A Genuine Nasty Bitch

Lowrent Boozbag took a night out last weekend to demonstrate for the voting public just exactly what a reprehensible, selfish slut she really is. The evening highlights were spent disrupting a performance at Denver’s Buell Theater, texting, groping, vaping, and generally making a sickening nuisance of herself. Her and the current cunt service provider were summarily booted from the venue.

Categorized under crime and politics, the crime here is how such an embarrassing, horrifically unsuitable for public service cretin gets elected. It only goes to show the fundamentally universal lack of education and common sense in this country today. I could list off any number of unqualified idiots holding legislative seats who got there by simply exercising their Gawd-given right to lie and deceive..

MORE LIES: “I’m deeply thankful to those in the 3rd District who have defended me and reached out this week and offered grace and support when I needed it the most. I’ve learned some humbling lessons these past few days but I vow moving forward, I will make you proud,” she added.

Go ahead Buck. Open your fucking mouth. I’m just waiting…

Nice job, bitch. Explain that one to the old lady Xtians in ur voting bloc.
Suck a fat one, bitch.
The whole entitled Karen episode being escorted out was priceless.
Oh yeah, she is sooooo over.

I have a Question for Musk

Who’s side are you on?

Don’t say neither, you’re just anti-war. You can go suck some hard, throbbing Putin cock, mutherfucker.
X (Twitter) Failed to Act on 86% of Hate Speech Posts. Fucking nazi POS.

Uncovered Allegations

Ya think? McCarthy might have some seriously disturbing shyt to show had he more than two brain cells to rub together. There’s more allegations floating around DC than you can shake a stick at. Uncovered? You mean documented in ongoing government waste sponsored by the fuckwit Freedom Caucus? Those allegations?

Jeezus h forking krist, who in the fuck do these people think they are? Europe’s gone to shyt again with the Chinese gettin’ antsy everywhere and we can’t even let the doctors run healthcare. So all these fuckwits can talk about is Hunter’s laptop and some goddammed allegations? Seriously?!

These mutherfucking repugs simply are not serious people.
Go fuck yourself, asshole. Oh wait, nevermind – already done.
Farron breaks it down.

Ballots and Bullets

“If these tactics end up working to keep Trump from winning or even running in 2024, it is going to be the last American election that will be decided by ballots rather than bullets,” Huckabee said.

Arkansas governor satan spawn’s dad, had some things to say about the potential next President of this country. Rational folks might disagree.

Those cocksuckers from AR can keep working on that limp Trump dick.

Doctors Getting More Dangerous

It’s all online – just a question of who’s looking at it and why.

“The number of cyberattacks and information system breaches in healthcare has grown steadily, escalating from isolated incidents to widespread targeted and malicious attacks.”

And Micro$oft is everywhere.

Microsoft said in June that a China-backed hacking group had stolen a cryptographic key from the company’s systems. This key allowed the attackers to access cloud-based Outlook email systems for 25 organizations, including multiple US government agencies.

I don’t think they need people like me after them, too.

GOP Openly Demonstrates Authoritarian Tactics

It’s only one thing now, to me: The deep-seated effectiveness of propagandized political brainwashing. Last week we saw a long-term Capitol riot detainee beg for leniency and walk out yelling “Trump Won!” moments later. The depth and scale of the depravity foisted on this country by that cunt Trump is truly remarkable.

There’s no longer any question – it’s a mass mental breakdown at societal scale. We have opposing same-party candidates now echoing the ideology and vowing to support him, should he garner the nomination. It’s truly fascist fuckwits fomenting the movement on many levels now, with bigoted haters plying the trade in all corners of the country.

Don’t be distracted. That’s all it is. The entire GOP/MAGA movement is just a distraction to keep you unhappy, because making you happy might cost. Who needs tiny marginalized minorities’ votes, when it’s so easy and inexpensive sacrificing them to the big block of mouth-breathing MAGA haters with minimal political risk in the voter category?

“Every authoritarian takeover depends on enablers from business, religion, the law, industry, and the media. In return for profits and privileges, elites agree to tolerate and/or facilitate the rollback of rights, the spread of propaganda narratives, and the recourse to violence against state enemies.”

Not a Nuclear Disaster

I believe the overall situation might be better characterized as an authoritarian crises for tin-pot dictators with nothing but nuclear threats up their sleeve. It took Pootin what, mere months after the start of his little imperialist adventure in Ukraine to begin the nuclear innuendo? I think them two teaming up is a great idea! Kim and Putin make great bedfellows both literally and figuratively. Vlad can suck some little Jong dick begging for help, while the eastern megalomaniacs assume control of the new axis.

The DPRK is a secretive-enough hermit kingdom outsiders can’t ever really be too sure WTF is going on in there. Russia’s a different animal, but both with leaders blinded by power and hubris. Consolidating the whole political ideology thing never seemed more appropriate. Good luck, mutherfuckers.

Told Ya This Guy’s a Fuckass

No, not Clapton, once again – this one.

CHATSUM: A year-long study by the European Commission has revealed that under Elon Musk‘s ownership, Twitter played a significant role in spreading Russian propaganda about Ukraine, surpassing the reach before the war began. The study also found that other social media platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook, owned by Meta, received criticism for failing to stop the spread of Russian propaganda.

Fired Twitter employees withheld severance backfires.

Might be the first actual imbecile people really believed was a genius.

All Sources Lean Right

Who’s covering what? Depends on the story. If your readers and viewers like it, it’s leading. If not, it’s ignored. Inject misinformation, if it’s something in-between that may be slanted in your preferred political direction.

The 2020 BLM riots are water long under the bridge – except for racist right wingers worried about their fuckwit friends in a DC jail.

$5M appears to be the lesser of two evils, in this case.