Word Salad

The Supreme Cunts like it, too. String together a bunch of flowery prose with lots of adjectives and adverbs and what do you get? Back in the day, it would be the office poseur, demonstrating their lack of competence. Nowadays, it’s AI. Makes great spam for gullible consumers. Gets scary when the mainstream media distributes it.

Before 2023, it took a major world event like the coronavirus pandemic to see large jumps in word usage like this.

Penetrating the minds and bodies of the weak and stupid.

Firewood Rack

Almost finished burning the old kitchen floor. I’m gonna save that last bit for a special fire one day. The oak flooring burns hot and long.

The bottoms are from a discarded floor lamp. The base frame was from a big portable fan that bit the dust when it got blown down by the wind a few years ago. Why would I be using a big fan outside in a windstorm, for fucksake? Needed parts for the future wood rack, I suppose. The last top portion was the handle from the lawn mower I bought in England 30 years ago. It mowed alot of grass. I suspect this season it finally got so wore out, down on compression, to where it just wouldn’t run anymore. Despite being a 5hp engine, I’d have to modulate speed to keep from bogging it down when the grass got thick these past few years.

Officially Criminal

We’re so fucked…

The only reason this never came up is because it all got started with a goddamned king they specifically wrote the Constitution to protect against. No President ever got away with packing the court so he could proceed to go rogue with impunity, before now.

Remember My Lei? Nixon? Rule 303 can be a new MAGA campaign chant! I bet most of those FBI and CIA spy mutherfuckers doing time for playing with the Russians really thought they were doing the right thing at the time. The list goes on.

WTF do we need the Supreme Cunts for when half the cases get kicked back for standing? Others require new definitions for old crimes before their oft-pleaded platitudes for political fellatio are even up for consideration. Will they be keeping a running list of the offenses explicitly considered immune under what conditions, going forward?

Supreme Court’s Radical Immunity Ruling Shields Lawbreaking Presidents and Undermines Democracy.

They’re pulling this shyt because they somehow became confident they can win in November. It’s now or never.

What’s Up with Cancer?

They been working on this shyt for how long now? And still won’t let people use weed in half the country? Riiiight. I hear those cancer drugs can be quite spendy…

Sometimes I wonder if old age still leads the pack.

Roadside Repairs

I stopped doing it sometime around the turn of the century. Parts were just too expensive and hard to come by in England. But you shouldn’t really expect it, unless you’re driving old, high-mileage equipment. People complain about the cost of auto repairs, but they’ll never appreciate it until attempting some themselves. Most never do. After hearing the story about that 6.7 Ram hub failure, Tanner‘s the king of that realm, no doubt.

There’s just alot of circumstances where this type stuff becomes a real sketchy proposition.

Since its June 5 liftoff, Starliner has experienced at least five helium leaks. In addition, some of the capsule’s thrusters have failed.

Get a Dragon return setup and put the starjunker on autopilot.
Space Oddity -David Bowie

Larry Finger

I remember the early days of Linux wifi, but did not know about this guy, until seeing his obituary today. He might be the one who saved Linux for the masses.

Lots of people have commented on the crucial work Finger did to make Linux usable for more people. A few mention that Finger also mentored people, the kind of unseen work that has exponential effects. “MB” wrote on LWN.net that Finger “mentored other people to get the Broadcom Open Source code into kernel. And I think it was a huge success. And that was only a small part of Larry’s success story.”

Indicted for Cowardice

That’s what it amounts to after a bunch of fuckwits who like strutting around with pistols strapped to their hips, being all authoritative and domineering, run up against one crazy kid with an assault rifle.

Nineteen people, mostly children, shot to death.

Stand and Lie

That’s basically what happened as The Fuckwit berated the country and insulted the populace, while Biden talked numbers. MAGA sucks it up and don’t care about logic, facts and numbers. Guess we’ll see what un-decided voters have to say about Trump’s nonsense in November. We already know what the base ruminates.

Stories and evasion answering questions, talked in nothing but hyperbolic absolutes (never, every, always, etc) bragging endlessly about his own self-aggrandizing lies. Napoleon Bonespurs likes to go back in time with every fantasy verbally falsified, making the perfect MAGA fascist candidate. Low-info voters must have been auto-orgasmic.

It was almost entertaining watching The Fuckwit string together streams of incoherent idiocy. Medical programs literally immediately pivoted to migrants at the border in the same sentence, while Biden often almost reflexively responded with the only rational word(s) – found in the title of this post. Just too bad it gave Benedict Dotard a platform outside the cult gatherings to spout his bullshyt.

I’m pretty sure compulsive lying is endemic in the GOP. It can’t not be, now. They started transmitting “won the debate” claims before it was half over. The fact check numbers are of course, epic. That goofy smile – how can they fall for that? He is quite the fuckwit con artist. We know what I’m thinking, right? What’s a voter to do when the other guy stutters and stumbles like the old geezer he is? Maybe Biden wasn’t juiced on adderall, after all? 😉

Malignant narcissism – right.