WTF Do They Expect?

They want to play the royalty game, being every man’s everything or famous entertainers with millions of fans, and regret rags like The Mail hounding them.

Starting to run low on cash, after being formally expelled from the family by his deceased grandma?

Relative Terms

I can’t fathom how Randall’s mind works, but it’s pretty damn funny sometimes. This one caught my attention because it perfectly explains how I characterize my car. It just defies comprehension how it’s so middle-of-the-road in virtually every respect. It’s an innocuous, small grey sedan with an aftermarket exhaust that is louder, but not much. Tooling around in normal ops, the accelerator pedal could be confused with the floor pedal on a sewing machine, just based on the auditory and tactile feedback.

OTOH, if it had an industrial grade needle-and-thread mechanism belted-in somewhere under the hood, it would be the world’s largest, most powerful sewing machine on four wheels. 😜

Musk Fanboi Outcomes

Wanna bet Dorsey was getting advice from some South African emerald industry spawn? It went something like…” ya man, it’s like money on the Internet.” Then the fuckwit went on to tell him a bunch of Paypalâ„¢ stories, except the part about how he almost bankrupted it before departure. Wonder how “risk averse” the mutherfuckers are now?

“March 24 (Reuters) – Shares of Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey’s Block Inc (SQ.N) fell 3% in afternoon trading on Friday, a day after the payments firm’s Cash App business became the latest target of U.S. short seller Hindenburg Research.”

What’s the Point?

Yeah, I get that legacy recording formats are making a comeback, but why? I have a little collection of vinyl music recordings that were played only once for the purpose of cassette transfer. There’s also a bookcase full of CDs in the collection, none of which can be expected to last. Timelines differ, significantly in some respects, but depending on things like storage environment and playing time, they’re little more than historical curiosities at this point. Practically speaking from a music storage and reproduction standpoint, CDs are just fragile little plastic discs, vulnerable to use and abuse. I saved a brand new cartridge for the turntable, assuming I won’t be able to get one when the time comes. The weird part is using it would just inflict damage on the records.

And the hardcore enthusiasts will argue digital isn’t real enough.

This is why I hate Seth Meyers“Back in My Day” bit. Guess it depends what you’re doing with it, but if it’s building a HiFi system, my advice is put your money in speakers and amps.

Beard Balm Review

We’ll finish out the week with something really off-the-wall and mundane at the same time. It started out as my Pandemic Thing, during the 2019-2021 period of avoiding all human contact. Then Dusty Hill died, and here we are today. ZZ Top has been one of my all-time favorite bands since I started listening to music. They were at their heyday peak on the Fandango tour when I graduated high school in 1977.

I Thank You -ZZ Top

I’ve tried probably a dozen of these products in the past three years, settling on this batch for various reasons. I imagine they have somewhat different effects on beard and skin health, so using several different products is really just a diversity factor.

  1. MVRK Skin & Beard Lotion. This is the non-greasy Stuff. It’s also the most expensive. It has a nice low-key fragrance, leaving the beard feeling soft and fluffy. I use it before going to the dentist, Stuff like that.
  2. Viking Revolution Beard Balm. They have four different scents, with me settling on the Sandalwood. It’s for going out to the restaurant, etc. The ladies are doing double-takes.
  3. Honest Amish Beard Balm. This one might be my favorite, but it’s a love-hate relationship. It’s the lightest of the greasers, so it gets everywhere on everything. But it also seems to have the best, longest-lasting therapeutic effects.
  4. Mountaineer Heavy Duty Beard Balm. This Stuff is like it says – Heavy Duty. So much so, it’s a little difficult to evenly work into the beard. Need to take alot more time getting it spread out on your hands before application. But it lasts even longer than Honest Amish, keeping things together all day long – probably best characterized as the Outdoorsman’s Brand.

Buzzfeed Delivers

This one made me chuckle. What makes the holy-rollers think they have the good/evil market cornered?

Somebody at Buzzfeed has a little too much time on their hands…

And he’ll be the last to say “I told you so.”

It’s Not Just Inflation

Title of the article: Sharing Things That Rich People Have “Ruined” For Everyone Else.

“Burning Man. When Mark Zuckerberg is helicoptering in to stay in a billionaire camp with air-conditioned mobile homes, Burning Man has officially lost whatever counterculture standing it ever had.”

Colorado got mentioned a couple times in this article.

Deep Freeze Starts Tonight

They’re saying coldest in nine years, -15°F projected for overnight Thursday. I prompted Phoebe to make an early start out of Texas. It’s gonna be wicked chilly here for a few days….

Last Summer’s Big Project

Cleaning the garage. It took all summer. It’s been due for almost 4 years, but alot of the higher activity-type Stuff around here had to be postponed or scaled back due to health issues recently. These pics show only the final stage of the project, where a buttload of car and truck parts, accessories and supplies got properly sorted and stored.

The floor was getting swept from time-to-time, but things eventually got to the point of piling up going unattended for too long. I actually forgot what all was stashed around that engine and shelving in the NE corner. The other side where Michelle parks was similarly gone through, and all the tools were re-organized with new, bigger toolboxes.

Getting the speaker, shelves, engine and toolbox to fit around that corner was a challenge. Pretty sure I tried every possible positioning combination all morning one day, before finding the one that fit – only just. At least the car goes up and down off the lift without having to double-check everything is moved out of the way first. I still have alot of work to do on the Chrysler, but it’s gonna need to be broken down into many smaller projects.

That 440 was running great with around 90k miles on it when pulled IIRC. It’s gonna get rebuilt into an old-school Mopar torque monster someday.

It’s on the far north side of the runway, so that’s true minimum clearance.

Hardcore Twitter

I wonder if the logo gets updated? This thing’s probably got more backdoors than a high-traffic honkey-tonk by now.

Nov 18 (Reuters) – Hundreds of Twitter Inc employees are estimated to have decided to quit the beleaguered social media company following a Thursday deadline from new owner Elon Musk that staffers sign up for “long hours at high intensity,” or leave.”

Looks like the mutherfucker’s trying to accelerate cult expansion.