There's a Fine Line

Evil and malevolence are disturbing and unfortunately active forces in our society.  They are dark and dangerous, with few wiling or even able to effectively deal with them.  And yet motives and outcomes they engender can be beneficial to the greater good under the right circumstances.  It’s not hard to get past the wrong side of it once you realize everything you do falls on one side or the other of that good/bad line and stays there, the moment you push the “go” button.

Think about it next time you do something.

Every waking moment, every human being goes down their chosen path on one side of that line or the other, close, far away, or somewhere in-between.  Everything they say or do influences to some extent, everything and everyone they come in contact with, somewhere on the spectrum of negative-to-positive outcomes.  Bet there’s a lot of people sitting around in Washington D.C. right now with either no clue on which side of the line they stand, or a delusional cognition problem.  JMHO, but in terms of potential consequences, that last little faux pas in the Senate was about as far across the wrong side of the line people have gone since WWII, in a coordinated, group-think fashion.

Pompeo the Prick

Time to address one of the smarmiest of the Trump gang – Mike Pompeo.  If Cuntway is the most despicable, Pompeo is the biggest liar.  As the Secretary of State, he is culpable for the cruelly fraudulent treatment of Marie Yavonovich, the former Ukrainian ambassador.

“I’ve defended every single person on this team,” Pompeo said in an interview with NPR. “I’ve done what’s right for every single person on this team.”

Apparently Marie was not on the team of criminal conspirators attempting to defraud the country.  If it is “right” to have an ambassador surveilled by organized crime operatives, then order her firing as the lynchpin of political corruption activities, then I guess he is right.  My characterization of this fatass Trump cocksucker is the enabler spouting the biggest of the liesHe’s a real tough guy with the ladies.  A real class act.  If Americans “don’t give a fuck about Ukraine” as he claims, then what’s the big deal?

One less ambassador to worry about on the left, Mr. President.
Biggest Hero of the Trump Impeachment Debacle.

Sackless Trump Toady

Credit to Colbert for coining the term, which so accurately describes one of the GOP limp-dicks I have yet to compliment myself:  Lindsey Graham.  This then inexperienced lawmaker earned his stripes with among other things, opining how impeachment was about “cleansing the office” during the Clinton scandal.  If this feckless piece ‘o shyt had half a conscience he’d resign his seat and publicly apologize to his constituents and indeed all South Carolina’s citizens, for disgracing the office and the country itself.

Gotta give the lot of ’em credit for getting one thing right, tho.  Alot of people sure do hate this capricious, lying mutherfucker, and certainly do seek to topple his fat, bleached, painted ass.

Now go sit in the senate and think about what you’ve done!


Another Trump Phone Call?

“Within hours of Bezos’ receipt of the video, the analysis found, “a massive and unauthorized exfiltration of data from Bezos’ phone began, continuing and escalating for months,”


If it looks like a duck… I imagine the call with Saudi Prince Salman went something like this:  “Yes Mohammed, the Aramco deal is going to be amazing!  But I need you to do us a favor…”

Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.

Define High Crimes and Misdemeanors

The Founding Fathers didn’t, nor shall We, the People assign any definition.  The term was purposely left ill-defined for various reasons.  The judicial system as t’were, barely existed at the time.  The “Term” ≠ criminal act(s).  Despite the fact that Trump and co-conspirators have clearly broken MANY laws, that is not the issue.  The issue to me is now simply, how low can politics go, before politics itself becomes equated with crime?

But think about exactly what they did say – particularly you literal-leaning conservatives:  “High” crimes and misdemeanors.  Perhaps in their well-considered opinion, the Term should be expected to include a wide range of activities from high to low on the criminal terminology scale.  Now watch McConnell and his gang of hate mongers interpret that exactly ass-backwards, with literally nothing “rising” to the level of an impeachable offense.

Must be a long way to rise from the bottom of that cesspool.

The Fog of War

Here’s your next example of just what type idiots these people are – Religious fundamentalist, zealot idiots – who apparently didn’t receive enough training on their Russian SAM systems.  Trump is provoking them, and Russia is arming them.  Anyone who has not connected the dots on this yet is simply not paying attention, doesn’t care or is in cahoots to leverage the conflict for economic and political purposes.  Like I said in the last Mideast Mania post, it’s far too late to salvage any of this.

Imagine the chatter in that control room when somebody yelled “Aw crap – that was not an American warplane.”  We REALLY need to just get completely, totally entirely the fuck out of that region.  The peeps are not happy, and the U.S. is just one of their many problems.  What more do we need to see for this foreign policy to be put to rest, once and for all?

How’s all that Allahu Akbar shyt working out?

Full Auto Smoking Gun

The hearings repeatedly demonstrated how the more people testified, the worse it looked for the Chump-in-Chief.  Now comes a trove of “heavily redacted emails” whose content, even in blacked-out form, casts further damning evidence:

“Given the sensitive nature of the request, I appreciate your keeping that information closely held to those who need to know to execute the direction,” Duffey wrote.

The cover-up was in progress DURING the time this fraudulent, treasonous act of personal hubris and narcissism took place.  They knew exactly what they were doing.  They knew it was wrong and they proceeded anyway.  That’s what criminals do.

Any Questions?

It took a few months, and another deceptive anti-pot media campaign, but the government finally managed to get to the bottom of the vape-lung scare:

“cannabis prohibition states had ten times the number of vape injuries per capita as states that offered licensed, tested, and legal cannabis vape products.”

If that doesn’t make the case for legalization, I don’t know what does.  I do know the corporate and private concerns supporting prohibition are still very active in the media.  Literally every evening news scare story I saw led with reference to THC for months.  The solution (black market illegal additives – truth) was minimally broadcast over a couple of days.  What a travesty.

It’s not about weed. It’s about tobacco, prohibition and politics.

Just look at Kentucky and the Moscow Bitch for some interesting dots to connect in the vape lung disease crises.  Certain people just seem to have impenetrable craniums.

Rudi's back from Ukraine!

…in support of the Republican Impeachment defense, resting solely on a new GOP political concept for re-defining reality.  So Rudi Giuliani returned to the U.S. to advise his biggest client last weekend.

“He’s a great person who loves our country, and he does this out of love, believe me. He does it out of love,”  (said our fuckwit POTUS)  Riiiiiiiight. – out of love for keeping his own sorry ass out of jail.  That little project is getting increasingly difficult, as the hub player in International Criminal Conspiracy USA 2019.

Stay consistent when the cover story gets blown.  Just keep doing what you’re doing, pretending it’s all good.  Fucking morons.

Puckering up for some backdoor jailhouse fun sometime soon.

2020 is Ramping up in Russia

I hope the Intel and Cyber agencies not already sufficiently neutered by Trumpomania have a handle on this.  At least we’re throwing some money at it.  The propaganda campaign will be significantly more difficult to detect and thwart this time around.  eMail bots I’m seeing appear to be in some cases, actively managed, with shades of reality attached.  It’s not going to be a full frontal assault like last time.  It will be low, slow, under the radar.

Let’s hope there’s not any good AI behind the FB and Twitter accounts.

Judiciary Phase in the Can

Here’s the 2nd drop of my Personal POTUS Impeachment Spin.  Ranting about government corruption seems futile.  But being laid up with a back injury gives me plenty of time on my hands.  I wonder what the crazy constituent threshold for Gardner and Buck’s staff is these days:

“So Nunes is in on it, too? Whodathunkit. The useful idiots fucked this one up royally. That fat-ass Pompeo, the whole cabinet and what looks to me like the entire Party is now rotten to the core. Why are you fighting about your dirty election nonsense from the past instead of fixing the problem it created in the present? Nobody cares. Pull your heads out and do the right thing for a change.”

“The Republican Party supporting the Chump-in-Chief looks less like a political party, and more like a big turd circling the bottom of the biggest political shitter I could possibly imagine. Nice job.”

“Let me know if you’d like to be featured in one of my blog posts:
I’m brewing stories about Trump and his impeachment right now. You like stories, right? How much truth would you like to see in yours? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Starting to feel a little smear campaign of my own coming on…”

“Anyone still believe this Impeachment is just a Senate Popularity Contest? The scope, depth and brazen MO of this scheme to defraud the American and Ukrainian people (among MANY other things!) makes it the most reprehensible and unforgivable act(s) committed by this government since the Indian War Era. I’m guessing that part is probably just the tip of the corrupt GOP iceberg – bobbing about in a sea of embarrassment, disrespect and asininity, melting fast. Look up that last one, if necessary. It’s the last part of the word “jackass.” That’s what your gang looks like now – a herd of jackasses. Good luck going down with that.”

“Is there anything left the current POTUS has “not” screwed up yet? Do you have information unavailable to the public on that topic? He just sent the entire Armed Forces into retrograde for who knows how long, and I doubt the Seals EVER recover. Wasn’t that the long pole in the Russian Social Media Electioneering Tent from the start?”

“The impeachment inquiry isn’t just about Trump’s future. It’s about what Americans should expect from their president. Failing to accept this opportunity to support our Constitution and stand for what is right embarks the entire country onto a very slippery slope.”

“Can’t wait to read Schiff’s intel report. Are you going to read it? We already know ignoring the facts to pursue political interests is more important than serving the country to many in the GOP these days. Can’t wait to see which side of political subterfuge fence you fall on.”

“Funny thing about history: Despite revisionist attempts to re-write it, the truth eventually comes out. What side of history will you fall on when people look back at the disaster that is this Trump administration?”

“Funny watching your boy Collins getting frantic at the Judiciary hearing right off the bat. Are you even slightly embarrassed by the clearly deceitful, dishonest attitudes and opinions of your colleagues on the right? This idiot used his time saying nothing. Must have attended the JJ School of Parliamentary Nonsense. The left states facts, the right waffles and speculates. You call that a defense? WTF are you defending?”

“Turley re-defines bribery for ‘our time’ by describing Founder discussions about guess what? Things That Did Not Happen. Allegories like “dogs that hunt” or not, depending on the century their lives transpired, blatantly pander to the base’s comprehension level. “Boundless interpretation” portends simple Appeal to Common Belief, and Ambiguity fallacies in Turley’s lexicon. There must be some doubt somewhere, right? Astoundingly weak. But consistent. They just expect people to be stupid enough to buy it. Not even a good try. Lotsa rhetoric, no facts. Next.”

“Ms. Roby achieved the dubious distinction of sternly contradicting herself enough times within a period of less than 2 minutes to hold the world’s record on that foot chewing. Harping on an on about “facts” with the right yet to produce a single one. The Saturday Night Live writers must be roiling in the biggest marathon cast party since the Belushi days.”

“Is it any wonder Turley’s history-laden narrative leads directly to the same refuted argument he failed to defend a judge removal with before? What was that about doom and repeating history not learned? Is there a Trump-friendly witness that has not been either unhelpful or flatly discredited yet? Just one?”

“Specifically to Buck, the fuck-ass from CO:
Perhaps you need a little coaching on your understanding of the term “Impeachable Offense.” You spent your time going over irrelevant history. At least you followed the party line. You are a disgrace to your office. Say goodbye to my vote and anyone I can influence, cocksucker.”

“Mr. Gardner got a link to Buck’s feature story of the day, as a professional courtesy:”

“Mr. Gaetz’s finger-pointing tirade about the “will of the people” was less inspiring than the criminal acts of the fuckwit POTUS that triggered it. Why does every variation of the same argument presented by the right delve into the past in total disregard of the present and future? As ever, this toady proceeds repeatedly proclaiming the term “fact” in a factless tirade against a witness, bloviating about nonsense having no connection to their testimony whatsoever. Your nationally televised soapbox for real-life lemmings was real hoot.”

“Republican politicians now fully embrace obvious Russian propaganda, repeating it for the media. They are in fact, Russian assets, wittingly or otherwise. Based on their performance at hearings and press conferences, “otherwise” seems plausible. You have to wonder if they are aware of treason being a capital offense at the Federal level. Some of these imbeciles need a serious reality check.”

“Here’s a great example of conservative impeachment evidentiary criteria: Foxnews reports “..this only proves that Nunes’ phone was connected to Parnas. We still have no evidence that Nunes spoke with Parnas.” Repubs keep repeating “sham, hoax, witchhunt, etc.” Your 10lb bag-o-shit called a defense is busting at the seams and you keep over-stuffing it with 20lbs of idiocy. Consider adding honesty back into your little bag of tricks, before it’s too late.”

“Accept that the 2016 election smokescreen was blown away by the truth before you morons even started parroting it to the media like the Russkie assets you certainly are. If you’re not just giving him plenty of rope to hang himself, you’ll be hanging your own selves over the biggest political bloodbath this country has ever seen.”

“Mr. Collins, ranking judiciary member, needs a lesson on interpersonal communications. He doesn’t understand that raising his voice and screaming at people is not well received in most civilized gatherings. Nor is the ongoing attempt to deflect the issue to the Bidens, in this case. Can somebody please remind the imbecile this inquiry is about Trump – not the Bidens, 2016 or any other GOP fantasy straw they are grabbing at?”

“Who went after the phone records? Hell, I’d have done it myself, under the circumstances. Can I volunteer to be blamed for that? In the most demanding, demeaning voice possible, Collins embarrasses himself bigly. First it was the whistle-blower. Now the phone calls. Who is responsible for exposing all this damning evidence! We want names! Then Castor, the primary GOP law-slinger, goes into some potential “leak” issue. Thank gawd for leaks.”

“POTUS is “skeptical” about foreign aid? Ya think? Apparently he is also skeptical about his role as Cunt-in-Chief as well. Appropriated money is disbursed on schedule, regardless of anybody’s skepticism. That’s why they spend countless hours debating it in Congress. It’s not Trump’s money, and this country does not belong to him. It belongs to me more than him. I spent 20 years working for and in some cases risking my life for this country.  The Secret Service wasn’t following me around in Bosnia.  I’m skeptical about you now, FWIW.”

“Castor’s long pause at mention of the “W” word in reference to his own whistle-blowers, was telling. IMMEDIATELY upon uttering the word, a little pinprick in the back of his brain stuck. Priceless. This is all just for show, right – entertainment for laid-up people like me with nothing better to do?”

“The pretzel sentence?” Blondie with the glasses ain’t doin’ it for me. But my libido’s been a little suppressed lately. The exchange did look well-rehearsed. A leading question, dutifully followed at great length saying nothing factual. More shades of things widely regarded as not having taken place, and Sondland goes under the bus. One of the central figures on the home team, hand-picked and paid in full up front, is a “bad” guy, for various oleaginous reasons. No shyt? Birds of a feather…”

“Sensenbrenner got his knickers in a twist because investigators look at phone records.  ‘Oh the surveillance state, the privacy concerns…’ he wailed.  What he’s really upset about is these idiots aren’t smart enough to even realize they are making tracks, much less cover them.  Giuliani is like a GoogleMap™ hub location on the road to international criminal conspiracy summit USA.”

“Did Gohmert just crawl out from under a rock somewhere?  Sorry, that’s all I got on him.  You either find this dumpster fire entertaining or endlessly boring.  Pull up the videos on YouTube yourself and see what you idiots look like.  I’m really at a loss for words on some of the shyt going on there.  You won’t hear that out of me very often.  JJ just sounds annoying now.  Say it over and over enough and it sticks?”  That’s the strategy?”

“Yeah, that GOP strategy was on display – literally.  Visual aids – with Schiff on a milk carton?  How come you didn’t have Nancy pictured with a big X across her face captioned  “No More Hate!”  The one thing you assholes have accomplished through these hearings so far is set a new standard for bald-faced lying.  I bet I can come up with trivial insults couched in lies faster than the Russians.  Wanna hire me as your new PR consultant?  I come cheaper, with more honesty and fewer legal gotchas.”

“The Republican party is clearly colluding to deny the facts, leveraging the 50/50 partisan split to paint a deceptive veneer of legitimacy on treason. How long do you think you can keep the meme-only portion of the electorate fooled? They will be the ones coming with torches and pitchforks after the charade completely falls apart. The fragile fucking limp-dicks that got us into this mess need to grow a pair.  Fix it now, or deal with it come election time when your ass gets voted OUT.”

2 Suspects, 4 Dead

Anybody think the Miami cops could use a little more Training?  They will try to spin this their way, but it’s clearly the most egregious failure in police brutality so far this year.  You just don’t assault a vehicle in the middle of traffic like that. Period.  I don’t give a fuck what anybody thought or saw.  You just don’t do it.  Basic tactical training says shoot only at what you can see.  Idiots. 

Every officer who discharged their weapon at that van needs fired.  And after the forensics are matched up, the killers charged.