My VA Conundrum

I’m starting to believe the U.S. Dept. of Veterans’s Affairs (VA) might be one of the most bureaucratically inept organizations I have ever dealt with.  That seems especially unfortunate to me, because I have nothing but praise and thanks for the work of the VA medical professionals I’ve interacted with over the past few years at the Denver and Cheyenne VA hospitals.

Like many, they and all their support personnel are just trying to do a difficult job under difficult circumstances.  The disability claims debacle on the other side of the VA house is well known in the military and veteran’s communities, and currently problematic for me.  It’s almost like the VA has reached a paradoxical point of “too big to fail” and “too big to fix” at the same time.  So now 11 years after retirement from the Air Force, fighting a losing battle with arthritis (right hip already replaced) the VA claims people have denied my claim.