Fuck Ken Buck

Never thought I’d be ashamed to hail from Colorado.

“Wednesday’s hearing revealed that the two sides — the two major political parties — are not only operating with different opinions about the president and his behavior, but different facts.”

Trump toady with legal lobotomy. Wake up and smell the politics, asshole.


“The facts are uncontested. The president abused his power for his own personal political benefit at the expense of our national security by withholding military aid…”

– U.S. Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi


The "Ugly American" Stereotype

…is cemented forever in the world’s collective subconscious, thanks to Trump:

I spent 14+ years overseas all over the planet, and the “Ugly American” certainly is a recognizable cultural icon everywhere I went.  Trump represents the epitome of it, giving us everything we could possibly hope for in a POTUS that disgraces our global image in ways never before imaginable.  Pot calls kettle black.

I really want to like you Donnie, but the stench of corruption is too strong.

G'bye Francie, Hello Tanner

Managed to get the sisters together for dinner before Francie heads east, not be seen again around here until late next spring.  She’ll be doing Christmas with the Bergstroem’s in Sweden this year.  Looks like Phoebe’s latched onto a suitable substitute, as well.  

Top of the Tech Heap

If there’s any powerful people in the high tech industry I respect these days, it’s gotta include these guys. They did it right for the most part IMHO, and acted quickly to correct things that went wrong.  By “right,” I mean being honest, at least as honest as a corporation can be, in terms of their policies and user treatment.  Google was the single biggest driver of the Internet for quite awhile.  They did it with good products, fair service, prices and a customer-oriented attitude.  I need to think real hard to come up with other companies I might have similar opinions on.

Just What I Needed X

Here’s some of what’s going on at the new Aurora VA facility:

Orthopedics Policy:  Err on the easiest and least expensive side of patient care decisions.  The benefit of any doubt will not go the patient.  The following fundamental, systematic failures presently support this policy:

  1. Empathy. VA staff are pre-disposed to doubt, minimize and overlook patient concerns.  Rhymes with apathy.
  2. Stove-piping. Poor internal coordination between clinics and doctors hurts patients with delays.  More critical aspects fester in wait.
  3. Communication.  Electronic gobbledygook is no substitute for human interaction.  Then review #1.
  4. Diagnostic Stratification. Diagnostics start with #1 & 3.  Do the work being called for, and stop looking for reasons not to.

Despite needing to Google half the terms I see in them, it doesn’t seem that difficult to read and understand my medical records.  I can only speculate that doctors did not look back far enough and/or spend enough time putting 2-and-2 together.  My diagnosis obviously became an exercise in futility right off the bat, for some reason.

The patient experience becomes a never-ending series of Q/A repeated over-and-over, with outstanding issues not tracked and run to ground.  The record becomes a lengthy discourse of random doctor-speak appended over months and years in my case, never to be deciphered into a coherent single patient picture in anyone’s mind ever again.  It’s just reading comprehension and listening – basic stuff.  VA staff did not appear to be interested in taking the time to exercise these skills with me.

Being steered back to Primary Care becomes a time-wasting, stove-piping exercise in futility.  Slow response, vague steering and push-back from Primary Care injected an insurmountable confusion factor.  That should never happen, with the possible exception of dispensing dangerous drugs and the like.  Primary care should be a patient-led exercise, at least in my case, if they are really listening.

The VA has a serious cultural problem. Seems it’s been around for awhile, with my experience only occurring in the last 7 years or so.  No amount of lip service from any new director will ever change that.  When directly confronted with an obviously distressed patient, staff routinely minimized and waved away my complaints and pleas for help.  Schadenfreude and inadequate training are apparent, to me – totally unacceptable.  Organizational culture becomes emergent with (or without) training.  What I experienced tells me it’s off the rails at the new Aurora VA.

This is a warning to prospective orthopedic surgery patients everywhere.  Outcomes like this do not seem to be all that uncommon, yet somewhat understandable, considering the nature of orthopedic surgery.  The ongoing year of mistreatment that followed in my case, is shocking.  And remember:  You are approximately 9,000 times more likely to be accidentally killed by a medical professional than anyone wielding a gun.

Here’s what a leaking disc looks like almost a year later.  Any questions, Dr. Knight?

ECHCS’ Official Feedback for 2019.

ECHCS Feedback, 2019…

Specific VA personnel issues pertaining to my case appear below. Several things called out with an *asterisk, are directly quoted from official VA records.

A.  To the forgetful Post-Op nurse:  Before “not wanting to wake up” the patient to bring medication on schedule, review the Doctor’s orders and improve your understanding of basic pharmacology regarding the specific medications you are dispensing.  Do not allow patients to slip into excruciating breakthrough episodes.  Failing that, when they do wake up screaming from the pain running up and down their spine, for example (not the hip) annotate the record, if you can find the time at 3 o’clock in the morning.  Remember arguing about the numbers when  the patient said “OK then, it’s a 10?”  Your career is coming to a close soon if this isn’t the last wake-up call like this you get.(LATE UPDATE LATE 2022: It would now seem this was their 1st attempt to take me completely out of the picture, obviating any need for accountability or claims processing)

B. To the Physical Therapist who noted: “*Pt reports he feels like he has a bag of cement around his pelvis” The term used was concrete underpants. It’s still being used today.  In one ear, out to the computer incorrectly and done isn’t working.  The hip twisting was a bad idea, too.  Patients coming apart with back injuries don’t like it.  Hip surgery patient with the opposite side of their body so contorted from muscle clenching it makes that leg a half inch shorter, are a “bad” thing.  Why they might feel compelled to make their own lift shoe in order to be able to walk, is another big, red flag.  You might be in the wrong line of work.

C. To the Primary Care Physician who observed: “Sometimes it just takes longer to get over an operation.” Contrary to ECHCS rumors these days, the human body heals at relatively consistent rates, based on age, nutrition and other factors.  Patients with unexplained issues need a call made.  You seem to be pushing them in the wrong direction.  Consider working on the listening skills if you have any plans for career advancement.

D. To the PA who observed: “We don’t usually see this on the right side after a left hip replacement.” Take some Ibuprofen and come back in a couple months is not the correct response to that situation.  The email saying “*he can go to the ER.” can be particularly insulting, under these circumstances.  But it did get into the record, so 2-for-2 on the keyboard skills.  Knowing the ER is not a real option, making a good rabbit hole to throw somebody down only makes more futile work for the ER.  Avoiding work is not what we do here.  You are in the wrong line of work.

E. To the Surgeon who remarked: “I’ve done many of these procedures and never saw anything like this before.” Many people drive up and down I-25 for years and never get in a car accident. What does either of those things have to do with “my” surgery recovery?  Your education didn’t stop when you got your license to practice.  That’s what we’re calling this one: a “practice” session.  Much better attention to detail will be needed, going forward.  One of your colleagues inadvertently gave you up.  This either was or will be, your last chance.

F. To the rehab doctor who quipped: “Since January, huh? Looks like it’s chronic now.” Your medical opinion is the only thing that matters.  We have an idiot in the Oval office now because of what things “look like.”  You got it wrong, demonstrating inappropriately presumptuous hubris, failure to read and understand the records, and failure to read and listen to the patient.  Your job was literally done for you, and you still turned it down.  You are in the wrong job.

G. To the Joint Doctor who noted: “…*thinks he got a back injury…” Yes, they certainly do think about that all the time, when they are injured. But it’s mostly a feeling – pain inflicted by one of your doctors, in this case.  Here’s what the record said about what the patient “thought:”  “*Mr. Shaffer has had low back pain that got worse after his hip replacement.”  An open-ended therapeutic misadventure for the patient is ongoing to this day due in large part to your failure to recognize and properly refer the case.  Your PA might remember shuffling them out of the exam room literally yelling “I can’t walk with this shit!”  Comprehend the message left with you the day you met that man, as well as the one left here now – for the benefit of your next patient.

H. To the Chief of Orthopedics who replied: “*I don’t see any delay in care from the orthopedic point of view…” That seems to be an issue for almost everybody addressed here, right down the line – seeing any problem at all.  Did nobody want to see the back injury?  Or want to even admit the patient had a serious back injury?  People reading the record can’t not see it.  Is there a filtered “from the orthopedic POV,” only you see?  The record tells a different story.  Characterizing the symptoms expressed all along as anything “normal” is absurd.

Now that everybody is on the same page with the blanks filled in a year later, what is your definition of the term “delay” in this context?  The patient is still stumbling around crippled a year later.  Can you explain why the MRI he literally demanded in June did not happen in January?  We already know how he slipped through the PA net under your direct purview for 3 months.  Any indication what the problem there might be, in your orthopedic POV?  Your cursory dismissal of his complaint effectively sentenced him to an ongoing year of misery and frustration.  How many others like him out there?  Any of them still alive, Chief?

In a nutshell:  You took a disabled vet, disabled him some more, rubbed it in, flatly refused to diagnose and treat, driving him to the brink of suicide as he unsuccessfully sought help from a healthcare system ignoring his pleas.

Fair criticism?  I look forward to speaking with people interested in exploring this narrative further, in detail, fact or general intent.  Big suicide prevention push going on lately, I hear.  Now you know all about how that works for me.  Push this.  On the inside.  I mean that literally – inside of who or whatever you think might have a relevant problem inside of it.

Francie was Home for Thanksgiving

We had nice dinner and evening with neighbors Marianne and Craig.  Craig baked a delicious turkey and we spent the night watching football.  This year I got to brag about my Conference-Leading Volleyball star, awaiting new nails below:

Francie will be flying out early tomorrow morning.  She expects to finish 1 semester early, with Fall 2020 next year being her last at Plymouth State.


Steelers in the Hunt!

Despite being the most banged-up I can ever remember, with an un-drafted rookie 3rd string QB at the helm, Pittsburgh is making yet another playoff run. The NFL makes these schedule changes towards the end of the season to highlight the hot teams and games with playoff implications.

Steelers participated in the biggest, most expensive (in terms of fines levied – $700k) brawl in NFL history with the Brown 2 weeks ago.  This week, the Browns learned their lesson:

Butthurt Cleveland snowflake.


“Womanizer” appears to be an important Trump employee skill. Goes right along with “Big Budget to Purchase Job not Qualified for.”  Why would anyone be surprised at this point?

“All three women said Mr Sondland retaliated against them professionally after they rejected his sexual advances – by verbally abusing them at their workplace, reneging on a promised investment, and withdrawing offers of professional introductions.”

Trump stooge with memory problem and dick not in pants.

You Can('t) Make this Shyt Up

“Trump on Tuesday denied that he sent Giuliani to Ukraine to push for the investigations, though his comments contradict past statements he and Giuliani have made.”

Well, yes they can!  They just make it up as they go along.  One-after-another lie comes to light so the story changes.  The scary part is voters don’t care – as long as they get to exercise their Schadenfreude.  The Russians fooled ’em in 2016, and these cocksuckers keep twittering away at it today.

Political fraudster with Russian cock in his mouth.

Thanksgiving Blizzard 2019

I was able to get Francie picked up at the airport yesterday, right in-between 2 big storms hammering us this week.  We don’t expect to get hit hard here around Denver with this 2nd one, but it’s shaping up to be a real doozy, state-wide.

“Jennifer Stark, a meteorologist with the NWS out of Pueblo, stated that Colorado may be looking at snow totals closer to six feet in higher elevations.”

Pope 'n Trump Best Buds, fer sure

Ever wonder why religion and politics are generally considered taboo small-talk topics?

“Five Vatican employees remain suspended, including AIF director Tommaso di Ruzza. Domenico Giani, Vatican security chief and the pope’s bodyguard, resigned later over the leak of a document related to the investigation.”

These cocksuckers are ALL corrupt to one degree or another.  The only difference is who or what they are exploiting.  Anyone wanna take a guess where they got the money to buy that London property?  Maybe they’re getting real estate advice from the White House these days?

Pope the Cuck.