English Breakfast

Between RAF Mildenhall and Daws Hill, we spent six years there. It’s where things really got going for us, with Phoebe showing up at some point. Michelle still makes the best English Breakfast. Anybody who spent time in Merry ‘ol England knows what they’re talking about in this compendium.

She’s Really Pretty, But…

…the biggest thing since the Super Bowl? Really? That’s the buzz around town today.

Anybody reading this blog knows I’m pretty agnostic and dated when it comes to music. The main thing I like about Taylor Swift was how she stood up to that KYGO fuckwit. I don’t listen to her music, but she brought the misogyny topic home to Denver with a big bang. She’s OK with me.

Hollywood Shut Down?

Wait, what? You mean the entertainment industry exploits their workers just like all the rest? Whodathunkit?

I hear Tucker Carlson’s gonna start another Twitter™. You know that’s all this social media cr@p is, right? It’s just entertainment for the control freaks and extreme wackos who think their ideas rule, trying to make sure everybody knows about it – so they may profit handsomely, forthwith. Urban Dictionary should syndicate me.

Hollyweird just might be the OG social media.

I refuse to take that last step.

Inundated With the Stupidity of Billionaires

The Golden Rule got firmly established literally everywhere at some point back in the day. With no checks and balances, you get one or another forms of authoritarianism. With democracy, you get authoritarianism we’re allowed to bitch about.

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to generate interest in mind-numbing, time-wasting, money-sucking, oftentimes dangerous bullshyt – unless you have the marketing muscle to push it.

Another Vape Review

This will be it for the foreseeable future. Most annoying vape flaw discovered so far: Leaking residue into the case. Pax and DaVinci both do it. How long they last just depends on how heavy a user you are. There was one early on I just didn’t like how it felt in my hand. Another the controls were too difficult to deal with. I already bought a 2nd AirMax for backup with some extra screens and stems – because that’s the only issue(s) I can see. It has a bit of a fussy bowl setup, too small, easily broken, tiny screens to lose, hard to fill. But that’s it – and those things do not affect the device’ stellar performance.

I won’t dwell on the bowl apart from what’s already mentioned, except to say it’s smaller caliber than my pinky finger. That means I need two for a sesh. An NBA player with healthy lungs could probably take the whole thing in 2 hits on high. Spending time fiddling around with stuff is part of the fascination for me (think fidget spinner), so no biggie. Water pipe adapter was broken the first day. I’ll learn to be more careful with it. Dropping stuff due to neurological issues is a never-ending challenge for me now. They say it’s a hybrid heater (convection+conduction) and hard to tell just looking, but the design and way it works feels like induction tech, to me. I suspect that is the reason behind the bowl design.

Every other measure of vape performance is class-leading, in my book. The battery speaks for itself. I’ve had at least ten of these things over the years and this is the first one I could not kill in a day. The damn DaVinci is a nice vape, but goes dead in one sesh before the battery is half worn out. The second most important factor to me is maintenance/cleaning. All this will ever need is soaking the stems out every so often if the residue build up bothers you. They’ll never clog. Just dump out warm right after use and good for another go – indefinitely, far as I can tell.

Operation is simple and intuitive, with MILSPEC-quality buttons and build. Nice work.

Prince Harry’s not as Popular as He Thinks

Just get in the car and go wherever the fuck you’re going. We have enough traffic issues without self-important royalty fuckwits running around creating public relations hazards on the streets.

Consider returning the royalty drama to whence it came, We don’t need or want your bullshyt this side of the pond.

Square Trade

This warranty extension program Costco offers used to be a good deal. I used it twice in the past 10 years with satisfactory results, until today. Now it appears to be just another multi-layered time-wasting consumer abuse program. Here’s what happened after getting started today, confirming what I already knew last night after the TV switched itself off for some reason: I hate Samsung. Not the Koreans. They seemed like really nice people – at least the ones I met

So the 1yo 75″ Samsung is toast. That’s almost expected these days with the ever-falling materials and manufacturing quality coming out of those eastern sweatshops. Warranty support has gone south now, as well. Had to go through four different phone calls with commensurate waiting periods in between and during, struggling to understand broken English, repeating all the same information each time, responding in things like long, drawn-out phonetically spoken email addresses, for a total of almost an hour invested, only to be informed I would be waiting up to another 48 hours for a call-back. This happens inside the 1-year manufacturer warranty. I paid $100 for that.

No doubt they’ll send somebody out with a new mainboard in a few days. But if that can’t be done with one, maybe two phone calls + a serial number, happening alot more quickly, with alot less intervention on anybody’s part, the shyt’s fucked up. I’m pretty sure everybody that talked with me on the phone this morning is getting paid. They got a little bonus today. JMHO. Going forward, it’ll be worth it to me avoiding the frustration, just periodically give ’em more money and trash the junk every few years, or whenever.

Take the survey!

I forgot to mention this all started when I was prompted to create an account somewhere on a web form that didn’t work.

Stop Donating Sperm!

Keep it to yourself if you must, but between the Catholics forcing unwanted births and the Dutch seeding the planet, our human so-called race is speeding headlong into oblivion.

What happens when artificial intelligence finds artificial procreation?

Spring Notes Around the Place

We’re looking at freezing overnights again later this week, so no hurry to get the pond going. There’s not much point until it’s time to put the plants out and the Blue Herons are gone, so that’s all weather-driven. Yardwork and lawnmower maintenance are on the bubble. I’m still running the same WeedEater™ mower I bought at the RAF Mildenhall BX in 1993. That was a fun time – Albania, sheesh. I’m literally running that thing until the wheels fall off and then some, with #4 awaiting a re-shim this year. Spent a couple hours trying to patch up the backyard yesterday.

This is what happens to lawns with female dogs: Acidic urine. It’s only around half done, more to do today.
I’m still worried he’s gonna hurt that cat again.