Winter Wonderland Commute

We only got about an inch so far this morning with up to around 6+ in some of the S-SW areas. This somehow turned into the worst morning commute traffic situation I can remember seeing in quite awhile. They even said so on the evening news, with pictures of vehicles of all kinds spun out and crashed everywhere. We were showing 36 crashes reported around the Denver Metro area by 8AM.

Bad Traffic
My theory is the influx of legal immigrants to CO over recent years has shifted the overall winter driving experience level to an abysmally frightening new low.

The System

With plenty of time on my hands while recovering from the hip replacement, I decided to update the network infrastructure map for the first time in a few years. There were many changes, and a few of the old stalwarts, including my first-ever PC, the Z-486, are still in the mix. The biggest change would be addition of the Synology NAS. As a long-time sysadmin, I spent plenty of time rolling my own servers. But Synology has been doing a really nice job of integrating that stuff in an easy-to-use package even non-techies can parse, so why spend the time?

The Freak Show

The New Hampshire Gazette recently ran a couple of opposing editorial viewpoints.  Taken together, they reveal a disturbing political truth we are living through these days:

“Trump is nothing but a freak show which serves to distract the public so that McConnell and the rest of the ghouls in the GOP can go on looting and polluting.”

Fair enough – pretty much my take. Problem is, they couldn’t just loot and pollute “as-is.” Noooo. They had go in and try to roll back the playing field to 50 years ago before people realized what was going on. That was the editorial response to this:

“The left underestimates the intelligence of the common man. The left is a movement populated by fools who by identifying with the elites, think themselves to be elites, when in fact those elites do all they can to isolate themselves from anyone who does not meet the requirements to join their club. The elites use their base only to maintain power but do nothing for that base except to make them feel superior to Trump voters. “

So if you pick through the partisan bickering, bottom line is, at least Trump is trying to keep campaign promises. Small consolation.
No IMHO, what we have here is the early stages of the utter failure of western democracy. There is no middle ground. The so-called “common man” no longer has a voice in government – if he ever did. The only thing left to do is to sit back and watch the show while a government diametrically opposed to it’s own stated intent, implodes.

Government is not the solution to our problem – government IS the problem.” -Ronald Reagan, 1981 Inaugural Address

Why aren't these Mutherfuckers in Jail?

It all comes out in the wash, right? Too bad for the millions of people with lives ruined because of these cock-sucking pieces of shit. This – after numerous opioid-related convictions in recent years:

In May 2007 — immediately after the 2007 convictions — then-CEO John Stewart began planning to expand Purdue’s sales force in Massachusetts and across the country.

Somebody please get real, lock up these greedy mutherfuckers and throw away the key.

“Despite the opioid epidemic, there are no federal limits to marketing opioids.”

What is wrong with these idiots?
And it just keeps getting better.
Baloon-Busting Inflation

Titanium Balls

Had my left femoral ball upgraded to the titanium variety Tuesday morning. Hips are both prosthetic now. Procedure went smooth followed by 2 nights in the hospital. Once again, I cannot say enough good about the care I am receiving from the Rocky Mountain Regional VA. The new hospital in Aurora is just fabulous.


Disruptive Technology

So I got tired of being browbeaten in the Utility Company newsletter with this new “demand rate” electricity pricing scheme, and commented on their website. Didn’t expect a response, but apparently it caught someone’s attention. So I replied to the reply, and after thinking about it a bit more decided to go full retard with a full retort.

UP Money Grab

Open letter to United Power of Colorado:

At what point did something to this effect go down: Suit at the head of a big conference table ends the meeting saying “We’ve got to come up with a way to make substantially more money off the same or even less amount of electricity!” And the minions were off to hatch their plans. Now we have “demand rate electricity pricing,” which basically means you just charge more for the largest block of electric.  Those nighttime electrons are so much brighter, surely they command a premium price.

Carefully reading the Business Director’s (BD) response exposes no justification or arithmetically-based description. There’s lots of talk about solar, and the logic of the textual so-called explanation seems a bit specious:   “Without this adjustment, the quality of the grid would be jeopardized or all the costs would be shifted to an ever smaller group of non-solar members.” Please define “quality of the grid.” It must be brimming with solar power during the day at least, and I can’t recall hearing anything about generating issues lately. Maintenance? What? Explain why my share of the grid should cost more than my neighbor’s when I am contributing to it and they are not. You wanna talk fair? If anything the maintenance burden should fall more on the people with greater use of your generation equipment.

So apparently this rate hike is primarily to offset revenue loss to PV generation.  After all, Mr. BD is the one who brought it up.  Reading between BD’s lines, the utility co-op is losing money to solar.  Whodathunkit?   It took years, but you were finally blindsided?   So rather than adjust to a changing market, you’ll simply take steps to cover up a money grab with a big bullshit campaign trying to compensate.  That’s your market adjustment:  just shift the burden to the customers in the most insidious way possible:  a reverse subsidy on Solar.  Because let’s face it – bottom line, all you are saying is daytime energy is less valuable than night time energy.  Do you see the inanity of your situation yet?

If you need to raise rates, do it.  But don’t get cute with schemes that unfairly penalize people in arbitrarily defined ways.  You punish everyone with higher nighttime rates and additionally punish the PV generators with lower rates during the day.  People don’t like being punished for other’s mistakes. It’s a concept called “fairness” with which United Power appears to have some serious comprehension issues.  It is fair to nobody and especially egregious to PV generators.  Brilliant!  United Power rakes it in while all customers get screwed to the maximum possible extent you can rationalize based on deceptive arguments about some contrived notion of the value and cost of electricity changing throughout the day.

One last thing: “As a solar customer you were helping to offset our energy charges but didn’t fully contribute to offsetting some of our fixed, grid charges.” Really? Would you mind explaining that one? Exactly what did I not contribute, besides dumping most of my actual generation into the neighbors or your batteries? Oh wait – now I get it: My contribution was reducing demand. You know – that thing you seem to have a problem with. Funny how that works, huh? Here’s a newsflash for you, just in case you weren’t paying attention: Reducing demand for carbon-based energy is probably one of the best things anyone in the whole goddamned world can do these days. Why do you believe penalizing people for that is a good idea? Get with the program.

I don’t like the idea of pissing off the people who manage my electricity. (However comma) I can afford to buy a bunch of batteries.  Imagine that!  At some point after enough private PV generators go off grid,  your traditional business model is out the window and it won’t be a “grid quality” issue by then.  Hopefully United Power of Colorado gets their battery situation sorted before we get going in that direction.

Nice job on the Tesla stuff over by I-25, BTW.  😉

Xmas in Golden

…home to one of the largest single-site breweries in the world – Coors. Few large breweries perform every single step of the process at 1 location, but they do it all from scratch right here by Clear Creek in Golden. This tour was nice, but I liked the Budweiser version up in Ft. Collins better. Still, a great little outing for the Panama family.

See a few more shots from this outing here.

Quiet Xmas

Looks like things have been pretty busy, just not around here. We have 3 little girls again, now all home for the holidays. The in-laws arrived from Panama Saturday, so we have a full house with lots of stuff for them to see and do coming up on the agenda.

Sleepy Time

Xmas Came Early

The ‘ol 3rd gen i7 in my personal workstation soldiered on remarkably well for about 6 years – the longest time I ever went between PC builds. But I’ve been doing more video processing lately and encoding runs finally started to become annoyingly slow, so the old Asus/i7 has recently been demoted to Man Cave Theater PC. I decided to go with AMD vice Intel for a new workstation this time around due mostly to recent CPU micro-architecture security vulnerabilities and the way that fell out between the 2 companies. I’ve always been an Intel guy, but their somewhat lukewarm and deceptive response to this issue was enough to sour me on them for now.

And apparently a long 6 years it was! The PC builder/enthusiast scene appears to have evolved into a basically gamers-only market segment, with brightly colored RGB everything all the rage these days. It’s not exactly my cup ‘o tea, but this is what you currently get building a custom top-shelf PC:


Ryzen 2700, 32G RAM, 512G NVMe boot drive, 3Tb Raid1 data volume with a Radeon Vega RX 64. The Black Friday deals were just too tempting. I put this together for a whopping $1,500 – about half what a similarly configured off-the-shelf system would cost. As usual there’s always a fly in the ointment. AMD’s open source Linux driver does not support system suspend and hibernation in the current stable Debian kernel. The currently available AMD proprietary driver is Ubuntu-only, so I’ll need to get another graphics card at some point if a new kernel with better AMD support doesn’t filter down soon.

Time for a Left Hip Replacement

They call it a “THR” – Total Hip Replacement. I had the right side done 5 years ago, and couldn’t be happier with it. The Veteran’s Administration certainly has it’s share of problems and issues, not unlike any other large organization, but they have been taking great care of me. Looks like I’ll be starting to get back to normal mobility after the 15th of January. (edit: now moved up to the 8th, after a cancellation 🙂
