If the Russians liked those Javelins, they’re really gonna like this High Energy Laser Scaling Initiative:

“The 300-kilowatt laser is ready to integrate with the DOD demonstration efforts, including the U.S. Army’s Indirect Fires Protection Capability-High Energy Laser (IFPC-HEL) Demonstrator laser weapon system.”

I don’t think they can jam that – yet.

After the Ikonos contract ran it’s course, I almost got a job with the Lockheed branch then-called Coherent Technologies in Louisville where they developed this thing. It’s always fun breaking stuff, as opposed to building it.


Now it’s giving me flashbacks – like Bosnia on orders of magnitude. Fuck you Putin, and may your terrorist army die many more deaths.

I’ll never understand how humans can do this to one another. I can still smell it.

How Many Idiot Judges?

This stinking POS represents the idea behind the MAGA takeover attempt. It all flows down from the miserably corrupted so-called Supreme Court. The Big Idea goes right along with the Big Lie: We’ll do whatever we want with the Court(s) now serving religious whackos, extremist bigots and criminal politicians. Fuck you, bitch.

Impeach this MAGA whore.
The Threat is REAL. POS with Zero military experience ruling on high-threat security classification matters. Jeezus H fucking krist.

Cyber Security

Here’s a quick tip for anybody concerned with their online privacy and security: Don’t use apps, plugins, add-ons or really anything that doesn’t come shrink-wrapped or checksum-verified from the source. Even that shrink-wrapped stuff can be a little sketchy, if you’re not careful (Solarwinds!) The 1s and 0s mixing it up on your electronic devices are pretty much out of control once you get more than 1 or 2 levels removed from the platforms on which they stand.

I haven’t trusted much beyond the operating system(s) that wasn’t open source for decades. Even those can be tricky. I stopped trusting Micro$oft at all, after the push for maximum subscription monetization back around the turn of the century. The old KISS maxim applies: Keep It Simple, Stupid!

The rush to Internet monetization created a whole new tech field.

Betcha Tom Selleck’s slow cousin Mike LIndell’s got enough crap on that thing to keep the FBI busy for quite awhile. Coded just right, software itself can be a form of misinformation.

Health Care Poll

Every news outlet across the country had this on the top shelf today, so being retired military, I took the Stars and Stripes version. My personal experiences with the Veterans Administration told throughout the Health Category here over the years supports the issue in uniquely disturbing ways. No question it degenerated into a government-subsidized, insurance company financed, pharma-induced nationwide racket.

Can’t afford to get sick any more.

Swedish Politics

Bet that’s a topic you never guessed would crop up here. I never imagined daughter #2 was gonna hook up with a Swedish hockey player, either. I told Michelle sending her to Plymouth State was probably a bad idea. Now she lives in Boston and spends holidays in Sweden with Vic. I hope they don’t have a corresponding looney tunes faction doing the MAGA thing over in Scandinavia at any scale.

Good luck with that far right bullshyt.

Faith Lost

“Polls show the public is losing faith in the Supreme Court.”

Never thought of myself as trendy at all. Probably explains the shyt-eatin’ grin. Blood is on your hands.

Not buyin’ it. The court is ruined, your institution a sham. -Unless you have some other explanation for being literally out of touch with a large majority of the citizenry.

“Working Royals?”

Maybe Charles feels reality creeping into the UK royalty game. Seems a token gesture to a cultural anachronism long past it’s shelf life. When “working” refers to the manner in which otherwise unemployed members of any family get free money from the taxpayers based solely on their citizenship as opposed to their bloodline, the United Kingdom will have solved the welfare state and associated gig economy financial conundrums.

Keep up the good work, King Charles!

“We should all work towards removing the royal family as head of state of our nations,” said Rosalea Hamilton, Jamaican reparations advocate.

Working at feathering their nests, sitting on their royal asses.

We have a family by the name of Trump here in the U.S. with aspirations to the royalty game. Going on 250 years since our last run-in with a monarchy, and woke broke their bank. We’ll see how that works out for the Brits, going forward.

It’s gonna come out Charles was the one doing the racist snark at Meghan. Medieval just won’t go away.

Calculated Risk

He took ’em all, and almost always got it right. Too bad Gus wasn’t the one calculating how the Command Module doors were secured on Apollo 1, but you can’t do everything yourself. Scrambling out of that sinking spalshdown was one thing, but there was no way those guys could escape the first really big NASA disaster. Gus Grissom was one of those true leaders who did it all, and led from the front.

Gus Grissom stands near Cape Kennedy’s Launch Complex 34 during training for Apollo 1 in January 1967. NASA