Football Weather

The NFL culture of pain, playing hurt, injury roster management and depth, and the whole concussion conundrum combine to sow commensurate confusion and uncertainty in an atmosphere where we’re gonna play in Buffalo and KC this weekend. I’ll be surprised if somebody doesn’t get frostbite in an injury-laden mess of a game somewhere.

I don’t really consider myself to be all that sadistic, but these guys truly are exemplary badass mutherfuckers.

LATE UPDATE: Bills-Steelers playoff game postponed to Monday. 😉 Backstory.

The winner on Monday, maybe Tuesday now, will have a real short few days to recover.

Steelers Secure Playoff Spot

Nobody’s sure what Derrick Henry’s future holds right now, but he has my thanks for an impressive 150+-yard game sending Titans fans home happy today and Pittsburgh to the playoffs. We’ll see three playoff teams from the AFC North this season, once again.

Every Goddamned Year

I’d like somebody to explain to me why it seems every year the Steelers remain in contention, only to break my heart. The NFL marketers must have more than a couple seats at the schedule table. The elimination scenarios are more bizarre than ever this year.

Russell Wilson should make a fresh start in the Steel City next season.

Aaron Rodgers: Asshat Supreme

This has-been NFL QB thinks he’s some sort of expert on things apart from the pigskin. Here’s the formula for pro athlete idiocy: COVidiot + Defamatory Podcast Guest + Online Mouth-Runner= Famous Fuckwit.

Injuries seem the least of his career-limiting moves at this point. It’ll be nice to see the last of this scumbag. Another great example of how money makes people stupid. Menendez, anyone?

Pat McAfee apologizes for Aaron Rodgers’ claims about Jimmy Kimmel in reference to Epstein documents.

And the fuckwits keep flailing.

He’d make a great regular with Rogan.
Stupidity -Solomon Burke

Sean Payton: Bush League Thug

Yeah, Russel is, always has been, and always will be a badass quarterback. Payton will be remembered as the good coach turned bad.

No, what we’ve always been troubled by in Payton’s handling of Wilson is that the coach seemed driven, for whatever reason, to completely undermine Wilson – publicly and frequently.

LATE UPDATE: As usual, it’s about the money. -Just management’s admission the season’s over. Works for me.

Mannish Boy -Muddy Waters

Could’ve Been Me

Mother Nature doesn’t fuck around, and she has a big hand in things up here in the mountains. Some people come here to have fun exploring the wilderness and end up finding stuff they never imagined.

Unprepared hiker in hoodie found ‘extremely hypothermic’ in Colorado avalanche chute.

My first attempt traversing from Bear Lake back to Moraine one day in early June 2014 taught me a valuable lesson about it. There’s still plenty of snow everywhere that time of year, so hiking can be a little iffy, with many opting for cross-country skis. The trails are well-marked for the most part, and I’m like, it’s sunny and warm, so whatever.

The tourist area at the lake and nearby was crowded as usual, but thinned out considerably by the time I got to the top of the rise heading out, where there was nobody in sight. In retrospect, talking to those two rangers heading in from the trail was a subtle warning I didn’t realize at the time. I met them skiing in at that point and the only other people I saw all day before getting back to the lake were two Germans skiing towards me as well, seven hours later.

They stopped and said hi, asked me where I was going, if I had sunscreen and water, yada yada. They’re looking me up and down as I stand there in ballcap, cargo shorts, sweatshirt and hiking boots (typical tourist getup). The one says “Make sure to take the north fork on the other side of the snowfield.” I reply, “Sure thing, I think I remember it from last time I was up here with the girls.” It looks alot different in July.

Spring squalls blowing through occasionally at that elevation don’t really mar the day’s weather outlook overall, but for maybe a half hour or so. However they make following snow-covered trails almost impossible, for me. I should’ve turned around right away, but it wasn’t that bad, just windy and a few flakes melting almost as soon as they hit, or so I thought. Throw in spots where trail signs didn’t even matter because they were still buried, and it gets a little sketchy. Even the best hiking boots only go so far in those conditions. I was a little nervous the first time I reached for the iPhone, but it was getting signal and I appeared to be no more than a couple hundred yards off the trail on the south side of the snowfield at that time.

It was already clearing up, so I headed towards the trail, down through a big snowfield (imagine that) when I suddenly stepped in it – literally – up to my waist. The ground was undulating in that area, so I was able to struggle through, finding shallow spots to traverse and occasionally sinking in again – for about an hour. Now remember, it’s 62°F ambient, but I’m probably pre-hypothermic by the time I get back down into the trees finding a big rock in the sun. I sat on the rock for a couple hours trying to decide what to do with no GPS signal. That’s close to where the Germans found me sometime later, after my socks dried out and I saw them skiing by, about halfway down the mountain. I hadn’t been more than a few miles from the lake the whole time, apparently taking the wrong fork.

The only saving grace was GPS and time. Without enough of one or the other, I might’ve been done, or at least sitting by a fire all night before starting over in the morning. Lesson Learned: If it doesn’t feel right, it’s probably not. It gets cold and dark quick up there. Retrace steps BEFORE you get lost. Solving problems before they happen is generally a better way to go.

Free Speech Isn’t Really Free

The Two-Way-Street nature of communication just escapes so many. Receivers on the end of alot this speech floating around nowadays might be feeling a pretty steep price when those screaming the loudest call for death and destruction. Doesn’t matter who started it. Chappelle got it right again.

He was right when he called Twitter™ a bathroom wall, and he’s right to say what he’s saying about the Middle East conflict now. Butthurt recipients might consider what really makes them feel that way. If they haven’t figured out why they continue being terrorized by now, they probably never will. At least not as long as religious zealots stoke the flames.

Whadda ya think’s behind some of the most divisive bullshyt in the USA today? Religious nutbags wanting to impose their beliefs on society at large. Preach it all you want – I can’t afford it – price is way too high when holy righteousness drives politics leading to war and 12-year-olds being forced to carry illegitimate pregnancies.

YouTube™ Can Suck a Fat One

It only takes a few seconds to delete their cookies and I’ll be watching whatever the fuck I want for hours on end ad-free, if I so please. Just make bookmarks for ur channels and let them serve the garbage to somebody else.

These fuckwits just don’t realize how the social media advertising phenomenon is only one of many quandaries ruining the Internet experience all across the board. They sit in their basement printing money, pointing their clientele at whatever dangerous scammin’ fraud might grab some eyeballs on the screen, while the rest of us wonder WTF?

How to fix the Internet.

Firefox 91 Introduces Enhanced Cookie Clearing.

Profit motives led platforms to ignore abuse too often, and they also enabled the spread of misinformation, the decline of local news, the rise of hyperpartisanship, and entirely new forms of bullying and bad behavior. All of that is true, and it barely scratches the surface.

I logged out for the last time yesterday. My comments and contributions will go unwritten and un-sent henceforth.
Wild Thing -Tone Loc

Peak TV

Not exactly sure what they’re talking about here. Sounds like a cash flow problem. I stopped watching all broadcast and cable TV at least ten years ago. Well, except for sports and news. The entertainment industry ran it’s course with me last decade. The rest of the viewing public will take longer to catch up. Apparently Americans really do have too much time on their hands.

There is no doubt that the TV content landscape will be very different once the strike is settled. The work stoppage has set off a domino effect among delayed shooting schedules that will complicate the best-laid plans of networks and streamers for months, if not years. But even without the strike-induced disruption to the content pipeline, the volume of scripted series orders is expected to drop by double-digit percentages in the coming years.

She’s Really Pretty, But…

…the biggest thing since the Super Bowl? Really? That’s the buzz around town today.

Anybody reading this blog knows I’m pretty agnostic and dated when it comes to music. The main thing I like about Taylor Swift was how she stood up to that KYGO fuckwit. I don’t listen to her music, but she brought the misogyny topic home to Denver with a big bang. She’s OK with me.

Nugs Win Big!

That championship series had some awesome action, but game 5 was a melee. Those guys pulled out all the stops – both teams. Props to the Heat for putting up a fight, but the best team won.

NBA Champs – well deserved!

Fun Times Over Now!

A few days late on this, but I been busy trying to get the pond started – lots of maintenance needed this year…

The U.S. Air Force Academy Class of 2023 graduates toss their hats into the sky as the U.S. Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron “the Thunderbirds” roar overhead at the Academy’s Falcon Stadium in Colorado Springs, Colo., June 1, 2023. Nine-hundred twenty-one cadets crossed the stage to become the Air Force and Space Force’s newest second lieutenants. (U.S. Air Force photo by Trevor Cokley)

DeSuckass’ Disney Dilemma

Maybe too late for that new project, but if you’re feeling lucky, I bet the Disney folks would go for it, provided enough moving incentive in the form of customary tax breaks, etc.

Colorado: Where MAGA goes to die. Been a couple days, haven’t heard anything from the Florida fuckwit.

“If the @nuggets win the finals against the @MiamiHEAT, Disney World will move to Colorado, the ACTUAL happiest place on earth to do business, have fun, and be free!” Polis said.”

You can have Buck the Cuck and Lowrent Boozbag if we lose.