Ohio’s Being Ruled

Ever wonder how fuckwits like JD Vance get elected? Just run in some backwoods, redneck, gerrymandered places where the mouth-breathers are too dumb to know any better.

Shelby’s proposed ordinance comes three months following Ohio’s passage of Issue 2, a statute that allows adults 21 and over to buy and possess up to 2.5 ounces of cannabis and to grow plants at home.

I guess the rationale is now that it’s state-level legal, we better hurry up, dig in and keep fighting. I remember when some Colorado localities quickly learned the hard way how people really don’t mind spending a few extra bucks on gas contributing to the economy in a different Zip Code.

“Through conversations with folks, I know that they would rather not have any retail sales within the city,” he said.

Echoes shades of a familiar Fuckwit refrain: “People are saying…” Why not just come right out and say it: We in Ohio support the black market drug dealers! You can have your weed, just can’t buy it anywhere. Fucking idiots. If anything, it’ll prevent their flavor of the next Kensington Philly.

These authoritarian scumbags can rot in Hell.
Fool for the City -Foghat

Not Exactly a Health Status Update – Yet

4 FEB 04: New Colorado hemp law has me re-thinking the CBD situation. Somehow the fuckwits managed to outlaw mail delivery. The VA sent me enough opiates in the mail to kill several horses. I can order home delivery for the dankest mind-bender ganja from a dozen different dispensaries. But delivery may no longer be had for full-spectrum CBD gummies. I imagine some hyper-paranoid legislators floated the false notion kids musta been ordering alot of gummies thru the mail. So we’ll be starting a new regimen of cooking the Wife’s Lemonade again, trying to more carefully measure the dosage, avoiding hyperemesis. I really do hate the government almost as much as Corporate America.

Cannabis use linked to anxiety diagnoses, worsened anxiety disorders. Mmmmmmkay. What if you already had a couple, to start with?

Football Weather

The NFL culture of pain, playing hurt, injury roster management and depth, and the whole concussion conundrum combine to sow commensurate confusion and uncertainty in an atmosphere where we’re gonna play in Buffalo and KC this weekend. I’ll be surprised if somebody doesn’t get frostbite in an injury-laden mess of a game somewhere.

I don’t really consider myself to be all that sadistic, but these guys truly are exemplary badass mutherfuckers.

LATE UPDATE: Bills-Steelers playoff game postponed to Monday. 😉 Backstory.

The winner on Monday, maybe Tuesday now, will have a real short few days to recover.

Interesting Twist on this One

The inspector general reports reviewed by ProPublica have limitations. The individual investigations can be narrow. The reports offer only broad suggestions as to whether individuals should be held accountable for breakdowns and provide little sense of whether they actually were. Even together, they don’t capture the full reality of the VA’s 1,300 health care facilities. But they do start to assemble a meaningful picture of the system’s most chronic shortcomings when it comes to treating people with mental illness.

I thought I was coming to grips with stuff pretty well going into my 2nd hip replacement, having recently retired from Lockheed and self-diagnosed my autism when 2019 rolled around. The girls were well on their way with the seemingly un-attainable goal of relieving all the biggest stressors in my life in the rear-view mirror. Then everything went to shyt via direct VA intervention.

No treatment lacking here – they instigated it! Then turned on the gaslight. Now I’m on some bubbles nobody ever imagined. Talk about mental health treatment, inside out. We been spending alot of time and money trying to figure out who’s insane and who’s not doing some of these mass shootings lately. Wonder if it’d make a new variant of affirmative defense in some criminal case?

Are crazy idea like those little voices in the head?

Cornering the Procreation Market

Under the pretense of goodwill to all, the Pope appears to believe among other fantastic and unconfirmed ideas, that just banning anything they don’t like and telling people to stop whatever doesn’t appeal to them is gonna get ‘er done. Fuckin’ trends.

Remember, these are the fuckwits that make people travel out of state for any and all abortions on the bubble in Texas, and would like to make them criminals for it, as well.

This mutherfucker needs a surrogate think tank. Cardinals ran outta good ideas a couple centuries ago.
Paranoia Key of E -Lou Reed

Frequent Reporter Here

The study’s findings are consistent with data published last year in JAMA Network Open reporting that nearly one in three patients with chronic pain use cannabis as an analgesic agent and that many of them substitute it in place of opioids.

I have both c-spine and lumbar nerve root damage. The list of troubling symptoms is long and varied. Pretty sure I’ve been through a good cross-section of the pharmaceuticals for it. Cannabis is the only thing that ever provided any real long-term relief.

IT and Healthcare in the Crapper

Probably not alot of Product and Program Managers skewing the numbers. Some of them probably are in IT and Healthcare, so the picture for those industries must be pretty bleak. One of the reasons I liked being enlisted in the Air Force for twenty years was I always got a new job every couple years, whether they thought I needed it or not.

It’s not just IT and Healthcare, if the Help Wanted signs I see posted everywhere are any indication.

Health Status Update

13 DEC 23: Just a couple of steady-state items to note. The bedtime 50mg CBD doses with melanin help with sleep and a noticeable improvement in 1st thing out-the-bed sore/stiffness. As noted before, C-spine decompression is clearly the main factor maintaining that, probably has been all along, albeit indirectly through inversion years ago. Skipping it starts the elbow tenderizing process with arm-numbing accompaniment. Consuming around 150mg CBD/day total. Feels like I could use more, but the stuff’s expensive. Inflammation is a primary instigator in both the arthritis and nerve stuff. Vaping about half the THC-type cannabis I was at some point previously. I think this is probably due to getting more efficient with it, better equipment, spiking the already HP stuff with kief and bubble hash. Still basically using as much as I can tolerate. That is clearly the therapeutic threshold, for me. Need to be able use enough without going blotto, to blunt pain. It’s a simple tolerance issue, just exactly opposite the way stoners think of it.

Be the Change

Unfortunately, today’s society is so crooked that it is not even seen as strange that powerful interests control the very research that shows that precisely what they make money from seems to be the most effective remedy for the suffering the system they are a part of caused.

Sackler, anyone? It goes to more than just the sad state of personally debilitating mental affairs, but Julia-X from Sweden has that part figured out. I keep telling myself fuggedaboudit, things change, it’s just the way it is – changing. Then I think of something to do next, maybe write a blog post.

Ever wonder why some of the MAGA mutherfuckers seem just, let’s say, crazy? Personality Traits Associated With Dementia Risk.

I find the systematic nature of the MAGA movement change-worthy

Gut Check

With Thanksgiving upon us once again, I thought it timely to mention a health topic often overlooked or misunderstood by many: Gut health. I been saying diet is probably one of the biggest factors in alot of the chronic degenerative stuff we’re dealing with. The endocannabanoid system similarly goes underrepresented in healthcare these days, with doctors maybe not yet realizing they have only scratched the surface.

Glia, once thought to be mere glue that fills the space between neurons, were largely ignored in the brain for much of the 20th century. Clearly, neurons were the cells that made things happen: Through electrical and chemical signaling, they materialize our thoughts, feelings and actions. But in the last few decades, glia have shed their identity as passive servants. Neuroscientists have increasingly discovered that glia play physiological roles in the brain and nervous system that once seemed reserved for neurons.

Everything you put in your mouth….

Addicted to Pot

No question about it. Jon Capetta has this part figured out. And I’m a multi-faceted addict of the highest order, including some of the dangerous drugs out there, in my repetoire.

I believe the fundamental addiction gene or whatever it is that makes people love stuff too much is a generally misunderstood term, at least in the healthcare space. It’s probably some sort of personality type more than any physically or medically-connected disorder. The problem with opiates for example, is it gets way too physically connected in terms of withdrawal. That’s the part people seem to have the most trouble with. Withdrawal pains either play 2nd fiddle to whatever the real problem is, OR it’s so intense you can’t cope – so you keep doing it to stay out of withdrawal, regardless. Either way, it’s pretty much a non-starter for any sort of normal life.

Managing that mind-body interface is an ongoing challenge for many, patients and doctors alike. VA doctors had me on Tramadol and some other stuff for several years. I’ve seen more than one reference to Tramadol’s high rating for odd and dangerous withdrawal effects. For me, it was just deep-seated pain in the base of my spine. The addiction/withdrawal roller-coaster ride engendered in that fiasco was scary, painful and totally unnecessary. But that’s what you get when the government thinks they know more about drugs than the doctors and people using them.

The most potent Cannabis I can find ends up being some pretty mild shyt, to me. I can’t seem to use enough.


It’s official. We just had the hottest August ever, worldwide.

CHATSUM: The summer of 2023 broke temperature records worldwide, with Gallup, New Mexico reaching 101 degrees, Reno, Nevada reaching 108 degrees, and Kingman, Arizona reaching a staggering 114 degrees. Death Valley also hit 130 degrees, the highest reading on Earth in 89 years.