Told Ya This Guy’s a Fuckass

No, not Clapton, once again – this one.

CHATSUM: A year-long study by the European Commission has revealed that under Elon Musk‘s ownership, Twitter played a significant role in spreading Russian propaganda about Ukraine, surpassing the reach before the war began. The study also found that other social media platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook, owned by Meta, received criticism for failing to stop the spread of Russian propaganda.

Fired Twitter employees withheld severance backfires.

Might be the first actual imbecile people really believed was a genius.

How Many More Times?

…will McConnell stand up in public getting his due for decades of right wing deception and depravity? I’m guessing the most imminently pressing RINO issue WRT geriatric legislators is figuring out how to keep his vote as long as possible. Then there’s Grassley. And Feinstein. And… The man himself is long gone. I wonder if he’s thinking “why can’t I talk?” Or maybe “crap, now we’re really fucked.”

It’s no longer about legislating or governing. The dysfunction clearly evident in DC today says it all. They’re just clinging to power.

Top U.S. Senate Republican Mitch McConnell appears to freeze up for more than 30 seconds during a public appearance before he was escorted away, the second such incident in a little more than a month, after an event with the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce in Covington, Kentucky, U.S. August 30, 2023 in a still image from video. ABC Affiliate WCPO via REUTERS

All Sources Lean Right

Who’s covering what? Depends on the story. If your readers and viewers like it, it’s leading. If not, it’s ignored. Inject misinformation, if it’s something in-between that may be slanted in your preferred political direction.

The 2020 BLM riots are water long under the bridge – except for racist right wingers worried about their fuckwit friends in a DC jail.

$5M appears to be the lesser of two evils, in this case.

I Want One

It’s almost time to buy my last old man car. This guy’s on the short list. I just can’t get used to how they look.

VA CIO Cautiously Optimistic

Veterans Affairs CIO ‘cautiously optimistic’ Oracle Cerner can turn around EHR modernization under new contract.

The problem with the whole health records quandary is no system of rules, procedures, tracking and measurement will prevent a dishonest doctor from doing whatever the fuck they want. In the healthcare space, that means omitting or ignoring information they may find personally risky after negligence and incompetence take hold. Get enough of ’em together at one government-run hospital, and there’s no telling how far off the rails it’ll run.

Personnel issues are rarely solved with documentation, except when termination becomes the option of last resort.

Journalism’s Miserable Failure

After a momentous week of GOP debate, Trump’s arrest gets “horse race” coverage when the story’s not about an election, but authoritarianism.

I don’t think alot of people realize the danger posed by propagandized stupidity at scale.

Can’t Understand Ramaswamy

…with Trump’s dick crammed down his throat. Anybody who saw him on Meet the Press today now knows he’s just another Trump apologist, pandering for MAGA votes. His policy and ethical about-faces amount to 360° spins in some cases. Most disgusting demonstration of political fast-talking fuckery I’ve seen in awhile. But I didn’t watch the debate.

“During a chaotic interview on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Republican presidential nomination contender Vivek Ramaswamy accused host Dana Bash of not being “intellectually honest” as she grilled him for equating Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) — who is black — with “the modern grand wizards of the modern KKK.”Asking if he wanted to walk back his inflammatory comments, he refused and what ensued was a back and forth where he refused to stop talking.”

What makes him think the MAGA mutherfuckers gonna vote for him? His name doesn’t even sound right, to them.

5712 Midsummer

Took a few pics around the place the other day. Birds got the sunflowers going good on the other side of the fence this year. That aspen closest to the garage will probably be gone next year, forming the 3rd leg of the flower stand. It just seemed to struggle the whole time for some reason. Probably too much diesel exhaust. Little pole barn in back seems to be holding up well despite the unconventional design.

Leaves starting to come down already.