Stay Away from the Monkeys!

My only question is what the FUCK was somebody doing driving down the road in Danville, PA with a hundred un-secured lab monkeys in the back of a truck? Probably our luck similar fuckwit-type stuff maybe somebody in Wuhan was getting up to a few years ago?

Wonder what virulent variant these guys were being tested with?

$inema is a DINO

Just based on some well-publicized ninja bullshyttery, Arizona certainly has it’s fair share of crackpot big lie aficionados. How in the fuck they got Kirsten Sinema as one of two Dems elected to the Senate is now fairly clear. The cunt soon learned there was plenty of money to be made on both sides of the aisle, so she sits on the fence gleefully continuing to fuck everything up.

With enough deceitful double-talk, I can look good to Arizona voters by just wasting my Senate vote!

Editorial Note

Please allow me to clarify, in an attempt to avoid any possible confusion in some of the colorful terminology I use around here.

1 Button, 1 Lever, 1 Valve

That’s the only readily-available operating instructions for the car lift in my garage. It’s a pretty simple machine. The Button makes it go up, the Lever makes it go down, and the Valve stops it from going down. Gravity stops it from going up, for the fuckwits in the audience.

It’s also probably one of the the most dangerous pieces of equipment I use. You almost have to try to screw it up, but people do all the time. So, FUCKWIT is my term for those I perceive to posses a truly malevolent form of intelligence. Active ignorance is one of it’s forms.

Epstein Wannabe

Time to address this Gaetz fuckwit of a wannabe gangsta politician. I knew the minute I saw him scrambling down the steps at the start of the 1st impeachment hearings, this son-of-a-bitch had to be one of the filthiest of Felonius Fuckstump’s lieutenants.

She’s probably just worried about ending up like Gislane.

They’ll Allow it, Will They?

Wouldn’t allow masks, testing and vaccines, but the truck drivers and cops can go teach school now? Makes sense, with governing a best effort abject failure of a quandary in many places on a good day nowadays. What a bunch of flaming fuckwits.

Gov. Kevin Stitt will allow my fist in his teeth were he ever unfortunate enough to get within my reach.

STEM, Baby!

This is what I’m talking about. There certainly is no dearth of depressing political news to process, but occasionally I find hope in the young folks coming up in the system. Every so often I see one of these young ladies doing the STEM thing in amazingly impressive fashion and feel less pessimistic. Katie Melbourne is on a long trajectory to success of the highest order.

Smartest new space cadet in these parts.

Health Status Update

It’s been hard learning how to use Cannabis.

16 JAN 22: Smaller more frequent doses is the ticket. I guess maybe I was lulled into a sense of sedentary life with the injury itself? High edible doses of Cannabis were mostly just helping keep me immobile. That, and wearing the brace when I’m not, seems to be the main thing providing muscle symptom relief. Sometimes I can actually feel them let go while sitting around toking the vape. But it’s fleeting and only slows the slide back into paralysis when I start moving around. I imagine if we’d had freely ongoing research with Cannabis over the past 80 years we’d probably already have an effective, time-release targeted medication for this.

Cousins, Rodgers, Djokovic, Clapton…

What do these celebrity professional athletes and musicians have in common? They are some of the most prominent Covidiot public faces! Well into the 3rd year of this pandemic, I still cannot wrap my head around what makes these people fail to understand how their rights end where public health begins?

Djokovic in particular, seems to exhibit a particularly aggressive form of Covidiot brain cancer, compelling him to appeal his deportation, even after lying on his immigration forms. Lying and spewing bullshyt to their fans, friends, neighbors and teammates wasn’t enough for Djokopvic. He put it in writing. Provably stupid doesn’t get any more explicit than that.

No different in this respect than corrupt politicians who think they are above the law, it’s just one of the ways their arrogant, deceitful hubris always catches up with them sooner or later. Like cockroaches running about spreading disease in the dark, vaxxliars mostly scatter until every so often you see one in the light.

Fucked this one ALL the way up, didn’tcha?

Social Media Opinions

To bend another tired old saw, opinions are like assholes – everybody has one. I’m pretty sure judges are the only ones who get paid by the government for theirs. So what happens when a whole lot of amateur opinion holders share dangerously misinformed ideas?

Welcome to my nightmare.

Lotsa crazies, (assholes?) to deal with.

The Oligarch’s Revenue Stream

Interesting how pandemic suppression tactics seem to follow economic indicators in this country. Things get serious only when the oligarch’s revenue stream is interrupted. The big difference between this year and 2020 is how the grocery store shelves are being emptied this time around not from panic buying, but a lack of staffers and truck drivers to keep them stocked. That’s a real indicator. If you were scared at the outset of the pandemic nutbuggery, buckle up.

Even more telling, here in Colorado, some of those short-staffed workers finally got around to telling the company what they really think about it. Kroger doesn’t agree, now they are on strike. I only hope this marks the beginning of a nationwide revolt against these greedy bastards practicing their Trump-inspired economics, sucking the life out of this nation.

Essential workers only become so, when the oligarch’s revenue stream gets interrupted.


Limp-dick senator Rand Paul hailing from the great state of Kentucky, where fuckwit politicians use pandemics for fund raising purposes, likes to formulate questions demonstrating astonishingly presumptuous stupidity.

Thanks DrF, for declining to do the homework for these rotten, lousy pieces of Trump dick-sucking shit.

It’s not hard to imagine how attacking one of the people positioned to really fight the pandemic makes sense in GOP bizzaro world. It’s easier to fight a man than a pandemic, especially if you can make money and get re-elected doing it. Who cares if the crazies take it to the next level?

JWST Update 001

I remember on the Ikonos gig how everybody was always worried about how long it would last. Most were probably worried more about their jobs than the spacecraft. Turned out we had plenty of fuel. The less-than-perfectly-crafted reaction wheels eventually doomed it. Looks like Webb also has plenty of fuel to work with, going forward.

She might be burnin’ for another 20 years…

Now for the tricky part…