Summer T-Break

Michelle’s been staying with Viki past few days, so I decided to take my summer medication break starting last weekend. Today’s the fourth day off and pretty much mirrors the last time I quit for more than a day or two a couple years ago. Seems to take about 3-4 days to completely wring the weed out of my system, after continuous round-the-clock usage for many months.

If there is such a thing as Marijuana withdrawal, it is not possible for me to get it, for some reason. I did notice the body temp reg thing a few times, but seemed like more of a fleeting sensation than a detour down hyperemesis lane. Only real change between then and now is I’m not eating the THC.

Cannabis medication for my ailments (arthritis, nerve root damage and autism) is a godsend. Haven’t had much sleep and the ache in my right glute and quad has returned to a state of constant glow. Arthritic joints feel the same lack of pain med. It’s hard to gauge the inflammation instigator when approaching a sedentary state, because it hurts to move.

Psychotropic effect on the autism is pronounced, as well. I find myself screaming in rage at the slightest miscue. It bumps depression back a little. Slows things down and lets me think clearly. Weird part tho is, I can’t tell much difference on the overall outlook, and haven’t really noticed the mental effect stoners are going for in years. Suspect I must be permanently high.

Vaping doesn’t feel like it’s affecting my lungs at all. I sense no physical effects there, and still enjoy spitting loogies on the roof while sitting in the hot tub.

In fact, people that are stoic may have worse outcomes, as they are less likely to go to the doctor. Thanks for that. Not sure if I’ll be able to trust another doctor ever again.
Any Place I’m Going -Unknown Artist

What’s Up with Cancer?

They been working on this shyt for how long now? And still won’t let people use weed in half the country? Riiiight. I hear those cancer drugs can be quite spendy…

Sometimes I wonder if old age still leads the pack.

Not Enough for this Study

I think they need a 4th group to represent “continuously throughout the day including nighttime edibles for sleep.” i.e. real heavy users. Because when your body’s as eff’d up as mine is in multiple different ways, things get sketchy with the drug providers, formal healthcare or otherwise.

Future studies could focus on more controlled dosing to better understand the relationship between THC levels and impairment.

Took me a long time to figure that part out. Now I have a set of stainless measuring spoons going down to 1/32 tsp. It’s also why edibles can be dangerous.

Chimpanzees ‘self-medicate’ with healing plants.

Don’t forget the like 400 minor Cannabanoids. It’s time for the doctors and pharmacologists to get to work on this topic.

Hidden In Plain Sight

In extreme cases, particularly if they have not had many experiences of healthy conflict resolution in their families, they may take the extreme step of cutting off their families completely, in an effort to extrude the challenging emotions they are experiencing.

I didn’t create the graphic, just redlined it.
Blinded by the Light -Manfred Mann’s Earth Band


The researchers suggest that “suicide attempts may actually be part of a larger physiological impulse to stop a stress response that has become unbearable at the cellular level.” Monitoring mitochondrial function by measuring blood levels of mitochondrial metabolites may have clinical value as a predictor of suicide risk.

I get that. Try walking around with a torn lumbar disc the way I did for a year.

Don’t Hold Your Breath

The recent DOJ move to re-schedule weed is just another political ploy to kick the can down the road. Pressure from industry, medicine and the patient/user community moved the needle. But the fuckwits in power know how political points underpin the financial score, and will continue putting their backs up in the ongoing greedy war for money being waged against your health and well-being.

Cannabis and Coffee would be regulated, with alcohol and tobacco on the controlled substance list in an honestly legal marketplace. Medicine and health are just tokens in corporate America’s rigged healthcare gambling game.

Schedule III is going to leave it in this kind of amorphous, mucky middle where people are not going to understand the danger of it still being federally illegal,” he said.

Fragmentation in this space is very problematic. But they refuse to address the actual problem because too many fuckwits are banking on self-administered recreational poison drinks and pharma scams.

Hikikomori In Reverse?

I’m pretty sure what’s wrong with me and how I got this way. Seems the Japanese youth culture portion might be just the start of a growing worldwide, age-irrelevant phenomenon. I turn 65 next month, not a gamer, never was. But I’m all about the social withdrawal into my hobbies and screens.

I Had Mine

Reports of Mediocre Disability Exams by VA Contractors Prompts Senator’s Demand for Answers. Like I said.

My disability evaluations really seemed to amount to a budget exercise for the most part, and downright government-sponsored fraud, in my view. That’s basically how the 3-round fight I ended up engaging in turned out.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., speaks during the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs hearing on oversight of the credit reporting agencies at Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, April 27, 2023. Republican John Deaton, a former U.S. Marine and cryptocurrency attorney, announced Monday, Feb. 19, 2024, that he is challenging Democratic U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, running for her third term in office. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana, File)

Killer Air-Max Mod

The Utilian water adapter is great, but not real practical for mobility. I stopped using it after last vacay just being lazy. Sitting around dreaming up ways to cool the oft-used gadget caught me looking at the glass part of the eyedropper from Jax’s just finished bottle of Cyclosporine. It’s now being utilized in an Air-Max stem.

My lungs must be so parched I can’t really tell the difference now, but it’s obviously doing something by the looks of much-increased condensation. That only comes from cooling. I grind the stuff to a powder, so it cuts down on any particulate getting through, as well. Stems get switched out weekly for cleaning. It’s already looking like a week after five days.

The real verdict comes where the rubber meets the road. Even a long stem used to get uncomfortably warm right at the mouthpiece with me huffing hard on high towards the end of a bowl.

Cryogenic Breakthrough!

Been sayin’ the whole RTL movement was leaning towards total procreation control the whole time. It’s the only way to manage the numerous varied viewpoints of that splintered demographic known by many monikers. It all falls under religious dogma sponsored by the Church(es), no matter how you break it down. They say nothing in current law prevents them from being classed as children. Can’t prove a negative. These people are just craven lunatics.

She said it raises questions for providers and patients, including if they can freeze future embryos created during fertility treatment or if patients could ever donate or destroy unused embryos.

Of course Triki Nikki jumps on the bandwagon. I got a newsflash for ya, Gurl: It’s not about what embryos are to you, unless they are your embryos.

The Alabama Supreme Court ruled, Friday, Feb. 16, 2024, that frozen embryos can be considered children under state law, a ruling critics said could have sweeping implications for fertility treatments. The decision was issued in a pair of wrongful death cases brought by three couples who had frozen embryos destroyed in an accident at a fertility clinic. Kim Chandler/AP
They’re So Tough -John Mellencamp
Beau, of the 5th Column