Satan’s Hooves

Yeah starting to lean this way, at least on the MAGA shyt.

I been enjoyin’ it with the MAGAs.

Northwest Fires

Looks like Alaska along with Idaho and Northern California get burned off this season.

I feel for those firefighters working in triple-digit temps.

Airlines Suck

The first airliner I flew at around ten years old IIRC, had four propellers and we were delighted to be treated to an actual hot meal during the flight. Even during many long flights on military aircraft of all types during a twenty-year Air Force career, one thing almost never changed: They always launched on time. Today’s air travel is driven by only one primary business motivation. It’s not serving customers, growing or improving the business or even keeping the shareholders happy. Turning a profit seems to be the only thing that matters now.

Yeah, things like pandemics and TSA screw up everything. Join the club. But you greedy airline executives can go fuck yourselves after getting billions in bailout money to keep the skies open. What should we expect if you can’t get the job done on the dole?

I’d rather be sitting in a C-130 jumpseat than standing in these lines.

And if I don’t see some movement on the biofuel topic, I’m gonna get real mean next time.

Tommy Campbell Rocks

Is there a SCIF at Mar-a-Lago? That’s the only question I want answered right now. “The green sores.” Don Jr. has monkeypox. It actually does hurt when I laugh that hard, but it’s worth it.

This guy hilariously covers more political fodder in 10 minutes better than anyone.

Last Two

Watching my view of the mountains disappear, as the last two lots across the ditch get filled in this summer. Wonder how long it’ll take someone to make a buying decision for something that close to the oil patch? I haven’t seen real mountain views for going on four years, at least not anything more than a few steps from the car. Anybody who’s been up in the back country knows the best views are usually at least a good day’s hike from the trail head.

No houses anywhere in sight west of here when we bought this place in 2003.

I-70 Water Rescues

We just can’t handle alot of water around here – it hardly ever rains.

We did get a good soaking yesterday evening, but climate change wasn’t the culprit here. The central I-70 upgrade project ongoing for the past few years hasn’t completed the drainage work yet. No biggie.

Alaska Burning

I’m no expert on deciphering the data in some of these systems, but this looks worse in just simple terms of density and number than what we had here with the Cameron Peak Fire last year. Not in the news because not enough people are suffering from it?

Bet the Canadians will start to complain pretty soon…

Timing Is Everything

The “D” was sitting outside the other day while I struggled with the Chrysler’s carb. We haven’t had much rain this year, except for a couple good soakings – one of which just happened to be that day. So Bimmer got washed for the 1st time in two years!

Dragging a garden hose is the hardest part of car washing, for me.

Stock Car Market

Most people understand how The Stock Market ≠ The Economy. Does sometimes seem they might be more or less symbiotic parasites, tho. 3/4pt – Daaaaaaaaaaaamn.

Overheat and explode – back to the pits, er recession?