Officials Ruined it Again

It certainly will go down in the books as one of the best Super Bowls. Too bad the wrong team won. We need another rule implementing mandatory booth review on game-changing penalties, or anything in the Red Zone.

Let ’em play!

Best part, for me: “The group of seven female aviators flew in a diamond formation over the State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona, where the Kansas City Chiefs are facing off against the Philadelphia Eagles.”

Crypto Came to Fruition

…as just another racket, in remarkably quick fashion. Like some other bygone neo-techno paradigms such as “the Automobile,” “Healthcare” and “the Internet,” the Finance industry’s Crypto wing represents alot of money looking for somewhere to be spent. As usual, eager entrepreneurs rush to cash in both legitimately and otherwise, before it’s safe and/or ready for prime time.

In Genesis’ case, investors have been put off by a lack of clarity over the size of the cash injection necessary to plug the hole, says David Bailey, CEO at Bitcoin Magazine, who also leads an activist group that represents the interests of investors in Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, a DCG subsidiary. He describes the shortfall as “massive and unknown in scope.”

What happens when fundamentally flawed systems get piled on top of each other at the societal level?

Neighborhood Graffiti Artists

Thought it was just a little snowball fight. Fucker ran off without his shoe on! 😆 Probably don’t like me calling the cops when they try riding their motorcycle in the park.

They did a pretty good dick ‘n balls in the driveway last week! 😉


The title of this post should probably be Webasto Heater Update. But the real topic is voltage. Anybody out there ever feel like they are cursed to learn things the hard way? I must be, because I learned about the wrong way to run a float charger last winter. You can’t just leave them connected and expect the battery to stay up in use – they don’t work that way. The circuit needs broken every discharge cycle to re-start the top-up. If not, the charge indicator just stays green while they discharge! This behavior is confirmed with a 2nd charger employed in exactly the same wrong way.

So the Webasto implication is simple: Like most forms of portable electronics, they work much better on strong, charged batteries. A green LED indicator means good one time only, in actual practice – use a voltmeter, if in doubt! Problem solved with a plug switch on the charger. Run the heaters, reset the charger. Duh.

Broadcast Television

…is little more than marketing garbage these days. That includes the political variety – marketing various morons for public office. The run-up to elections merely puts them in-your-face 24×7 for a few weeks. I imagine this includes the cable nets as well, but I haven’t subscribed to those ripoffs for at least a decade, so dunno.

Years ago I used to repeatedly lament how every new generation of television set got better at doing bad things. Now I am convinced they are good for only one thing: Sports. News and timewasting (movies, whatever) to a lesser extent, but it’s all irreparably marred with the marketing. I’m starting to count how many kickoffs I miss because they now manipulate digital delays to extend commercial time when that play is inconsequential. Don’t even get me started on the volume bullshyt.

Even the late night talk shows I used to enjoy are now just a rehash of the news with jokes inserted + entertainment industry marketing with visits from all the interesting Hollywood and music people. The YouTube™ clips save alot of time these days. Then you get the greedy bastards at places like FOX™ and their sub-imitators, who skillfully blend marketing and politics to the point where half the country is now brainwashed.

Experience? More like an ongoing nightmare.

Musk Really is a Total Cocksucker

I hope his Starlink system goes the same path Twitter™ is on now. Everybody has a right to self defense. Why did they ever do it in the 1st place? The fuckwit’s just pissed he thinks he’s not making enough money with it. Total greedy, cocksucking, billionaire fuckface that twit is, fer sure.

What the FUCK did they expect? Idiot. They’ll weaponize Twitter™, given the opportunity.

21 Gun Salute

The U.S. Air Force Academy Cadet Honor Guard performs a 21-gun salute in honor of classmate, Cadet 3rd Class Hunter Brown, during a taps vigil, Jan. 26, 2023 on the academy’s terrazzo in Colorado Springs, Colo. Brown died Jan. 9, 2023 after suffering a medical emergency while walking to class. The vigil was attended by the cadet wing and academy leadership and held to show strength and solidarity honoring his commitment to service. (U.S. Air Force photo by Trevor Cokley)

Stumbled Across…

Rippin’ some old plastic for the ongoing music collecting hobby while waiting to start work on the car. It should warm up pretty good for the first time in a couple weeks today. Bet not many have heard this UK version of the Tull classic:

Teacher -Jethro Tull, UK single
High in the Morning -Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

The State of McCarthy

Must’ve been really uncomfortable for California’s alternate Speaker offering last evening. Despite needing to shush Margarine Trailer Queen, seemed like he managed to pretty much keep a lid on the most boisterous of the MAGA morons last evening.

If only he could’ve just sat there rolling his eyes the whole time.

Arkansas’ Leading Nazi

“The dividing line is no longer between right or left,” Sanders said. “The choice is between normal or crazy.”

You got that right. Here’s some crazy for ya:

This is what we call “Arkansas Crazy.”
This must be the “already thrown under the bus” look – as her state wallows in poverty.

Smoking Cannabis

… is not generally speaking, a healthy thing to do. But that goes for pretty much any combusted material you might inhale – even from mundane environmental sources. I imagine from a strictly particulate standpoint, many commuters get way more dirt in their lungs just sitting in traffic or tooling up and down the thoroughfares than us lucky people inside or out in the country. You could probably choke yourself with just about anything if you go crazy enough with it.*

Smoking anything is really old school in this era of modern electronics. Above low 400°F temps is where carbon monoxide and other toxic combustion byproducts begin to appear. I didn’t listen to the Forbes audio piece linked by Cannabis Culture – media click mongers. It was nice how in the text they pointed out glaring shortcomings in an earlier study which tried to assert just the opposite.

Here’s the deal – compared to smoking, vaping is safe and effective.* It also appears to be the only way for me to ingest an effective dose without invoking hyperemesis by eating the stuff. Just now off another 3-day vape break, and as before, detect no change in pulmonary function, feel or effect. In fact, I suspect something in the Kief I’ve been using actually improves it, by stimulating mucous membrane activity and opening the small sacs deep down in there.

It’s certainly not for everybody, especially the rare cases in people lacking the liver enzymes to metabolize it. But if you can tolerate it, it’s the best remedy for any number of chronic conditions including arthritis and nerve root damage. My VA prescription history stands as proof. Link withheld to preserve bandwidth.

I’m looking to start a culture war with the pharma companies.

Seven Month Fire

New Mexico is still on fire – since last June. I guess the hoopla petered out in the first couple months after the affected populations were burned out. Similar to Alaska’s regional combustion experiment, Climate Change continues feeding on itself. The Forest Service might’ve even done them a favor, getting it started when they did. Who knows what would have happened if it got started later somewhere else?

Easiest Target Practice Ever

I’d like to know why they wasted a Sidewinder on it? Would’ve been alot more fun making a couple gun runs and probably preserve the payload better, as well. Can’t get over how quickly the imaginative right-wingers jumped on the opportunity to criticize another expertly planned and executed “Special Military Operation.”

The Real Story. I’ll go ahead and take a WAG the Chinese had a little unexpected weather mess with their transceivers.

That twerp Rubio from Florida among others, was on the airwaves lamenting how it wasn’t shot down sooner over Alaska. Goes to show the forethought these morons are willing to put into just about anything. It’s either a political hit calculation, or a money-making scheme. That’s all the farther they go.

Can’t wait to see what we find in that thing now that it’s been clear across the country, with all it’s incriminating data stored safely off the South Carolina coast.

Late Update: China says will ‘safeguard interests.’ Translation: They are already re-examining and re-coding everything those systems touch on their soil before we start doing it for them.

Combined arms lesson for the Russians: Canuks tracked, USAF did the shooting and the Navy’s on cleanup. Probably didn’t need Army support on this one, but I’m sure they were standing ready, hoping to get something.

Struggled for Days

…trying to make sense of the Nichols killing. Couldn’t see any analysis angle. Listened to all the pundits, same ol’ shyt. Then I stumbled across a letter to the Sentinel editor. According to Pastor Mayes, it’ all just down to misled sinners. Must be a church problem:

Problems like this work well for the church.