Faith Lost

“Polls show the public is losing faith in the Supreme Court.”

Never thought of myself as trendy at all. Probably explains the shyt-eatin’ grin. Blood is on your hands.

Not buyin’ it. The court is ruined, your institution a sham. -Unless you have some other explanation for being literally out of touch with a large majority of the citizenry.

Master This Real Special, Mutherfucker:

The U.S. Department of Justice and the FBI do not need to use any of their documents in any Florida-focused investigations any time soon. The only thing those documents are doing now is marking the trail for espionage mitigation activities – nothing to do with Benedict Dotard, except for the fact that it’s now after the fact.

It’s just another legal delay tactic, standard fare in the dRumpf legal lexicon. Media of all kinds will certainly make lots of programming fodder with it, enlessly analyzing exactly how little it actually means in the larger scheme of things. Good luck with that, fuckface.

Treason Weasel Goin’ Down

Lindsay Graham has no excuse – not even the standard inane nonsense like debate rules and executive privilege. This cocksucker saw it comin’ and still fellated the Orange Fuckwit with politically-motivated intensity.

Destroyed would be an understatement for your sorry ass at this point, mutherfucker.
Trump’s going to jail, and Lindsay will be right there with him.

Narcissism: Crime of the Century

It will be real poetic justice to me at least, when Benedict Dotard’s narcissism becomes the one thing that ultimately ends up getting him convicted of numerous felonies. At every twist and turn, this self-serving buffoon has opened his mouth wide to expose the truth – if you are really listening. -Not the actual words that come out. They are of course in most cases totally fabricated falsehoods and ramblings uttered solely and narcissistically to disguise and deflect reality.

Throughout his administration, those words were carefully couched in ways gullible listeners wanted to believe. Most citizens are unconcerned with larger societal issues, even if those problems underlie locally relevant circumstances. Messages and talking points can easily be organized and contextualized with meaningless, vague terminology for that target audience. It becomes a little different ballgame when the actual facts of deliberate, criminal activities are laid bare for all to see.

The series of conflicting, inane, literally outrageous responses from the former Liar in Chief attempting to deflect and obfuscate the outcome of his FBI visit are laughable. The Constitution was rigged right from the start with electoral college and many so-called checks that did not balance. They pushed it too far this time. Now it’s time to pay the piper.

“None of the excuses offered by former President Trump and his allies hold up under the slightest scrutiny.”

Turn Back Time

Thanks a bunch SCOTUS. I hope you cocksuckers never have another moment’s peace as long as you live the least possible number of days left in your miserable lives.

Special Master

Here’s ur “Special Master,” mutherfucker. He’s about 6’3″, 250lbs. and likes soft, flabby flesh for easier penetration. You get to meet him in prison. The Fuckwits are too stupid to realize the investigation started the minute those secrets left the Oval Office. The owners knew exactly what it was before it was briefed to the idiot. Why does anybody think the Russians and Saudis been financing Felonius Fuckstump all along?

The previous administration certainly was nothing but a gang of totally traitorous morons.

Code Monkeys

Internet security vis-a-vis the Online Finance ecosystem is sketchier than ever these days. Don’t give them any help.

Layman’s translation: Code Monkeys messin’ with ur shyt.

Neural Chip

Neural Chip ≈ Big Lie. The GOP propaganda disgrace is epic, egregious and unforgivable. They’ve taken lyin’ to a whole new level.


Now the Fuckwit wants transparency? After leaving a failed administration in the wake of a crime spree against the people of this country unparalleled in history? It wants transparency for that now? Seriously? Benedict Dotard is so delusional only a padded cell will do at this point. Maybe we’ll get lucky and the biggest stain on U.S. history ever to lift a Big Mac to it’s mouth will wise up, blow it’s brains out and save everybody a bunch more trouble.

The man who is gonna put a stop to fascism in the Untied States.

Since Day 1

Anybody who hasn’t yet realized this cocksucker’s been selling us out since day 1 has their head so far up their ass, the world is just one big, brown Traitor Tot turd.

“Administration sources familiar with the investigation tell ABC News the amount and the sensitivity of confidential, secret and top-secret documents allegedly discovered in the Mar-a-Lago search raise critical national security questions that must be urgently addressed.”

Rot in Hell, traitorous piece of shit.
There is no possible legitimate explanation for SCI at Mar-a-Lago. TS/SCI can mean only one thing.