Encrypted Client Hello

I always switched between web browsers on-the-fly during my working years, normally running at least two simultaneously in different workspaces for comparo-contrast and diags. But usually it was for some workaround or proprietary app bug that made using one or the other necessary – or even a stated requirement in some cases. Internet Explorerâ„¢ was notorious for that for literally decades. It’s almost like people selling eye-wear saying you need to use their color lenses to see the world.

It’s still true for me today, albeit from a much less stressful perspective. Supporting users in the early browser war days was an effing nightmare. Now it seems to have stalemated into trench warfare, with sides taken and ecosystems established. Last year’s move back into Firefox for a fresh look was good. It’s getting better.

GOP Does the Mexican Standoff

First politics post not also categorized as crime in quite awhile, so we’ll throw in a little gunplay for good measure. It’s almost entertaining watching these Freedom Cockass Fuckwits attacking McCarthy. Who didn’t think the current stunt going down in the House today wasn’t a foregone conclusion when they agreed to the shyt before electing his sorry ass? Morons. We have morons running the government – big fucking surprise.

US Rep Matt Gaetz moves to oust McCarthy as speaker. Repugs are on a roll. Twice-impeached POTUS and only Speaker ever kicked out. It’s gonna get worse…

Bubble gum girl must be Kamala.

New Fireplace

This was actually completed about a month ago, but didn’t rate enough interest for posting until today. Getting the old cobbed-up junker repeatedly repaired over the past twenty years to the scrapyard last month was the triggering event for that run – too much junk piled up beside the garage.

I made it more robust and maintainable in a couple of ways this time around. To start with, the ground stake is a full five feet long with stabilizing fins just below the ground surface. It’s solid and not moving. The new mechanism snugly sitting and spinning on the ground stake is part of the frame from an old patio chair. New stainless guts are screwed together with stainless hardware, so when the bowl ever rusts out again, it can be easily replaced by just drilling fifteen holes in a new one and putting it back together.

Actually, it would be 15 holes including the vents – sink drain filters, letting it flare up pretty high for a small pit.

Chinese Running Wild on the Net

No news to me, really. I been blocking new addresses coming out of mainland China and Hong Kong on an almost daily basis for years. That activity is currently on a sharp uptick. It’s varied from time-to-time, but I view the current trend as alarming.

Russia’s little Ukraine adventure had the odd side effect of emboldening the Chinese not to support them, but rather to slip right into the power vacuum it created and move in their own direction towards world domination. Make no mistake – the current network-wide security situation is no different than Ukrainian artillery softening up Russian trench lines.

Like a scared mobik hugging his AK in one of those trenches somewhere, I’m just waiting to see what direction they go from here.

Group Attacking iPhone Encryption Backed by U.S. Political Dark-Money Network.

Anybody who doesn’t recognize network control as the linchpin for alot of Stuff needs to wise the fuck up.


NASA Battery Tech to Deliver for the Grid. I been sayin’ we’re gonna need a battery and/or solar breakthrough for at least the past ten years. Turns out maybe an answer has been sitting right in front of us all along. The more things change…

Managing that battery was a big operational issue. But Ikonos failed mechanically and would have ran out of fuel long before the batteries died.

Who’s Next?

My money’s on McConnell, but Grassley, Collins and probably a dozen others are well past their shelf life for the purpose of governing this country.

Feinstein dead at 90. A great lady, no doubt. But a tarnished legacy remains when somebody believes they are personally more relevant, important, better, or even longer-lived than anybody else. Power vacuums rarely end well for anyone.

Not really comfortable with the current trajectory of those agenda items.

Joby Aviation

Quad copters reach critical mass. Corporate and Military aviation might be the biggest contributor to carbonizing the atmosphere. Once again, USAF takes the lead.

Six rotors. Ahead of schedule? Never happened before.

Best 2023 Nature Photographers

Thomas Vijayan takes top honors for that spectacular ice sheet shot. I liked the Jaguar following, but they are all awesome. I live for voyeurism these days. It’s all about heat and light at the most fundamental levels of our existence. Photographers are working well with the light.


Better Suggestion

I recommend get an actual life for the likes of Bobitch, Gaetz, that cunt from GA and the rest of the Fuckass Freedom Caucus. Try starting with self-immolation – make a real statement this time. Don’t fuck it up. You need constant reminders on that habit.

These morons couldn’t find their own ass with both hands and a flashlight.