Trump-Appointed Judges

Maybe not all bad:

“Try to be on Twitter less than you otherwise would,” he said. “Try not to be searching for the feedback or the plaudits or anything else. Just focus on the craft and find as much internal satisfaction in the craft of judging and writing as you can.”

Too bad a couple of the worst are sitting at 1 First Street, NE Washington, DC.

Colorado Proposition 122

Digging a little deeper, you can find where this all started in contemporary society. Indigenous people been trippin’ all over the planet since forever.

“Cargill has remained a hidden figure of drug history for too long, a ‘cute little honeybee’ who should be rebranded as the brilliant chemist who brought systems and methods to turning America on.”

Chemistry – what a concept.


So the repugs are suing Google. Stinking political whore lights another frivolous lawsuit. Apparently the RNC faithful are clueless regarding Google’s spam policies and operations. Makes sense. They’ve got their heads so far up their own asses they probably can’t distinguish email from snail mail. Big G doesn’t determine what is spam – their users do, by submitting spam reports. Click the icon, this is spam – done. Google just follows instructions from people smart enough to know a fraud when they see it.

The MAGA are getting antsy because people are rejecting their nonstop media scams begging for money. Fuck these miscreants.

Talk to the spam filter not the hand, bitch.

Ya Think?

“Only about half of Americans have high confidence that votes in the upcoming midterm elections will be counted accurately, according to a new poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research”

I have my doubts, but it doesn’t have anything to do with election administration. It’s all about the cocksuckers who claim it did.

Fuck all you MAGA assholes to Hell and back – ESPECIALLY your candidates.

Russian Mobilization

Russia’s utterly shameful failure to execute military mobilization in anything even resembling a coherent, effective manner is no secret. Outcomes are looking more and more questionable in the face of countermeasures on the Ukrainian side.

A Ukrainian serviceman checks the trenches dug by Russian soldiers in a retaken area in the Kherson region, Ukraine on Oct. 12, 2022. –Leo Correa/AP

Alex Jones, Disinformation Poster-Boy

The reprehensible fuckwit known as Alex Jones represents more than the whacko’s latest anti-gun control mouthpiece. He is the first held accountable for dishonest online profiteering scams, the likes of which we’ve seen in all flavors for decades. This jackhole just decided to go high-profile and take it to a new level.

Gullibility is one thing. I’m personally terrible that way, autistic. Intonation and body language, hearing and seeing people speak is where discerning truth from falsehood begins. Those cues are often absent or easily disguised from a podcast desk. Healthy skepticism for anything in news and social media is where the search for online truth ends.

Free speech isn’t dead – it’s just killing us.

Privacy is an illusion and the Internet confirms it.

How to Fix the Cops

New Orleans has just taken a step in the right direction. The motivation is concerning, but the idea is right. Police don’t need to be warriors armed to the teeth for >90% of the Stuff they do. Arguably, the presence of firearms in otherwise manageable situations just makes it go bad faster. Cops have expended more ammunition in the past year, than criminals have since the beginning of time. It’s time to start leaving most of the weapons at the station.

Brits been doing it with great success forever.

“United Kingdom law allows the use of “reasonable force” to make an arrest or prevent a crime[38][39] or to defend oneself.[40] If the force used is fatal, then the European Convention of Human Rights only allows “the use of force which is no more than absolutely necessary”.[41] Firearms officers may therefore only discharge their weapons “to stop an imminent threat to life”.[42]”

Most Castle Doctrine texts reflect this concept, yet somehow people get shot sitting in their cars or attempting to flee in this country every day.

They’ll gain real appreciation for that response time issue when the cops themselves are the ones waiting for armed backup