Abbott’s Bounty on Women

When you really think about it…

There’s alot more money to be made off the women.
He really is a reprehensibly craven cocksucker.

Pop that Pimple

“The Economy” in this country has been a badly abused pimple, retaining it’s festering liquidity in corporate and private wealth far too long. Look no further than recent developments in blockchain, NFT and the usual cast of cyber-borne scammers. Everybody is trying to squeeze money that does not exist from people that do not have it. It’s time to lance that corporate and top 1% boil of a pimple.

Keep shoving it into blockchain. Maybe you can hide it there for awhile.

It’s Over

Just remember why we went to Afghanistan in the first place. That’s a big part of the problem. We forgot why we went there in the first place, while greedy, cocksucking politicians banked the defense dollars.

No more nation building.

I heard alot of remarks from speakers today citing “unity” stemming from the 9/11 attacks, and how it’s not a lost cause in today’s partisan political landscape. Seem like the only time this country can get it together is when it comes time to kill some people.

9/11 Memorial Photos

Texas “Wronghorns”

The fuckwits running things down in Texas just managed to accomplish the most egregious act of willful stupidity in modern legislative history. Beyond the pale doesn’t begin to describe it. These assholes have just stripped thousands of Texas women from their established Constitutional rights with little more than some imaginative penmanship. Starting to look like nothing really matters anymore, as long as the psycho alt-right bible thumpers get their way.

Credit to Trey and Mark for 1st good wordplay. The pre-natal-narco-website to report “offenders” has already been shut downtwice.

Doesn’t even BEGIN to cover it.

Texas governor defends abortion law saying state will eliminate all rapists. Morons.

DOJ sues. Brian Tyler Cohen – smart guy.

BoBitch: Lying, Cheatin’ Whore

The scum learned corruption quick. It runs deep and wide in this Federal government.

Crony capitalism 101

The thing about alot of these Qanons, anti-vaxxers and other troglodytes of this type is they get to think they know something for a change – great fodder for cocksucking, deceitful politicians like this.

Get your affairs in order, sweetie.

The 2nd or 3rd sleaziest piece of shit ever to con their way into an elected government position.

Forest for the Trees

On a national news interview with Gayle King today, Zuckerberg bragged about “taking down 18 million pieces of misinformation.” Fine, if that’s how they expect to stay busy, but it’s half-assed self promotion. People with a smidgen of common sense understand treating symptoms as opposed to root causes, is a never-ending struggle, often doomed to failure. Sounds like he’s trying to play a fine-grained game of digital whack-a-mole – to the detriment of society and democracy.

The issue Zucky-boy deliberately omits, overlooks or otherwise skirts in attempts to pin him down on the topic is simple: The distinction between the misinformation and the people spreading it. It will only be curbed by stopping the people doing it. That means bannings, blocking IP’s, even ranges of IP’s where Russian cyber criminals and Chinese data thieves lurk – not to mention the Covidiots. But alas, that might impact the bottom line.

Any”thing” can easily create and exploit a FB account. Maybe a little user vetting? Apparently the country’s not worth it.

Lyin’, greedy, cocksucking piece of shit.

Fuckbook’s Most Viewed Article In Early 2021 Raised Doubt About COVID Vaccine.

Media Stupidity

Big headlines today: “Afghanistan on Verge of Collapse.” Bullshyt. The U.S.-backed Afghani government is on the verge of collapse – just as it has been for the past 20 years. The Taliban is doing great, and all their subjects will be as they were before. Call it whatever you want, but the only thing changed is the missing dead.

Hope the defense contractors got that money all squirreled away well.

“Limited airstrikes are being conducted…” Hell we did that for years in Vietnam, too. What was that about the big difference between smart people and dumb people again? Watch how when something goes wrong at the airport, it’s all Biden’s fault…

The Rule of Law

…means the rule of money and power in the United States of America. “The Law” means only what the rich and powerful’s lawyers say it means. Look no further than the impeachment hearings or the upshot of the ongoing opioid crises.

Accountability is rare. Law is weak, and justice an elusive apparition.

Judge for yourselves.