Proximate Cause

No, I’m not going to examine a currently fashionable Covid downplay surrounding co-morbid reporting rules.  This would be far more specific when say for example, someone’s life ends quite suddenly on the wrong end of a gun.  Kyle Rittenhouse’ AR, specifically.

Rational people agree the neo-nationalist white supremacy movement is a root problem issue for alot of shyt in this country right now.  That’s why he was there, no doubt, no argument.  It is (or was) all on Facebook.  Now what shall we say was the proximate cause of death for those people?  Looks like Facebook, to me.

Ooooo, it’s working Vlad!

And the inanity continues. I don’t know where these lines intersect if I ever did, but consider yourself part of this country’s biggest problems today if you are a Facebook user, supporter, employee and especially that dickhead Fuckerberg,  They’ll be shutting down Russian accounts right and left claiming victory for the 1st amendment and the free Internet this election cycle.  Too bad the damage is already done.

“The nearly 8,000-word bulleted list of no-nos describes with often explicit levels of granularity how Facebook defines more than 20 different offenses, from harassment and graphic violence to false news and fake accounts.”

Niiiice.  How’s that working out for us?

Chad Wolf is a Servile Little Bitch

“Wolf’s ascent to the top of the DHS also is a result of the president’s unprecedented disregard for the norms of the nation’s confirmation processes.”

This cunt of a cockpig rides Trump’s coattails like a cowboy on a bucking bronco.  Margaret Brennan gave him a good grilling on Face the Nation this morning, and all the feral fuckface could do was repeat the non-answer law-and-order talking point.  He’s not even legally titled, BTW.  Can’t wait to see this cocksucker for the last time.

I wonder how bad it hurts when he sticks it all the way in…

What's the Acronym CDC Stand For?

For all practical purposes, I’m gonna say “Charlatan Dictator Conspirators.”  It’s also now looking like FDA stands for “Fucking Dipshit Assholes.”  The NIH, with that fuckwit Azar at the helm, shall henceforth be known to me as the “National Idiocy Harbingers.”  I still cannot understand how the cancer called Trumpism infected every health agency in government so quickly and completely.  This nonsense is just insane.

The current state of our politically warped view on healthcare in this country portends only one thing to me.  It’s an insidious,  illegal power grab, with the bad part being pure, willful Republican ignorance and arrogance.  The stakes have never been higher (cough, cough).  It’s gonna take two Biden terms followed by two Harris terms to fix this shyt.  The Republican party must no longer be a viable entity on the other side of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.  There is no place for pandemic politics in a civilized society.

This is The United States Today. How’s all that Trump shyt working out for ya now?

I Say Again…

Fuck the police, and their GOP overlords!  Seven times in the back.  Jesus H Fucking Krist.  Look, all current SJW issues aside, if you cannot at least wait to see a gun, you are a cowardly piece-o-shit.  This officer had NO business with a weapon.  None, Nada period.  How many more?

Because that is the root of the whole brutality problem:  Unqualified morons walking around with guns.  I don’t care if it is because they are a racist pig, a careless idiot, or a cowardly cocksucker like the one that shot Jacob Blake seven times in the back, or some combination of the three.

Was Jacob a bank robber?  A murderer?  What?  Only the cowardly cocksucker that did it knows for sure what they were thinking as they pulled the trigger over and over again.  He must be one of the really stupid ones still on duty who did not get the memo the days of shooting people for resisting are over.

We need a nationwide month-long stand-down with traffic enforcement only during this period to put the entire LE corps through intensive re-training.  They, as a group, are out of control, have been for a long time.

A man on a bike rides past a city truck on fire outside the Kenosha County Courthouse in Kenosha, Wisconsin, U.S., during protests following the police shooting of Black man Jacob Blake August 23, 2020. Picture taken August 23, 2020. Mike De Sisti/Milwaukee Journal Sentinel via USA TODAY via REUTERS MANDATORY CREDIT – RC2DKI99E9P9

The Rats have Started to Jump

The Trump-powered SS GOP is nose-up and going down fast.  I cannot imagine how this particular political whore held on so long, what with her own husband behind the Lincoln Project and all.  Must be pretty bad when even people in your own party conspire against you.  This bitch is the master of double-speak – the most unabashed, irreverent liar ever to disgrace a TV screen.  That other little twat Kayleigh, now holds the mantle as my most despised Trump talker.

At least now she’ll have time for all the plastic surgery needed to fix this shyt!

Even the Fox media morons seem to have an imminent self-destruct episode brewing.

The New 3 Stooges

If anyone ever listened to Larry’s interviews over the past few months, you already knew this:  They guy is a lyin’ thievn’ moron.  When queried about the PPP issues back in April, we were appraised of just exactly how easy it was for money to be funneled out of that program:  “My wife Judy… she is a self-employed artist-painter,…”  Could you BE more obvious?  Sheesh.  Wanna bet Larry’s laundry contact is the reimbursable employee?  We don’t even need to pretend a new name for this mutherfucker.

PPP-Me, Baby!

After his debut performance in front of a House committee yesterday, Curly DeJoy occupies a soon-to-be-refreshed spot in my memory as the most obvious liar ever witnessed on national TV.  Fortunately the USPS kneecap attempt is a small factor in the ongoing struggle against big money politics.  This piece ‘o shit bought a job just like that dumbass ambassador that tried to screw over Ukraine.  Good luck privatizing the Post Office.  Your competing businesses might soon be under new management unless you plan on steering the boards from a jail cell.

You better be worried, cocksucker.

A couple weeks later, this pops up.  Surprise, surprise.

Moe Mnuchin’s been around for awhile, but his fervent desire to stay on Trump’s good side betrays an unacceptable level of political groveling.  Spreading the long-debunked lie of unemployment de-incentivizing work makes you wonder how somebody so stupid is trusted to do the government’s math with big numbers like that.  Happy as he looks in that shot with Jared below, he better hope some of those numbers don’t lead to Russian money.  I heard Bannon was at least smart enough to use the American kind, for all the good that did him.

I can’t believe we’re getting away with this!

Everybody Knew Manafort was Just the Fall Guy

So when the Senate committee’s criminal referrals crept back out from under the rug a few days ago people were like, WTF?  When it became obvious somebody missed a step – crickets.  Trump’s lawyer (Barr) had done a pretty good job of nipping it in the bud with criminally motivated, administratively illegal personnel changes within the DOJ.  Whoda thunkit?  I’ll bet they told their patsy he’d be out with a pardon like Stone in no time.

Anybody wondering why no senator who signed off on that report ever followed up?  Let’s just hope true Patriots have a good grip on the 2nd level.  This pretty well covers the Cabinet, so now all we need to do is connect the dots within the Senate, DOJ and and some other departments to fully expose the country’s first ever concerted effort to overthrow the government.  No shyt.

Wall Payments Overdue

I guess Mexico needed help with the wall financing, so Bannon instinctively pounced on an opportunity to further exploit Trump’s supporters.  Dumb enough to vote for him in the 1st place, means they might be dumb enough to kick in themselves – to the tune of $23M.  He was arrested on fraud and money laundering charges and escorted back to land from a 150ft Chinese yacht off the Connecticut coast yesterday.

Why I don’t find this surprising is demonstrably obvious.  But I find the fact this mutherfucker is rubbing elbows with Chinese billionaires rather disturbing.  They (rogue Republicans) are clearly scheming with Russia and China at all levels both diplomatically and economically to defraud, destabilize and ultimately destroy the United States as a democratic Republic for the purpose of expanding their capitalist greed.  The only issue at this point is how well coordinated and how deeply ensconced  the cocksucker’s treason has gotten with our enemies.

These fuckers are just playing games with our lives to enrich themselves.  “Multiple people familiar with the matter tell NBC News there is a separate federal inquiry involving a company linked to both men, GTV Media Group.”  I wonder how much campaign activity is going to be mediated by that so-called “media group?”

We got $20M in wall money! Should buy quite a few votes, er, memes.

Self described as a fighter against the Chinese Kleptocracy, this Wngui guy is a carbon copy Chinese version of Trump before he got elected.  Probably a little smarter.  But you could say that about almost anybody.

Corrupt Institutions, Criminal Leaders, Failed Diplomacy

It’s hard to say exactly where it went off the rails.  Around the 1st week of November 2016 would probably be a good place to start.  Regardless of any specific turning points, it all boils down to power and greed.  I have personally concluded that human nature is NOT good, fundamentally motivated by power and greed.  The rest of the world just stacks up on top of that.

Corrupt Institution:  Anthony Fauci:  “We’re not set up for that.”

Criminal Leader:  Donald Trump:  “I don’t take responsibility at all.”

Corrupt Institution:  “It’s not clearly established that you’re not allowed to tear gas people for a photo op.” (sic)

Failed Diplomacy:  “The optics of the Israeli-Emirati deal will be that the Arabs have “betrayed” the Palestinian cause.”

Corrupt Institution:  “Betsy DeVos is everything Donald Trump said is wrong in America–an ultra-wealthy heiress who uses her money to game the system and push a special-interest agenda that is opposed by the majority of voters. Installing her in the Department of Education is the opposite of Trump’s promise to drain the swamp.”

Criminal Leader:  “This report tells us everything we suspected: The emergency was a sham. It was cooked up to get around congressional review of a bad policy choice.”

Failed Diplomacy:  “China has rejected Mr. Trump’s call to investigate the Bidens.”

I could keep doing this all day.  The problem is, as Carl so astutely pointed out, “people see what they want to see.”  …read what they want read and think what they want to think.  That last part is the dangerous one.  You can make people think whatever you want.  At least for awhile, until you get too busy covering up the truth.

Trumpomania – the Greatest Shitshow on Earth!

(Except Lebanon, maybe?)

“Trump has no legal authority to do most of these things, more accurate to call them Executive Suggestions or Executive Noodlings than Executive Orders.”

Many are well aware of what Trump’s been up to over the past few years.  Whether you agree with it or not is a political issue as fraught with stupidity as any political issue can be.  But yesterday’s antics demonstrate how wholly ridiculous this has gotten, regardless of how un-informed or willfully ignorant you may be.  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi described it accurately as “absurdly unconstitutional.”

I’ll break it down as simply as I can.  The administration has attempted to enact a payroll tax cut in the midst of double-digit unemployment.  At least the people still working will feel that – yay!  And incredibly, intends to divert money from FEMA at the beginning of the hurricane season to fund reduced unemployment subsidies.  DoD money was funding The Wall, so I guess it makes sense in GOP Bizzarro World.

Why would they attempt this illegal, unconstitutional, certainly ineffective approach?  Brian Tyler Cohen explains it pretty well.  We need a propaganda vaccine now, too.:

If these idiots had 2 brain cells to rub together, they’d have seen this for what it was 6 months ago, instead of just another opportunity to exercise their shortsighted greed.  With schools re-opening in-person in many places across the deep South, if you thought it was bad already, standby for the 1st wave peak.

Well-Cured Excrement

Here’s a real piece ‘o shit for ya.  This cocksucker was working with the Russians before Trump got involved.  You have to wonder if it really was one of those big conspiracies we assume is just too fantastic to believe.  The days of grovelling to the alcohol and tobacco industries, particularly in one of the most backwoods, politically vulnerable states in the country, has come to an end.  The push to pack the court almost succeeded, but Ruth is hanging on.  Go fuck yourself, pig-face.

Biggest enabler of the short Trump era.

How much damage can they squeeze into one Presidency?

18 Years Gone

For what?  So the Taliban just re-takes the country when conditions permit.  Start with some prison raids when the unraveling begins.  No biggie.

Got alot of people killed, including their leader. For what?

The only people truly understanding the answer to that question are busy investing their returns in the military-industrial complex and stoking the flames of political instability.


Unfortunately that would also delay your prosecution timeline, so, no.

Trump is a Facist, Racist Pig

People paying attention saw this coming years ago.  Apparently Mr. Calabresi was either asleep at the switch, or too busy enjoying the ill-gotten gains of his Trump fixation.

“Until recently, I had taken as political hyperbole the Democrats’ assertion that President Trump is a fascist,” the conservative legal scholar wrote. “But this latest tweet is fascistic and is itself grounds for the president’s immediate impeachment again by the House of Representatives and his removal from office by the Senate.”

It took awhile, but now the conservatively-populated Lincoln Project and people like Calabresi have finally realized the risk they took aligning with conman-charlatan Trump was far, far too great and they have lost the bet.  As Jann Wenner so astutely observes, Trump supporters are now “…zombies who ask no questions.  They are the walking dead who blindly follow a monster without scruples or morals.”

Make America’s Nazis Great!

Zieg Heil Heir Trump!

Cocksucker in Crisis

The chickens have come home to roost and they are shitting all over the country.

“With a solid — and growing — majority of Americans saying they disapprove of how Trump’s handled the worst pandemic in a century, if he loses, expect that to be one of the things history remembers about his presidency and this election.”

Oh shit. Grandiose narcissism and willful ignorance are not getting the job done.

“It’s a failure of leadership in the national government,” said Barry Bloom, a professor of public health at Harvard.  Ya think?

Outdoors Ad (act)?

I was reticent to include the link to CO GOP’s article, being the obviously pro-Cunty people they are.  But upon reflection, it illustrates more vividly than any criticism I could possibly level, just how bereft of substantial content this son-of-a-bitch really is.  I suppose the message is “Retreat to the mountains and hide from Coronavirus!”  Still waiting to see how those kids do in class next month.  Good luck with that (topic) fuckface.

I wonder if your boss, the Fuckwit-in-Chief, will even sign the bill?  Seems like doing things just to piss people off is Trump’s normally expected path.  But go ahead and claim a hollow victory that has technically, not even happened – In this reality.

Great Outdoors Scam is more like it.  Funny thing is, even Gardner himself knows how fucked-up these lyin’ mutherfuckers are, but does nothing to stop them.  Here’s the real Cory Gardener:  Supporter of corporate greed and elitist propaganda.