Card Carrying Nazis

How can the Trumpians remain unable to lift the veil of stupidity? They’re not even trying to hide or re-define the nazi message.

I encourage all the MAGA nation to get onboard and contribute. A 2024 Trump Presidential run might be the best way to quash the insanity once and for all.

The Republican Party is a Death Cult

Stark differences between Jonestown and Mar-a-Lago exist, however one similarity that certainly also does is loyalty to Dear Leader. That’s the core criteria for any cult. Repugs are there.

Yesterday Florida governor DeSuckass stood at the press conference podium and wailed “we are protecting your jobs…” as his mask PROHIBITION leads to the worst ER overflows ever, with patients in hallways and staff decimated. You have to wonder what jobs will be left when the dust settles.

Florida sets all-time record for Covid admissions. It no longer matters what side of the Covid controversy fence you fall – vaxxed or not, everybody is fucked.

Arkansas governor regrets mask mandate ban.

Nailed It

Because some nerd who couldn’t talk to girls had a PC in his college dorm room.

Russians Running Wild on the Internet

Has everybody finished connecting the dots between Trump and Russia yet? I’ve been turning them away from my site on a daily basis since before the 2016 election. If you can imagine how insignificant a grain of sand my blog represents on the Internet beach, you must also realize how bad the situation is. It is now quite clear the Republican party in this country has been engaged in a long-running, concerted authoritarian takeover supported by Russia – that failed.

Now the perps need jailed, and the Russians punished. Just give me some bandwidth and top cover.

If you know your IP address, you’ve been warned.

Jerk-off Jimmy Jordan

Junior Fuckwit, no doubt.

Shameless cocksucking Trump supporter.

“Why weren’t they able to stop this riot we incited!” Mar-a-lago’s filling up fast. Better make your reservation and start working the extradition issues.

Is Mississippi ALL Troglodyte?

You have to wonder, when the best they can do is petition the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v Wade, while their state leads the country in the now out-of-control so-called 4th Covid-19 wave. You’d think they’d have better things to do with over half their population vulnerable to the most deadly respiratory virus to stalk the planet in modern times.

“But this week, the state reframed its argument, abandoning its earlier and narrower attack, to take direct aim at Roe and its holding that women have a constitutional right to terminate a pregnancy before the fetus is able to survive outside the womb.”

ERs maxed. people dying in droves? Look – a rabbit!

the state’s brief “reveals the extreme and regressive strategy, not just of this law, but of the avalanche of abortion bans and restrictions that are being passed across the country.”

Late Update: Florida passed them up overnight. Big surprise.

Governor DeSuckass

With Mar-a-Lago just down the road, at least this laughably incompetent excuse for a human being doesn’t have far to go to get his tongue into Trump’s bowel.

“While hospitals in our state were filling up, DeSantis was shouting about ‘Freedom over Faucism,’” said Ashby who leads the group of 405 Florida physicians. “If DeSantis were as concerned about stopping COVID-19 spread as he was about coming up with these clever jabs about Dr. Fauci, we might not be in this position.”

Open a little wider and you can suck off the whole GOP!

Florida’s Covid-19 Surge Continues

Between Fox and Facebook…

It’s hard to pick a winner for the most insidious anti-vaxx misinformation source. Must be a 2-pronged attack, with Fox aiming for the elderly and Facebook set up to take out the stupid. Either way, the anti-vaxxers are set for a red-pill nightmare of epic proportions.

Facebook, too.

Once again: They need to shut this shyt down.

Deranged Lunatic

Anyone not recognizing truth in this topic is crazier than he is.

They decided to try the power grab by installing a gullible patsy, but it was too stupid, even for them.

Crackdown Time for the Kraken Lady

Rule 11 recognizes that lawyers might be motivated to lie, so it sets up a system designed to deter unethical conduct in the future. Bad things can happen to lawyers who try to “play” judges.

Bad things happened for the whole country this time around. Sidney Powell and her ilk now get to learn something they should have inferred for themselves a long time ago. Law is a game with real outcomes. Good luck with that, cocksuckers.

And after the fines, costs and fees we’ll take the law license and any prospect of ever getting it back.

Tennessee Goes Anti-Vax

Here’s a new category combo for ya: Crime and Health. Tennesseans can now look forward to losing children to not only Covid, but measles, polio and a whole raft of deadly diseases after clueless Tennessee legislator fuckwits fired the only person with any ability to proactively deal with the pandemic there.

“Republican lawmakers also admonished the agency for its communications about the vaccine, including online posts. One graphic, featuring a photo of a smiling child with a Band-Aid on his arm, said, “Tennesseans 12+ are eligible for vaccines. Give COVID-19 vaccines a shot.” Some lawmakers even threatened to dissolve the Health Department.”

They swallowed the whole bottle of red pills.
What’s the best way to eliminate a voter?