Old-School Boulder Condo

Checking out the park and trail-heads around Canyon Drive down there yesterday, Jax, Anna and me strolled by this unusually interesting piece of architecture on our way back to the car, parked near the west end of Pearl street. It was originally some sort of early last century industrial/agricultural facility, judging by what’s visible of the original brickwork.

I wanna know what’s in the green bell-tower! Apparently the owner decided to go with DIY condos at some point, probably making a mint with it, over the years. I count at least six front doors, possibly multiple interior sub-lets. The place on the southeast corner has a cool little elevated front yard above that stone wall.

Supreme Cunts Gone Rogue

I’m not the only one seeing it.

I respect their point of view. If they have a point of view about a woman’s right to choose,” Pelosi said. “But that’s not what they’re there to do, to advocate for a point of view. Run for Congress. They’re there to uphold the Constitution of the United States.

7 in 10 Americans think Supreme Court justices put ideology over impartiality: AP-NORC poll. Whodathunkit?

Doomed to Isolation?

I just found my soul-mate – on a news outlet website – even less impersonal than the social media form. I don’t enjoy the gossip, but a few keywords triggered a click on this, for me.

Dear No Communication: There is nothing wrong with not wanting to be on social media. My guess is that you will have more “quality friends” over many “quantity friends.” Would you rather have four silver quarters or 100 pennies in your pocket? You will get the quality if you continue to be you. Listen to your intuition about not wanting social media. You are ahead of your time. People are becoming increasingly aware of the negative impact of social media on their mental health

Technology Transfer

The job cuts come as the demand for trucks has slowed since the first years of the pandemic and as the company shifts its operations to meet increasing regulations for engine emissions.

Wonder how much diesel engine tech transfers to building electric motors?

Stolen Valor

Sucks pretty bad when the fuckwits in Congress are doing it themselves. Told ya this guy is a total fuckface. Cocksuckers like him I knew would sit around writing each other medals for not spilling their coffee. Then you get the real a-holes that just wear a CIB for fun – or to get elected.

Bet it does more to get you un-elected now than it did to get you elected before.
People always asked about the Space Badge, few ever recognized it. Bet there’s more out there now.

5712 Early Summer

Took these yesterday. There’s one looking the opposite direction from about this spot a few weeks ago when the ground cover under that pine tree was blooming. The Light Tree is all new this year, starting with a hard-wired 120-watt LED barn light last fall. The other side over the driveway is an all-in-1 solar-powered so-called 700-watt unit, which BTW literally cannot hold a candle to the plug-in model pointing out in the street. We’ve been through three of the solar-powered variety so far, and the batteries just don’t last in normal use. This one is set on minimum time with motion-only, so we’ll see. The Chinese appear to rate alot of their stuff very optimistically.

What used to be the biggest Aspen in front is down to one spindly leg. I was surprised it had any life left in it at all this year. Won’t be sorry to see it go. It makes a nice flower stand and is too close to the house.

Still need a weather station and traffic cam up there…

Legal Fees and Spam

Shaping up to be the most expensive campaign ever. An ongoing trend with spendy advertising is to be expected. The GOP campaign budget reveals itself in new ways this season. I don’t track the social media bots and shills, but judging by the court schedule and my inbox, there’s a lawyering accountant’s nightmare developing all around the RNC this year.

6 of the 1st 16 on top of my inbox this morning. It was a new record – 9 on the day. Seems a bit more, all the time now. Gotta love these election years.

Supreme Court Backlog

Time’s running out for the Cunts to finish up this session. Must’ve been too distracted with all the ethical complaints to actually do their fucking jobs. Maybe it gets a little confusing when your judge gig involves supporting christo-fascsit nutjobs in their never-ending quest to subvert the government.

Funny thing about the christo-fascist minions is they don’t even realize Napoleon Bonespurs is about as devout a Christian as my dog Jax.

Not Enough for this Study

I think they need a 4th group to represent “continuously throughout the day including nighttime edibles for sleep.” i.e. real heavy users. Because when your body’s as eff’d up as mine is in multiple different ways, things get sketchy with the drug providers, formal healthcare or otherwise.

Future studies could focus on more controlled dosing to better understand the relationship between THC levels and impairment.

Took me a long time to figure that part out. Now I have a set of stainless measuring spoons going down to 1/32 tsp. It’s also why edibles can be dangerous.

Chimpanzees ‘self-medicate’ with healing plants.

Don’t forget the like 400 minor Cannabanoids. It’s time for the doctors and pharmacologists to get to work on this topic.

Crackpot, Geezer and a Whack-Job

Seems unlikely Kennedy will qualify for the debate at this point, but I suppose he deserves a mention for trying, as the crackpot rep.

Does that overview require further elaboration? It’s a sad commentary on the American electorate. Voters get to lie in the bed they’ve made, through deceitful campaigning and political skulduggery in the ongoing greatest political power struggle the world has ever seen.

At face value, gotta take the geezer if ur payin’ attention, at all. They all qualify for that checkbox, depending on where you draw the line. And yes, rational people know it’s a wide variable. I been feeling more geezerly myself, lately. It’s just what flavor geezer you prefer, in the case of the 2024 U.S. Presidential election.

Like ur choices? Talk to those cocksuckers in D.C. about it. This cowardly bastard had plenty of opportunities to do the right thing. When it comes to the Mango Menace, anybody too stupid to not know their whole platform is nothing but a con, here’s your sign.


Means never having to say you’re sorry for being stupid. O’Donnell nailed it. So profoundly stupid…


But not everyone in Confederate territory would immediately be free. Even though the Emancipation Proclamation was made effective in 1863, it could not be implemented in places still under Confederate control. As a result, in the westernmost Confederate state of Texas, enslaved people would not be free until much later. Freedom finally came on June 19, 1865, when some 2,000 Union troops arrived in Galveston Bay, Texas. The army announced that the more than 250,000 enslaved black people in the state, were free by executive decree. This day came to be known as “Juneteenth,” by the newly freed people in Texas.

Juneteenth: American celebration of freedom.

Bad Actors

WTF is wrong with us? I mean, when bias and discrimination actually are the goals from the christo-fascist far right at least, what does anybody expect? Do people believe Altman is really totally altruistic, ever was? He knows about the on/off modulator as well as anybody. People have to use the shyt first, before anything else happens because of it. That’s where the money’s at, and people as a species generally suck when it comes to going after the easy kind. That’s also why the Pope, of all people, seems worried about it.

We’ll have AI Coordinator positions opening up on the pro coaching staffs anytime now. I like living where the scenery changes. Only the lead dog…

Colorado’s new law requires companies to inform people when an AI system is being used, and, if someone thinks the technology has treated them unfairly, allows them to correct some of the input data or file a complaint. It won’t allow an individual to sue over AI use, but sets up a process to look into potential consequences for bad actors.

Funky Cold Medina -Tone Loc