Daddy’s Coattails

Starting to look like the ride to political power on Daddy’s coattails is gonna be more like a slow boat to China. The authoritarian hemisphere west of the International dateline will be a much more accepting environment for these failed political frauds. Fuckwit jr. better have plenty of security if he plans on staying in this country. Him and his Dad are on my SOS list, along with a number of their cronies. The acronym SOS stands for “Shoot on Sight” in my lexicon.

You’re goin’ down, mutherfucker.
That gaslight must’ve been running on a Russian supply.


All the lefties and Lincolns gotta do is splice. No doctoring needed.

New Cell-Block Construction

There’s gonna be alot of priority construction projects ongoing across Ukraine in coming years. Even so, we’ll need to carefully evaluate their proclivity, along with other interested candidates, to hosting the next Gitmo. Americans won’t tolerate it over here, but somebody is gonna have fun managing a large new prison population consisting primarily of Russian Army officers and their subordinates – at least those failing to meet the evidence criteria for capital punishment. The bar will not be high, but there will certainly still be plenty of those.

I’m thinking a more northerly clime, so the war criminals feel better acclimated to home. Those new NATO members Finland and Sweden might have some desolate, barren mountaintops with year-round snow making perfect locations. Despite not being in Russia, they should be modeled on only the best the Bolsheviks had to offer, in both form and function. Probably need two or three, the way things are shaking out at this time. Russian prison history is in the making…

The new ones will be painted blue and gold.

Healthcare Is A Scam-II

I been complaining about this since before my malpractice episode. That only cemented the notion in my mind. It’s a scam and a fraud, perpetrated by legislators paid by lobbyists to prop up rich doctors and the HMO/Insurance co. executives and shareholders. Fuck all those greedy bastards.

Putin Will Pay, Russians Will Suffer

“The Ukrainian city of Bucha was in the hands of [Russian] animals for several weeks. Local civillians were being executed arbitrarily, some with hands tied behind their backs, their bodies scattered in the streets of the city,” the ministry tweeted.

There are only two questions remaining to be answered with regard to Putin’s war of aggression on Ukraine: How will the remainder unfold, and what will be left of Russia when it is over?

Gonna need alot more bruises and contusions on this first.

No More Will Smith for Me

I thought he was a pretty cool dude and a great actor. Not anymore. This grandstanding jackass needs to go suck a fat one. It’s not like his wife’s medical issues haven’t been the known topic of conversation, comedic or otherwise, for years. But when you’re three inches taller than the target in an auditorium full of famous people, why not go ahead show off for the camera? Maybe the antidepressant effect is waning, but there’s no excuse. Go ahead strutting around like you own the place, being a total asshole.

Your acting career is over as far as I am concerned, fuckwit.

Then they let the fuckass walk up onstage and accept an award ten minutes later. I’ve been pretty much done with Hollyweird for quite some time. Now it’s official.

Disinformation Amplified

Dis-misinformation. propaganda, lies, deceit and related human foibles have been around forever. The concept seems to support the rise of religion as a means of social control. We’ve repeatedly seen tragic outcomes over the years when truly sinister fuckwits get to doing it politically on a mass scale, outside the church’s confines. But things are different these days.

Politics has always been fertile ground for opportunistic liars plying disinformation supporting their elections in various ways. Whether it’s mudslinging against opponents or tugging single-issue voter heart strings, the talking points are always peppered with less than truth and more like total lies in many cases. The trick has always been getting the word out. Whoever commanded the newspapers were last century’s societal Chief Information Control Officers.

There used to be a premium on truth back in the day, when electronic information traveled across telegraph wires, waiting to be transcribed to paper by hand and later read by voice to crowds gathered in a town square. The price paid for truth in today’s Internet-charged infotainment ecosystem is reflected in a serious oversupply of dubious information with a resultant big drop in demand. Today’s truth is probably lucky to be worth about a penny on 1860’s dollar, when and if you can find it in politics.

Free speech becomes a whole different animal combined with ubiquitous data and broadcast communications. It should be obvious to anyone paying attentions who knows the history, that people did not think this whole Internet thing all the way through. Obfuscated and false sources make critical listening, reading and thinking more important than ever. So when the Chumpenführer and gang became the first to learn there were enough idiots with cellphones and TVs who would believe whatever they were told, it was game over in the political info-war. Simply propagandizing those right-wing groups focused on religion, white supremacy and corporate money into a voting base was trivial.

Nazis and Qanons don’t need books, newspapers, soapboxes or even much word of mouth with a cellphone in every pocket and purse.

Humanitarian Airlift Combat Escort

Aren’t we used to all the new mission creep stuff yet? No reason it shouldn’t include some SEAD, among other necessary support activities. Perfectly legitimate humanitarian mission. Mariupol is waiting…

Sidewinders over Azov sounds like the title for a great new Air Combat novel.

Make the announcement. Outcomes await those brave Russian aviators.

Ukraine War Crimes.

More Openly Homicidal

I’ve heard more than a few pejorative descriptions for Lindsey Graham, but Trea Crowder’s characterization couldn’t have been more currently apt. Openly calling for Putin’s assassination was one thing, but his little tirade at the confirmation hearing yesterday was telling. Not that the slime-bag ever cared about human life before, but so quickly forgetting who freed the Taliban from Bagram only weeks before the final evacuation is probably just another indication of demetia creeping in.

I can think of a few people I wouldn’t mind seeing die in prison, myself.

The cognitive dissonance must be crushing.

Best qualified Supreme Court candidate ever.

They’ve been planning this for months. Lindsey’s turn to be the asshole.

Ted Cruz – Critical Cocksucker

Teddy’s lame attempt at reading children’s books to attack judge Jackson at her confirmation hearing perfectly demonstrates exactly how stupid this vapid mutherfucker really is. I lost count how many times the idiot baited his questions with the term critical race theory. These raging imbeciles just cannot stand the idea that they are not a superior race. And if their children must suffer for it, all the better. This SOB is just such a waste of human flesh.

Race is critical for understanding the nazi’s deceitful political plans.
Last 3 taken together can’t hold a candle to Judge Jackson’s background and qualifications.