Re-Defining Terms

There’s no shortage of examples in everyday life. In political context, the GOP has set a new standard at the Senate level in their Georgia race.

Herschel’s the leading contender for top spot in the Stupid Politics category this year.
The term “traitor” stands, as is.

Ukrainian Children

War-borne atrocities are many and horrific. The Russian animals committing these examples set the tone for prosecutions to follow. The Russian socio-military awareness level is almost to the point where Putin will no longer be tolerated. Exactly who and how many go down with him remains to be seen.

“The Institute for the Study of War, a Washington-based think tank, says Russian officials are conducting a deliberate depopulation campaign in occupied parts of Ukraine and deporting children under the guise of medical rehabilitation schemes and adoption programs.”

The thing Russians don’t get is how their own children’s future is now so much bleaker.

Chinese Crackdown

The mainland Chinese have been well known for their harsh Covid control policies. It’s not working. Imagine that: The harshest lockdown regime on the planet is now reeling under the highest case numbers ever. Yeah, they definitely fucked this all the way up, right from the start in late 2019.

A pandemic control worker in a protective suit works in a partially locked-down residential compound as outbreaks of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continue in Beijing, China November 30, 2022. REUTERS/Thomas Peter


No new bomber gets rolled out without a mention on this page. Can’t wait to meet this lovely lady up close.

Air Force Reveals New B-21 Bomber.

“The ceremony was attended by families of some of the Doolittle Raiders and a crowd of Northrop Grumman employees. Their mood was celebratory, as employees occasionally broke into chants of “USA! USA!” and cheered.”

Will true stealth be affordable this time?

Health Status Update

Deliberately sat on my ass most of the past few weeks blaming it on the weather, and got a good baseline. This’ll be it for health complaints on here going forward, unless I decide to get the C-spine fixed, lose a limb to a power tool or something similar.

2 DEC 22: Non-narrative, final long-term rundown.

Radiculopathy from C6-7 and L4-5 – Right thigh, lat, glute, erector and various upper-right back/shoulder muscles stiff and aching sore to the bone 24×7. Limited ambulation based mostly on back brace and cane. Limited neck rotation to the left.

Neuropathy – 1) Random muscle twitching in the right quad and glute based on activity type and level. 2) Various neuropathic itches. 3) Random arm numbing – level PT-based. 4) Calf and foot cramps. 5) Loss of sensation in hands and elsewhere. 6) Minor balance issues standing/walking.

Some of the nerve root damage symptoms listed above spread out to the left glute with activity. There’s a couple more new symptoms from the lumbar fiasco I’m saving to speak about in person with various individuals.

All the same old arthritis and bad joint Stuff I’m not too worried about anymore.

Here’s Your Gay Senator List

Probably not all of them. But these are the ones who voted against the marriage protection bill. Might seem counter-intuitive, but makes a great cover story for these cocksuckers still in the closet.

We do after all, need to assume the bulk of what they utter is pure lyin’ nonsense.

I was Right about Musk

…just didn’t know for sure exactly why until today. Lyin’s just what he does. Fraud would be more what he is. Yeah, it makes alot more sense now. Funny, I was leaning the Elon fanboi way when they launched Starman. Information, lack thereof or misinformation. WTinfoF!

The scent of Musk follows the fecal strain in this example.

And so what’s next? Neuralink? You’ve gotta be shittin’ me.

My Message to the Presumptive House Speaker

The former POTUS didn’t know? Seriously? This fuckwit needs to go back to MAGA lyin’ school. Either that or the Secret Service must be worse than I thought.

You are of course aware, the Secret Service has more information on Fuentes than his own mother, right?

Time for Sweden and Finland to Step Up

We know it’s only been a short while in the NATO club, but winter’s coming and you are the alpine experts. Snow’s falling, water’s freezin’ and the communist fools are gettin’ antsy. Need to get some of your guys in there training the Ukes how to cross-country ski!

Notice the perfect parallel in the Russian woman’s fear pitch about the Hague coming for everybody. It’s fascist playbook 101.
Reality on the ground in Ukraine is horrific and brutal.

Here’s a Real Load ‘o Crap

You can be sure whatever Congress does with this will benefit the greedy bastards running the rail companies. Those scumbags are banking record profits just like the petro mafia, while steadily reducing staff over the years. The only real division at this point is sick leave being denied to people forced to work onerous overtime, with family separation all the time, to boot.

Depending on how bad the politicians decide to stick it in, I’ll encourage a wildcat walkout, regardless. Americans can do without their xmas bullshyt for once. Fuck Warren Buffet and the BNSF.

PB News Take: “So now, just a week before a potentially devastating rail strike begins, progressive senators will have to decide whether to try to vote down the agreement because of what they consider a paltry amount of paid leave. Or will they ratify a deal they claim puts cash-rich railroad corporations ahead of workers?”

Ever drive a train across country sick?

M777 – Saving the Day in Donetsk

The Chinese probably have a good lead on Russia in terms of their quality in the military technology department. Russian failure to field even one operational true stealth fighter in the course of that program thus far is most of what you need to know about the Russian war machine. The rest is scattered in burnt-out hulks across the Ukrainian landscape.

Last Summer’s Big Project

Cleaning the garage. It took all summer. It’s been due for almost 4 years, but alot of the higher activity-type Stuff around here had to be postponed or scaled back due to health issues recently. These pics show only the final stage of the project, where a buttload of car and truck parts, accessories and supplies got properly sorted and stored.

The floor was getting swept from time-to-time, but things eventually got to the point of piling up going unattended for too long. I actually forgot what all was stashed around that engine and shelving in the NE corner. The other side where Michelle parks was similarly gone through, and all the tools were re-organized with new, bigger toolboxes.

Getting the speaker, shelves, engine and toolbox to fit around that corner was a challenge. Pretty sure I tried every possible positioning combination all morning one day, before finding the one that fit – only just. At least the car goes up and down off the lift without having to double-check everything is moved out of the way first. I still have alot of work to do on the Chrysler, but it’s gonna need to be broken down into many smaller projects.

That 440 was running great with around 90k miles on it when pulled IIRC. It’s gonna get rebuilt into an old-school Mopar torque monster someday.

It’s on the far north side of the runway, so that’s true minimum clearance.