White People’s Choice Awards

Anthony Anderson‘s spot-on as always. “What could that possibly mean?” he asks WRT Vance’ daylight savings time observation. You just have to be dumb enough to follow the narrative. It means JD Vance can be confident saying whatever the fuck he feels like rolling off his politically-forked tongue, as the new MAGA veep-in-waiting.

Alot of pundits seem incredulous at the pack of GOP flip-floppers led by non other than Vance himself. They must be overlooking the simple fact bald-faced lying with aplomb is a core Republican competency. And no worries skirting the law anymore, either. They’ve got judges stacked all the way up to the Supreme Cunts.

Suddenly got it right after 150 years, huh?

AFPOY 2023

Had to start a new POY category after the latest stuff from the USAF photojournalists just started getting too damn good. Photography really does capture art and technology in uniquely interesting ways, to me. The space telescope stuff just takes it to extremes.

I wanted to call it for the A-10 over Alaska, but this is certainly the most expansively detailed in-flight panorama I’ve ever seen. Space Force will be chiming in here soon, no doubt….

Pitting them against the Reddit peeps might be a fair fight.

Stuff’s POY 2023

(P)icture (O)f the (Y)ear accolades here at the Stuff site goes a little differently than we are accustomed to in these type selections. It is awarded on day one, with subsequent offerings supplanting the title, as we go. The winner is the one left standing on December 31st, after my ongoing personal review of all the selected candidates according to my completely biased, incomplete, amateur view of Reddit Earthporn and the now impressively populated Air Force Week in Photos. Reddit runs a little poll contest in various subcategories at the end of the year, if you’re really interested.

The one I liked the best so far, will always appear here on this updated and re-published post. Judgement criteria are engaging use of light, color and contrast with focus. Here’s the current candidate. Let me know if you think I’m missing anything. Low light focus is difficult – there’s a new candidate down there….

Up for review: No 2024 candidates up for review, just yet…

Pick Your Favorite Archetype

With big followings all over the map, these two might represent the largest cross-sections of idolatry-inclined fawning fans worldwide. The SanFran Chronicle article linked below highlights an interesting comparo/contrast in contemporary archetype culture. It also pretty clearly demonstrates how the Person of the Year award reflects the wide range and diversity of what people might aspire to, be it fame and fortune, or Fuckwit fellowship.

And what a joke it is. Somehow I think these two trajectories are as contrary as the circumstances that got them here. You tell ’em, girl.

Some risk of popularity decline after this award. I speak from experience lol. β€” Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 7, 2023 

Musk will re-instate Alex Jones' on X

Fuckwit’s trying to rule the world with Twitter polls.

Risk – what a concept. Guess it depends alot on who or what’s at stake.