
That’s the Covid death toll in this country, as of sometime around today. I remember talking to my Dad on the phone a year and a half ago, when the pandemic was starting to really kick in. Before saying goodbye, I asked if they were masking up at the diner. He just laughed.

Now draconian restrictions are being re-implemented across the country and the NFL season is once again in question, with numerous starters around the league in quarantine. The Delta variant continues killing as Omicron ramps up with ER’s and hospitals in ongoing crises mode – some over a year now.

Not so funny anymore, is it?

Colleges Going Back to the Drawing Board to Fight Covid

AR ≠ AB and White QB’s ≠ Black Receivers

And a lie is not misrepresentation, or vice verse. Maybe it’s all part of the Pass Interference FUD factor. After the whole Colin Kaepernick fiasco, it seems remarkably disingenuous how, given the opportunity, the NFL still managed to fuck this all the way up.

Can’t imagine why the Tampa pundit thinks any different.

How many Packer players came online to say they were fully, officially aware of Rodgers status again? Riiiiiight.

Health Status Update

Added this to the symptoms Log last week:

“12 NOV 21: Been back on the Cannabis for about a month, with one fundamental change to the regimen. Gastric ingestion (eating it) only at bedtime with CBD-type products – flower, tincture or gummies on the menu att. This is strictly as a sleep aid, except before I was also using CBD and THC edibles during the day. It helps with the arthritis inflammation, but that’s a much less problematic symptom for me these days. Vaping flower throughout the day keeps radiculopathy symptoms under control, allowing me to move about with less discomfort. Dabs in the evening as before. I was eating it around the clock along with vaping for probably a couple years by the time hyperemesis set in. The other issue with daytime edible is it’s too easy to get hammered to the point of being unsafe to drive. I tried “micro-dosing” throughout the day, but that never seemed to approach the level needed to squelch muscle paralysis. The daily roller-coaster vape ride is not too bad as long as I keep the activity level low. Vaping wears off in an hour or 2 at most, and doesn’t get me nearly as high as eating it, pretty much regardless of the dose. I suppose the layman analogy might be the difference between beer and whiskey, in terms of psychotropic effect.”

Rodgers can Suck It

“I believe strongly in bodily autonomy and the ability to make choices for your body, not to have to acquiesce to some woke culture or crazed group of individuals who say you have to do something,”

I believe this particular moron is one of those fuckwits who does not get how their rights end where public health begins. First Clapton, now Rodgers. The stupid runs deep in this society. Spot-on caricature: Big mouth, small head.

Biggest NFL Covidiot, recently taking the title from Cousins.

Presumptuous twit thinks he knows more about viruses than doctors and science. Add this one to your list of records, numbnut: First MVP to lose the trust of his teammates and cheat his fans out of getting to watch him play at the same time.

“..of the 8 people I’ve infected, 7 are doing just fine.”

They Really Just Want to Go Around Killing People

If not outright gunning them down, maybe just the random Covid infection passed along should do. When are these fuckwits going to learn their rights end where public health begins?

LA Co’s Police Motto: “To Serve and Infect”

Play by the rules, if you want to share in this society. Otherwise GTFO.

Slack-Jawed, Broke-Brain, Backward…

…would be Trea’s coinage in reference to pinhead parents who don’t like vaccines and think their kids shouldn’t be required to wear masks in school.

Overlooking the fact immunizing schoolchildren against dangerous diseases has been mandatory for decades.

Way too many nazis and people who’s worldview extends only a few feet from the end of their nose walking around these days.

Health Status Update (for VA purposes)

Curious how all our previous messages disappeared from the system before I logged in to send this today. Doesn’t appear real secure. They were already either relieving themselves of me, or perpetuating the cover-up.

I will be an inactive VA participant going forward. There’s no longer much doctors can do for me.

Abbott Caught the Abortion Car

Credit to Beau on the perfect analogy for Texas’ new abortion bounty law. These idiots need to realize why their voting blocs seem to be dwindling. Abbott just turned damn near all the women in Texas against him – with the possible exception of a handful of brainwashed elderly grandma holy rollers.

Fuck Abbott and anybody who agrees with him.

Texas “Wronghorns”

The fuckwits running things down in Texas just managed to accomplish the most egregious act of willful stupidity in modern legislative history. Beyond the pale doesn’t begin to describe it. These assholes have just stripped thousands of Texas women from their established Constitutional rights with little more than some imaginative penmanship. Starting to look like nothing really matters anymore, as long as the psycho alt-right bible thumpers get their way.

Credit to Trey and Mark for 1st good wordplay. The pre-natal-narco-website to report “offenders” has already been shut downtwice.

Doesn’t even BEGIN to cover it.

Texas governor defends abortion law saying state will eliminate all rapists. Morons.

DOJ sues. Brian Tyler Cohen – smart guy.