No Morals

How ironic these fuckwits rely so completely on what used to be the so-called bible-thumping moral majority. Now they are the nazi white supremacists, with Jeezus in their pocket, led by a gang of cheats.

You need a good asshole stretching, mutherfucker.


For the time being it will be just “JWST,” to me.

The only thing I know about James Webb is he was probably some sort of nazi.

Cotton Unhinged

“You know, the last Judge Jackson left the Supreme Court to go to Nuremberg to prosecute the case against the Nazis,” Cotton appallingly said, according to the Washington Post. “This Judge Jackson might have gone there to defend them.”

Their propensity to accuse opponents of the same crimes they themselves seek to perpetrate is evidenced once again. This fuckass from the great state of Arkansas is as nazi as they come.

The damage reported here appears to be right between those ears.

OK, That’s Enough

I’ve become increasingly disturbed by tech industry focus on the home user space. It’s a bit of cognitive dissonance, being a home user myself. Gaming has always been a popular driver in the segment. Seems lately it might be the only one. VR has partnered with tech and gaming to create an entire industry ecosystem that keeps things dumbed-down and people safely ensconced in self-absorbed cocoons.

“What would it be like if other social goals were afforded the same leeway and endless hype cycles we give to VR?”

Tech run amok
It was pretty obvious where this was going quite some time ago.

Daddy’s Coattails

Starting to look like the ride to political power on Daddy’s coattails is gonna be more like a slow boat to China. The authoritarian hemisphere west of the International dateline will be a much more accepting environment for these failed political frauds. Fuckwit jr. better have plenty of security if he plans on staying in this country. Him and his Dad are on my SOS list, along with a number of their cronies. The acronym SOS stands for “Shoot on Sight” in my lexicon.

You’re goin’ down, mutherfucker.
That gaslight must’ve been running on a Russian supply.

Pax-3: Great Design, Inferior Materials

Possibly both materials and poor manufacturing quality control, who knows? For whatever reason(s), I can no longer recommend the Pax-3 as a preferred product in my vape lineup.

I initially found this device to be the epitome of the perfect dry herb vaporizer, for me: Quick heat, long charge, intuitive, easy design. The big selling point that got my money was the warranty. They started these things with a lifetime warranty, for some reason. How could you go wrong? Then it went to ten years. Then it went to whatever they felt like supporting, which in my case was three replacements, with outright denial on the fourth, all occurring over the past two years. They haven’t even been in the market ten years yet.

First failure was the on/off button. I got a sense of things to come with the initial push-back received on that claim. It was interesting to note how the warranty evidence criteria level-of-difficulty increased to near-impossible levels. That 1st warranty claim was eventually resolved, but not before being met with this response:

“…your device would not be eligible for warranty services as the PAX 3 Limited Warranty states, “Any device where the serial number has been tampered with, erased or obscured or is not genuine.” Full text here. Interestingly, they want a pic from under the mouthpiece, because they know it is susceptible to leakage into the case, and will blame it on you, saying it wasn’t properly cleaned.

Nothing about the serial number was tampered with, erased, obscured or not genuine. The defective faux powder coat finish was worn away. The number was still almost readable and at the very least, a near perfect match with the order# either way you read it, held at the proper angle to the light. So why the hassle? Counterfeit Pax devices? Seriously?

A couple defective batteries later, and my FOURTH warranty claim for the NEAR NEW device was simply ignored, after receiving the requested video evidence. The interesting part about the warranty evidence requirements shows up on that claim here:

“Please send the video as an attachment with your next reply. I am unable to view links, drives or clouds.” The part they don’t mention is good luck trying to record an .mp4 or .mkv with your cellphone to create a file-size going through email without a “link, drive or cloud.” I guess they don’t account for people who know about ffmpeg. The same format .webm submitted last time can no longer be accessed for some reason. Ya think?

So a near-new device is charged, just refusing to turn on, in a way different from the first power-on failure two years ago, emitting only a quick haptic buzz and light flash, no error code sequence or anything. These things are junk, and the warranty is a fraud. Stay away.

Crafty here I come!


All the lefties and Lincolns gotta do is splice. No doctoring needed.

New Cell-Block Construction

There’s gonna be alot of priority construction projects ongoing across Ukraine in coming years. Even so, we’ll need to carefully evaluate their proclivity, along with other interested candidates, to hosting the next Gitmo. Americans won’t tolerate it over here, but somebody is gonna have fun managing a large new prison population consisting primarily of Russian Army officers and their subordinates – at least those failing to meet the evidence criteria for capital punishment. The bar will not be high, but there will certainly still be plenty of those.

I’m thinking a more northerly clime, so the war criminals feel better acclimated to home. Those new NATO members Finland and Sweden might have some desolate, barren mountaintops with year-round snow making perfect locations. Despite not being in Russia, they should be modeled on only the best the Bolsheviks had to offer, in both form and function. Probably need two or three, the way things are shaking out at this time. Russian prison history is in the making…

The new ones will be painted blue and gold.

Healthcare Is A Scam-II

I been complaining about this since before my malpractice episode. That only cemented the notion in my mind. It’s a scam and a fraud, perpetrated by legislators paid by lobbyists to prop up rich doctors and the HMO/Insurance co. executives and shareholders. Fuck all those greedy bastards.