Truckers Off The Road

So many in the transportation sector both government and commercial, seem worried about supply chain issues. Yet we continue shooting ourselves in the foot on this topic, at least when it comes to Cannabis policy and laws.

“That’s bad news for a field that has become a weak link in the U.S. supply chain…”

I’ve been on record with verifiable anecdotal evidence for years. Nobody seems to be paying attention. I imagine they will find and incredibly unbelievable level of THC in my blood after I get stopped by some cop having a bad day, for not using my turn signal.

It’s also bad news for a society saddled with anachronistic, fuckwit politicians.

Ultimate Vape Rig

The pharma industry almost killed me, so if there’s any silver lining in my disability cloud, weed is it. The Cannabis industry is in it’s big build-out phase, with a bewildering array of devices, products and services unimaginable just a few short years ago. There’s certainly no shortage of the stuff, so choosing what to buy and do can be a challenge. Fortunately I’ve stumbled across a real winning combination.

Vape tech is pretty simple, once you get past the marketing hype. Heat leeches the drugs out of various types of plant material products into a vapor that gets inhaled. The main idea is to pull the good stuff out with minimal pulmonary stress going into your lungs. Combustion (smoking – joints, bongs, etc.) is the harshest, most unhealthy way to do it. You get carbon monoxide and various other toxic byproducts, not to mention the heat itself. Enter vaporizers.

Compromises in vape performance are many and varied. Size, battery capacity, flow characteristics, heat modes and other details combine to make a singular vape experience. They run the gamut from cheap pen-style element burners not much better than a joint, to things like Storz’ Volcano and Stündenglass on the high end. The combination shown below gives you the effortless big hit with real portability for a fraction of the big boy cost.

The Utilian Bubbler is obviously quite small, and doesn’t spill on it’s side filled to that level. It should probably be used with a convection or hybrid model like the Crafty+. There may be conduction-types out there with enough airflow to work properly, but I doubt it.

Flower and concentrate prices fluctuate wildly on promos and from one dispensary to the next, so you have to do the math to get the best value in terms of dollars per gram of Cannabanoid. I like rosin dabs to knock me out in the evening, but a good flower vape combo like this is certainly the most cost-effective way to comfortably inhale medicinally effective doses, and my currently preferred home rig for daytime use. Storz’ Mighty+ would be suitable for recreational group use in this configuration. I didn’t like it because it doesn’t stand up for bowl filling, and is just way bigger than I’ll ever need.

Healthcare and Cops

I addressed this issue back in the first pandemic year. The truth was laid bare to anyone observant enough to witness society’s public health and safety factions scrambling to save their own asses. Now a more specific case comes to light illustrating part of the problem. Apparently some of these people want to be able to get away with killing their clients in order to carelessly proceed with their own dangerous, public-facing jobs sans any personal risk. No more.

“It was not motivated by any intent to violate the law, but through oversight and gross negligence and neglect, as the jury concluded.”

Criminal negligence in healthcare situations is far too common and typically goes unpunished, if not entirely unreported. Getting into the car for a drive to work might be the riskiest thing most people ever do. But if you want to go into public safety – healthcare, law enforcement or related fields – you goddamned well better learn to manage alot more risk, and get it right.

RELATED: Insurance scam crap they pull all the time.

VA Shenanigans

The stream of VA healthcare horror stories publicized across the country never abates. They seem to have a fairly high volume of that type bullshyt to deal with, so the government has them set up and well funded for it. We are actually paying contractors to screw over the vets these days. The surgeon who broke my back was a contractor from the hospital across the street. That’s pretty rare, but this is an ongoing process in the claims system:

VA’s budget issues translate to cost-cutting veteran benefits, and in some cases, even care.

I stumbled across the Youtube™ C&P videos at one point a year or so ago. I watched a few, but it seemed kinda weird, like they’re gaming the system. Now I get it. It’s one of those games where both sides are always cheating. 😉

Life Support is Non-Trivial

Ask any doctor. We went through it with Phoebe in the ICU a few years ago. Is it any wonder religion’s medieval mindset cannot even agree what actually constitutes life? Yet the United States Supreme Court has the temerity to announce in summary, that the issue simply doesn’t matter any more in this country.

Because let’s face it, when it is up to states to decide, it’s up to whatever group has the legislative majority. Personal rights and liberties are not the purview of politicians and superstitious zealots. They are the bedrock of the United States Constitution. The Supreme Court no longer reigns supreme. They are a group of political hacks assembled by criminals.

The Supreme Court can kiss my rosie red rectum. Every goddamned one of them.

No Better than the Taliban

These religious authoritarian nutbags will not stop until they have established a patriarchal society controlling women little removed from a veiled xtian-flavored sharia law. Demanding to congregate in the middle of a raging pandemic wasn’t enough. Now they demand to be the ultimate arbiter of life and death, in the name of superstition over science.

I hold the catholics primarily responsible, but the southern baptists and any number of other xtian cults are just as culpable. Not one shit is actually given about the lives they claim to save. They are just counting imaginary souls in the religion game, subjugating their flocks to support popes, priests and pastors with pithy offerings to the almighty fraud.

“EVERYONE needs to read this piece and note the images. These “protesters” and their ploys are meant to control women and women’s bodies.”

Supreme Court’s turn.

At-Home Covid Test

Had a little sore throat past couple days and decided to try one of the at-home Covid tests. This what you get – five pieces and nine steps of instructions.

I’m just gonna wait until I get sick and go to urgent care. It’s their job, after all.

OBTW, one of the first things it talks about is installing an app. PUHLEEZ. The government spent many $millions developing and distributing these things. Maybe if they’d got started at the outset instead of bragging about how well the pandemic was going we’d have something useful by now.

Health Status Update

28 APR 22: Muscle fasciculation presented in the left calf for the first time a few weeks ago. No clue on that one. Probably due to whatever I was doing just prior. The fusion procedure feels more related to some of what I’m getting now, unsurprisingly. There’s a noticeable cramp on the upper left glute by the end of the day that wasn’t there before the last surgery. Focal mononeuropathies are getting scratched on my torso, arms and legs. I think the one on the left shoulder happened while sleeping. Some sort of subcutaneous greasy spooge oozes out and crusts up on my scalp in a random pattern emanating from around the temple area on the right side of my cranium. Seems psoriatic, but doesn’t really match any of the descriptions I can find. Some reaction to all the midsection damage and prosthetics, I assume. These symptoms arisen in the past two years seem to be indications accompanying conditions setting in for the long term, or what’s left of it.

Fauci Declares Dust Settling

…on the biggest crime scene of the modern era: The United States of America. The crime? Manslaughter. The richest nation on the planet, holds the the highest total death count, #18 overall per-capita and #1 impact leader of the large industrialized nations. We are officially out of of the SARScoV2 woods, approaching a million casualties. That announcement on PBS yesterday cemented the virus in the world’s mundane pathogen portfolio.

The pandemic is over in America, but the aftermath is just getting started.

Don’t get Sick

…Unless you have one of those “cadillac” healthcare plans, or very deep pockets.

“Total bills: Jesús Sr. was charged $3,894.86. The total bill was $107,905.80 for COVID-19 treatment. Claudia was charged $3,252.74, including $202.36 for treatment from an out-of-network physician. The total bill was $13,429.50 for less than one day of treatment. Jesús Jr. was charged $5 (70 pesos) for an outpatient visit that the family paid in cash.”

Healthcare in this country is just so fucked up, it’s ridiculous.

That goes for every legislator that ever voted for this garbage.

Covidiot’s Just Rewards

There could not possibly be more obviously stark, revealing evidence of natural selection in action. Certainly many of these people are totally innocent victims. But many more victims of conservative dogma’s selfish avarice stoked the Covid fire with their own stupidity.

How ironic the mandate resisters and vaccine hesitant, not to mention the full-blown qanon crazies, become the biggest demographic in the Covidiot disease and death aftermath scenario. Good luck with that, fuckwits.

I’m vaccinated, but still want you to stay away from me. -Beau of the 5th Column

QAnon Followers ‘Waking Up’ To Realize They’re Fools.

Pax-3: Great Design, Inferior Materials

Possibly both materials and poor manufacturing quality control, who knows? For whatever reason(s), I can no longer recommend the Pax-3 as a preferred product in my vape lineup.

I initially found this device to be the epitome of the perfect dry herb vaporizer, for me: Quick heat, long charge, intuitive, easy design. The big selling point that got my money was the warranty. They started these things with a lifetime warranty, for some reason. How could you go wrong? Then it went to ten years. Then it went to whatever they felt like supporting, which in my case was three replacements, with outright denial on the fourth, all occurring over the past two years. They haven’t even been in the market ten years yet.

First failure was the on/off button. I got a sense of things to come with the initial push-back received on that claim. It was interesting to note how the warranty evidence criteria level-of-difficulty increased to near-impossible levels. That 1st warranty claim was eventually resolved, but not before being met with this response:

“…your device would not be eligible for warranty services as the PAX 3 Limited Warranty states, “Any device where the serial number has been tampered with, erased or obscured or is not genuine.” Full text here. Interestingly, they want a pic from under the mouthpiece, because they know it is susceptible to leakage into the case, and will blame it on you, saying it wasn’t properly cleaned.

Nothing about the serial number was tampered with, erased, obscured or not genuine. The defective faux powder coat finish was worn away. The number was still almost readable and at the very least, a near perfect match with the order# either way you read it, held at the proper angle to the light. So why the hassle? Counterfeit Pax devices? Seriously?

A couple defective batteries later, and my FOURTH warranty claim for the NEAR NEW device was simply ignored, after receiving the requested video evidence. The interesting part about the warranty evidence requirements shows up on that claim here:

“Please send the video as an attachment with your next reply. I am unable to view links, drives or clouds.” The part they don’t mention is good luck trying to record an .mp4 or .mkv with your cellphone to create a file-size going through email without a “link, drive or cloud.” I guess they don’t account for people who know about ffmpeg. The same format .webm submitted last time can no longer be accessed for some reason. Ya think?

So a near-new device is charged, just refusing to turn on, in a way different from the first power-on failure two years ago, emitting only a quick haptic buzz and light flash, no error code sequence or anything. These things are junk, and the warranty is a fraud. Stay away.

Crafty here I come!

Healthcare Is A Scam-II

I been complaining about this since before my malpractice episode. That only cemented the notion in my mind. It’s a scam and a fraud, perpetrated by legislators paid by lobbyists to prop up rich doctors and the HMO/Insurance co. executives and shareholders. Fuck all those greedy bastards.

Fuck Tri-State Generation

Maybe my inputs at the demand rate meeting a few years ago were received. They couldn’t see how to easily solve the high peak demand issue with batteries for some reason. A nice chunk of Tesla equipment was installed over on the frontage road recently, but it’s just a start. I thought things were headed in the right direction. Now we see these fuckwits building out the country on a fossil fuel foundation continuing to perpetrate the ongoing screwup:

Still, S&P Global said, “We believe the utility faces significant governance risks. Over more than a decade, three CEOs have struggled to placate members that are expressing dissatisfaction with the level of rates and the utility’s carbon intensity. The notices of intent to withdraw compound these risks.”

These assholes need to stop being dragged kicking and screaming into the future. If they can’t get it through their heads, we’ll just pull a Texas grid failure one of these winters for a little wake-up call here, if necessary.

Keep it up fuckwits – time’s running out…