Fat, Dumb Fuck

This piece of shit has been coming on ABC This Week every Sunday for quite awhile now to rationalize and obfuscate the current political quandary in this country. He projects the Big Lie, re-states Trump ideology, and generally supports the cocksuckers. He can go suck that limp Trump dick until he chokes on it.

Eat shit and die, cockpig. I’m sure your cardiologist has an ICU bed reserved.

Public Enemy

LE Hiring Standards Waaaaaay Too Low. Screaming “fuck the police!” from the top of my keyboard is getting old. This guy is not in jail. Yet. Wonder if it will take as long as the Aubery killers in GA…

Guy in a wheelchair. Five (9? four misses probably, whatever) times in the back.

It only takes one to kill somebody. Ask Kim Potter.

Makin’ Up Xenophobic Horseshit

Trea always comes up with a spot-on characterization for the Trumplican’s endlessly inane bullshittery used for instilling fear in the MAGA base and riling up the more radical, er, militant(?) fringe. I can’t remember which video the horseshit comment came from, but his recent BoeBitch expose’ is chock full of ’em. Love this guy’s shyt! 😉

No. It’s because you’re a dumb fuck.

Couch Commandos

Heard this interview with Ryan Brusse on CPR yesterday. It perfectly reflects one aspect of the currently dysfunctional degenerative culture war now raging across the country. It also gives me a little perspective on a father obsessed with firearms. The gun industry managed to convince a large swath of the U.S. demographic from hillbilly rednecks to suburban wanna-be vigilantes, all they needed was an AR and an attitude to be a real badass with actual clues about manhood and patriotism in their brains.

Sorry it don’t work that way. Earn your badass status first, then we’ll talk. Until then, perhaps all you couch commandos might consider protecting Kyle Rittenhouse. He’s gonna need some help going forward. The AR won’t do him much good when he’s the target.

Pick your controversy. It’s all about the money.

My Side of the Story?

There’s no story and there’s no sides. This is simply the legal formality necessary to put you, your father and that other dickhead in jail for a long time. We’ll get to the cocksucking cops that did the original investigation later. You and a couple of armed accomplices chased down another un-armed human being and killed him. It’s on the video. People have eyes. I hear Georgia’s murder laws are relatively loose. Good luck with that, scumbag.

BRUNSWICK, GA – NOVEMBER 9: Travis McMichael sits with his attorney before the start of the trial for Ahmaud Arbery’s shooting death at the Glynn County Courthouse on November 9, 2021 in Brunswick, Georgia. McMichael, his father Greg McMichael, and a neighbor, William “Roddie” Bryan are charged with the February 2021 slaying of 25-year-old Ahmaud Arbery. (Photo by Stephen B. Morton – Pool/Getty Images)

Rittenhouse Judge is a Moron

Judge for yourself.

Not qualified.

At the age of 62, I understand how some of the new tech has passed me by. What we have here is a presumptuous twit who probably can’t spell technology, looking for a technicality to exclude evidence. This guy is just a fucking moron.

Paul Gosuck

This disgraced dentist from Arizona can suck my dick and choke on it. Today’s LPTV preview:

“The House will vote on a resolution to censure Gosar and strip him of his committee assignments, an extraordinary move by Democratic leaders. But it perfectly demonstrates what we’re talking about — the anger, the deep distrust and lack of decorum or civility between members on many occasions.

The twin sanctions against Gosar came after he tweeted out an animated video showing him killing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and preparing to strike President Joe Biden. Gosar removed the video — which received millions of views — following a call from McCarthy. Gosar apologized in private to House Republicans on Tuesday, although he hasn’t done so publicly.”

Fuck him, fuck McCarthy, fuck Trump and fuck the whole goddammed GOP. My turn: When do we get to use the guns?

Eat shit and die, cockpig.

Sign of the Times

Dude running in the street with an AR. “Guilty or innocent, Kyle Rittenhouse should disgust us all.” Crime only today – no politics, just fucked up judges, courts and LAW.

Who trained their kid to become a vigilante?

Self Defense?

Why are these cretin vigilantes running around shooting people claiming self defense in their murder trials? Why hasn’t the Wisconsin judge’s predisposition to bias the jury not already resulted in a mistrial? Only ONE black juror in GA? Seriously? Starting to wonder if I can pen an entire post with nothing but questions?

Just because that dimwit judge Schroeder sat down drinking with his cronies one evening last week and agreed to do everything they possibly could for that shitty little fuck Rittenhouse, doesn’t mean he’s not guilty as hell and will be found so, regardless of their biased judicial proceedings. The only thing I know for sure in these two cases is Kyle’s parent’s have some real soul searching to do. The people of Georgia have that and bigger issues on their hands.

…While The Court addresses 2A once again. It’s like a nightmare you can’t wake up from. I think I’m gonna buy another shotgun…

Wall Street Jerk Off

…my term for the Wall Street Journal.


This rag run by the Murdoch media mutherfuckers is still publishing fuckwit letters about the election. “Most newspapers don’t allow op-ed writers to just make up nonsense lies…” Well obviously the WSJ is not most newspapers. They are the big one in bed with Trumplicans aiming to run this country into the ground under authoritarian rule.

They had almost all the bases covered, and only a seat or two short of actually getting it done on The Court. Zuckerboy was in on the ground floor, with the social media angle. Traditional media played along in the same vein, sensationalizing any and every salacious story they could, damn the truth.

Is it any wonder what happens in an election with broadcast and paper focused on lies and conspiracy theories along with every social media channel amplifying the bullshit? It’s like 1930’s Germany on steroids.

Believe what you want, see what you want to see. I’ll take my cue from reality.

Who’s trippn’ now?

Native American Heritage Month

I have a few friends of native heritage. I feel guilty living on this land when I think about them. The Sand Creek Massacre happened not many miles from here. I go through there from time-to-time and think about my friends whose families survived.

The heinous bastard who led that disgraceful stain on our history later ran for governor of Colorado. The campaign focused on his great success at Sand Creek and pride in getting that done. Seems like some things never change while history repeats itself. American culture is as racist, misogynistic and hateful now as it was then.

Native Americans and Climate Change

The Comanche Tribe

The Most Powerful Native American Tribe

Same Shyt, Different Name

The hot seat was getting a little warm for Zuckerboy, so he figures to just add a new name, hoping to obfuscate and distance himself and the company from the huge flaming dumpster fire it is. This greedy little nerd can suck my dick and choke on it.

Nice move on the eve of your indictment, fuckface