What are These?

I couldn’t find an app to identify them without forking over some money. Sifted through a Mushroom Appreciation web site, no luck. We used to get smaller, single-color examples when the lawn was over-watered, but these are new for this year.

Better than Tumblr!

Wanna play with computers? Knock yourself out, but please clean up the mess when you’re through. Still not sure what we even need Twitter™ for at all. Social media is just a cheaper, faster way to do what the legacy media companies have been doing all along, with some new bells and whistles.

How much media do you need to ingest, and how would you like it created? All I want is a pretty lady telling me the weather when I’m in the mood for some background noise.

Take a few training classes, learn some shell scripting and you don’t need any of this crap. Sure, that’s easy for me to say, but trust me – it’s not that hard – I’m high-functioning autistic. Why do you think there were so many (claimed) redundant Twitter™ employees? So many trying to do it.
Endless ranting about Musk and Twitter is getting annoying.


These were sometime last summer. I’m kinda surprised how well Boots does, gimpy as he is. Jax needs a little help with his, but he came real close to getting a duck out of the creek yesterday.

Last House Up

Took this sometime around the middle of September, IIRC. It’s a 2-level, so our Twin Peaks view is now gone. I believe this will be the last of the neighborhood build-out, unless somebody decides to develop the couple acres with the little oil patch right across the street.

Gonna need some more trees in that ditch.

Good Thing I’m not a Soccer Fan

I have enough stress to deal with. How many more reminders do we need to get it through our thick heads, that authoritarian regimes like found in Qatar need some FIFA shoved so far up their ass their balls turn blue. I won’t waste any more of my time on this except to say Fuck FIFA and Fuck Qatar.

“Denying us the armband is the same as denying us a voice”

Germany players cover mouths in team photo amid armband row.

FIFA and the Qatati government can suck my dick and choke on it.

Never Let It Be Said…

…the 2021 Afghan evacuation was any sort of failure in any way, shape or form. The chain of events leading up to it is well illustrated by the facts. The final evacuation’s skillful execution and sacrifice in the face of extreme danger and chaos is getting more well documented every day.

That’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout.

Some More of what Four Years of MAGA Gets Ya

Anybody not directly correlating the jump in hate crime and gun violence (both, in this case) with emboldened, deranged Trump supporters has their head so far up their ass, external stimuli is no longer a thing. Should be interesting to see if that holy-rollin’ cocksucker Lamborn has anything to say about it. Crickets would be my expectation.

Gunman kills 5 at gay nightclub, subdued by patrons.

“I’m just glad he’s not gay,” says father of alleged Club Q shooter.

When the U.S. sneezes, Euorpe catches a cold.