Good Thing I’m not a Soccer Fan

I have enough stress to deal with. How many more reminders do we need to get it through our thick heads, that authoritarian regimes like found in Qatar need some FIFA shoved so far up their ass their balls turn blue. I won’t waste any more of my time on this except to say Fuck FIFA and Fuck Qatar.

“Denying us the armband is the same as denying us a voice”

Germany players cover mouths in team photo amid armband row.

FIFA and the Qatati government can suck my dick and choke on it.

Allyson Daniels

I’ll never forget when they came to Butmir while I was there. It was like around the 3rd day after I arrived still getting familiarized, when one of our guys came running into the club yelling “They’re at the bathouse now!” New information flooding into my brain soon enabled me to determine that’s what they called the Battalion Compound where I actually worked over by the gate. The other thing was who they were: a half dozen Broncos cheerleaders!

The U.S. personnel immediately exited, heading in that direction with the rest of the clientele sitting in stunned silence looking at each other like WTF? I looked at the guy I was sitting with and said “Football Girls.” He smiled and said “ah yes, Footlball!” Neither one of us spoke a word of the other’s language. I think football translated by default.

So yeah, got to meet them real briefly in the conference room. Started thinking well, it can’t be ALL bad. They’re a thing – a REAL thing in this context. You can see Allyson with the rest of the gang every home game here in Denver. Broncos will have to do without ’em, at Sofi tonight.

Allyson Daniels, Tara Battiato and Candace Wilson, Denver Broncos cheerleaders, make a guest appearance during the afternoon radio show with Senior Airman John Archiquette, Armed Forces Network broadcaster, Nov. 5, 2010 at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey.

LATE UPDATE: Russell having his worst career start ever, on the season. 🙁

New NFL Rule

If I can’t brag about the Steelers and Broncos, I’ll at least tackle the officiating conundrum. Tua’s injury last week was certainly one of the most regrettable so far this season. It was due to officiating – not impactful play. Not following the rules draws flags on the field, so why not in the locker room? They say the doctor who cleared him to play was fired.

Not good enough. The guy’s already playing with a back injury and they put him in concussion protocol? Ataxia is now cemented in my and the NFL lexicon.

So the new pocket passer contact rule now appears to be no tackling. Are they allowed to like, get in front of him if he tries to run away, or what?

Good luck with that.

That flag would never have been thrown if it wasn’t Brady.

Late Update MNF: Yeah, looks like nobody knows how to legally get the QB on the ground any more.

Yesterday’s NFL Games

Steelers been out-suckin’ the Broncos so far this season. The biggest thing I noticed was empty seats in the stadium. Field looked crappy as ever. Boswell set a new long field goal record for whatever the place is named now. The only thing about it I liked was the rookie QB Pickett, despite two int’s. Lots of mistakes in an embarrassing loss to the Jets at home pretty much sums it up. Broncos didn’t do much better in Vegas. Probably won’t expect to see alot of NFL bragging on here this season.

It was just a bad day all around in Pittsburgh.

Rocky NFL Start

Three weeks in and it’s not lookin’ good. Russell does look good, to me at least – under the circumstances. They will either gel into a formidable unit or not. Too early to tell. OTOH, I have no idea what to make of the Steelers at this point. At least ABC and Amazon are getting Mondays and Thursdays covered this season.

Denver Broncos quarterback Russell Wilson celebrates after the Broncos defeated the San Francisco 49ers in an NFL football game in Denver, Sunday, Sept. 25, 2022. (AP Photo/Jack Dempsey)

Clapton the Cunt

“Clapton is most well known to the kids these days as a COVID-denying loon after he collaborated on that terrible song with Van Morrison, another guy now exclusively known for being a huge weirdo.”

It was the last straw for me – and I was one of the worshipers back in the day. It’s hard to not respect the dude on guitar cred alone, but…

Get With the Program, People!

“On the personal side, I also intend to pause twitter activity, as I notice current microblogging platforms tend to mostly contain flame wars, self promotion, or shared links I could find anyway with a good feed reader.”

I would exhort Emmanuel to go ahead and take the next step: Run your own site like I do. It’s not that difficult for anyone with a modicum of administrative ability and probably alot safer from a security standpoint, as well. The ISPs are running back-haul caching servers for their own purposes, so bandwidth is not going to be an issue in many cases.

The whole Web3/Crypto push is nicely idealized in their de-centralized vision(s), but presently lacks any practical development, implementation or operational tenets with the usual exceptions of attempting to generate value where none exists.

I’m no fanboi for much of anything, but it works well and is open source.

Chrysler 440

Sitting around going through the alerts this morning, my favorite version of Green Onions came on the Klipsch’s. It felt sorta allegorical today, with Red Betsy sitting waiting for my attention. It’s taking awhile to get the carb sorted because I can only stay under the hood in that position for a few minutes at a time.

Shitstain McAssface plead the 5th 440 times in the NY tax case deposition.
Green Onions -The Blues Brothers

OK, That’s Enough

I’ve become increasingly disturbed by tech industry focus on the home user space. It’s a bit of cognitive dissonance, being a home user myself. Gaming has always been a popular driver in the segment. Seems lately it might be the only one. VR has partnered with tech and gaming to create an entire industry ecosystem that keeps things dumbed-down and people safely ensconced in self-absorbed cocoons.

“What would it be like if other social goals were afforded the same leeway and endless hype cycles we give to VR?”

Tech run amok
It was pretty obvious where this was going quite some time ago.

Broncos Dodged a Bullet

Don’t know how much longer the Qb revolving door in Denver will remain spinning with Elway in the mix, but the answer to Mr. LaFontaine’s question is a definite no, at least at this juncture. We’ll see how next season’s o-Line shakes out. Missing the playoffs for six straight years seems to suggest quarterback play is only one piece of the problem puzzle.

I was ready to write off the NFL in Denver if the (obviously) planned Rodgers move materialized. I guess the covidiot blowback in Wisconsin wasn’t all that bad. Makes sense. Russel is a stud. No worries there. Go Broncos!

He nailed Denver badly in Super Bowl XLVIII, so things are definitely looking up!

Dragging the NFL Along by it’s Rascist Heels

After Kaepernick, Covid and now Flores, 70% of the players black, and I still have to wonder how and why the NFL manages to fuck the racism issue all the way up. The worst part to me as a Steeler fan, is knowing a couple of the Tomlin haters myself. As one of the winningest and longest-tenured NFL coaches ever, It’s inconceivable to me how they seem somehow immune to the cognitive dissonance.

Time to start another NFL dynasty.

Personal Meta Space

Can we get Zuckerboy to develop a real bubble? Convince everybody to use them and we’ll have Covid and every conceivable new mutant already beat! Now when we gonna get the Meta Bubble Protest goin’?! Freedom in the Metaverse!!

“And as Meta’s Andrew Bosworth reportedly acknowledged in a memo last year, moderating the “toxic environment” in virtual reality “at any meaningful scale is practically impossible.”