Traffic’s Up

Just passed a million for the first time ever. Must be an election year. Guess that’s one of the cool things about our politics: There’s always an election year coming…

The enclosed chair on wheels type, too. I don’t even enjoy driving much any more, too stressful.

Evil Cocksucker

This shitstain belongs behind bars.

And perhaps most damning of all, they exposed that despite signing promises to the Town of Palm Beach and the National Trust for Historic Preservation that he would never use or develop Mar-a-Lago as anything but a private membership club, Trump valued Mar-a-Lago on his financial statements as a private residence, as if those contractual agreements were as disposable as Kleenex.

We’ll get the piddly-assed money stuff out of the way first. My concerns are a bit more existentially intangible.

Capital punishment, also known as the death penalty and formerly called judicial homicide, is the state-sanctioned practice of killing a person as a punishment for a crime, usually following an authorized, rule-governed process to conclude that the person is responsible for violating norms that warrant said punishment.

Capital punishment would be too good for this moron, and them boys better be gettin’ ready for some serious asshole stretching..
People must never entertain the notion of fuckin’ with Uncle Sam.
Killerz Bluez – George Thorogood


Don’t know if still true today, but Oracle used to be king of the database realm at one point in time. Whatever happened to Larry Ellison?

The move created headaches for distributions that had sprung up in the wake of the CentOS termination, such as Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux, and had the frankly surreal effect of making Oracle – famed for its handling of Java – appear as … the good guys?

New Air Boss

This man’s got alot on the plate, with many things under his purview seemingly on an increasingly negative trajectory recently. Fortunately we have alot of good people working on it.

Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. David W. Allvin is sworn in as the Air Force’s 23rd Chief of Staff at Falcon Stadium, U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Co. Nov. 1, 2023. The brief ceremony took place soon after Senate confirmation while Allvin was attending the CORONA Fall executive conference at the Academy. The location was particularly relevant to Allvin since he swore is commissioning oath at the Academy 37 years ago as a graduate. (U.S. Air Force photo by SSgt. Stuart Bright)

Addicted to Pot

No question about it. Jon Capetta has this part figured out. And I’m a multi-faceted addict of the highest order, including some of the dangerous drugs out there, in my repetoire.

I believe the fundamental addiction gene or whatever it is that makes people love stuff too much is a generally misunderstood term, at least in the healthcare space. It’s probably some sort of personality type more than any physically or medically-connected disorder. The problem with opiates for example, is it gets way too physically connected in terms of withdrawal. That’s the part people seem to have the most trouble with. Withdrawal pains either play 2nd fiddle to whatever the real problem is, OR it’s so intense you can’t cope – so you keep doing it to stay out of withdrawal, regardless. Either way, it’s pretty much a non-starter for any sort of normal life.

Managing that mind-body interface is an ongoing challenge for many, patients and doctors alike. VA doctors had me on Tramadol and some other stuff for several years. I’ve seen more than one reference to Tramadol’s high rating for odd and dangerous withdrawal effects. For me, it was just deep-seated pain in the base of my spine. The addiction/withdrawal roller-coaster ride engendered in that fiasco was scary, painful and totally unnecessary. But that’s what you get when the government thinks they know more about drugs than the doctors and people using them.

The most potent Cannabis I can find ends up being some pretty mild shyt, to me. I can’t seem to use enough.

Leave The Children Alone!

Yes, definitely. This one was rotten before it hit the ground.

Must’ve been audible snickers throughout the courtroom when after denying knowledge of documents’ fraud he’d clearly signed, prosecutors displayed emails showing he most certainly did exchange quite a bit of information on those topics.

Happy Halloween

Cocksuckers gonna do whatever they want, and only what they want. The rest of the country and world can sit idly by while they quote scripture pointing corrupt fingers at each other.

Repugs capitalizing on Israel $$$ to reward ultra-rich.

Johnson is trying to notch a putative win with the IRS cuts — and in the process is telling the world what the GOP really cares about.

If only there was a good modern dose of that urban legend fentanyl in this batch.

Santos Good to Go

Just like Napoleon Bonespur‘s impeachments, what more do you need to know the U.S. government is corrupt inside and out, top-to-bottom, through-and-through? These people are so detached from reality it’s just fucking ridiculous. The imbeciles are determined to continue doing a great job fucking themselves and the country. Glad to see Buck took my advice. But he’s doing it wrong, spineless coward that he is.

Democrats were also more divided than they were during the previous expulsion effort against Santos. Rep. Chrissy Houlahan, D-Pa., called it a complicated vote because she would like to wait for the committee to release its findings first.

She would like to wait because she is a moron with no clue what the fuck she is doing. She believes some assholes sitting in a DC committee know more about the crimes committed than the prosecutors issuing the indictments. Her and that entire assembly are nothing but a bunch of fucking political hacks.

This despicable cretin perfectly reflects the U.S. legislature. The government’s in peril, the old world in flames and all they can do is fight among themselves.

Musk Plays Fear Monger

Makes sense, that being the primary motivator in the authoritarian political realm he seeks to dabble in. Combining it with tech seems a bit disingenuous, even for him. Doing it with Rogan is just laughable. Poo-pooing things you don’t understand and control works in alot of mundane circumstances for garden variety manipulators. Elon needs to do his homework if he wants to swim with the big fish.

US-UK-CN Agree to Attempt AI Risk Management. Perhaps consider the possibility Elon himself personifies a big risk in terms of what problems AI may or may not help solve.

Fuck this asshole.

He might be smart enough to know people like him become prime AI targets for elimination by a well-developed AGI. I’ll give him that much.

Security Costs

…both ways – whether you have it or not. The concept has finally fully migrated to the high tech domain. Solarwinds was a wake-up call to alot of people, myself included. Many in the cyber spook community would recoil at the carelessly audacious displays of my networking doo-doo here, but they might be overlooking something too obvious. It’s the same thing that sunk Solarwinds. It was true on day one and stands true today: The worst security vulnerability is the one you don’t know about.

One person can only do so much. This blog site is simple as they get and as close to the proverbial computer sealed in a vault at the bottom of the ocean as can be – except it’s connected to a network. Trying to do too much with too little is always a fool’s errand. Whether or not Timothy Brown actually did anything wrong at Solarwinds remains to be seen. Can’t wait to see what they have to show for it.

The actual mistake exposing the supply chain to exploit was a simple oversight by one or two individuals in the development department. But it’s all connected in some form or fashion. The cyber-security issues floating around in everything encompassed in the crypto/banking industry, social media, AI, propagandized political hate, miscellaneous web fuckery and the systems supporting them are way bigger than any one person or company.

This one was pretty expensive. Spending alot more time on the firewall nowadays.

Tuberville Delusional

Can’t imagine where these repugs get the idea they can just make shyt up out of thin air. Guess it goes along with the whole GOP carnival huckster theme. Tommy the southern boil on Alabama’s butt can’t seem to find enough ways to subvert the government. Maybe things get sketchy after your entire ideology turns out to be a fuckin’ fraud.

CHATSUMs: Senator Tommy Tuberville accuses the Biden White House of prolonging the conflict between Russia and Ukraine to deflect attention from corruption allegations.

He claims that President Biden needed the war in Ukraine to distract from his own issues, and that there is evidence of corruption within the Biden family.

Tuberville argues that the war in Ukraine could have been stopped in three months, but Biden and other world leaders prevented it from ending.

Tuberville claims wars in Ukraine, Gaza were ‘created’ by Democrats.

Good luck with Redstone Arsenal, fuckwit.