are new 1-2″ babies, born in the basement planters last winter.

Texas in the Spring

…is just beautiful – at least the hill country of Mason county is, fer sure. I got to see maybe .001% of the state on the way down there last weekend. Maybe another .002% tooling around Mason for a few days, but it must’ve been the best part of the whole state, from what I saw. There are of course small towns everywhere all across the country. But I doubt many are real small towns the way Mason is.

That’s my girl!

Rest of the tourist trip pics are on this page.

Triple Clown Winner

Thanks to JimmyK for coining today’s wordplay that made me laugh. Only a rejected fuckwit like Trump could draw a line around horse-racing dopers and American culture in general. Maybe he doesn’t get how the segment represented by the equine elite is approximately .004% of the culture he rails against, while the drug culture he cites is about as close to thoroughbred breeding grounds as his re-election is to a Ukrainian victory in their Russian war. What a feckless moron.

Maybe an uncontrolled pandemic, insurrection, whatever.

Prison View

Pandemic on everything and The Hole has felt more like a jail cell than a man cave. It could be worse. The entertainment center finally became completely integrated with the one PC over this past winter. It was sort of a consolidation project to help keep me resting more-or-less comfortably on my ass, which these days now represents the lion’s share of time spent, by far.

The main idea with this setup is native control on the PC from either the desk and/or the Laz-E-Boy. The desk is basically a direct-wire remote off a 30′ set of cables while the system itself has 2 keyboards and 3 pointing devices attached.

A key piece in the mix is the Radeon RX Vega-64 graphics adapter. It was a high-end AMD offering a couple years ago, driving up to 4 discreet displays, with broadcast TV available on the big screen. There’ll be a 4th upstairs on this one after I decide how/where to install another Security Cam Monitor.

Funny thing about the PC is the video card seems to be about the only thing making much heat.

Super Bowl LV in Perspective

Springsteen did well to point out some issues in his SBLV ad for Jeep, but it really came off as a cop-out to me – for somebody I previously viewed as fairly legitimately authentic. Maybe illustrating some fundamental societal issues in search of a Jeep makes sense in a commercialized world where money is king. Continuing to act like nobody’s the bad guy in this country anymore is just stupid.

I’ll stay with this track from the Nebraska album, when it comes to my current feelings on Bruce’s view of American society:

Highway Patrolman

Bombers over a half-empty bowl couldn’t more vivdly exemplify the sorry state of our society and culture: Big crowds, Big Money, Big Wars, Big Pandemic, Big Airplanes and lots of Death to go along with everything.

The “big idea” was a woman flying one of these planes.
This is what comes back in some of those planes.

Fuck you Springsteen. I’m callin’ you out for not callin’ them out.