Religion Can Get Ya Killed

“I rebuke you in the name of Jesus…” were the last words Sonya Massey uttered before the nutbag cop decided to kill her in her own home for absolutely no reason. That appeared to be one of the things tipping him into shooting her, from what I could discern in the bodycam video. The callous disregard for what he’d just done was almost as horrific as the killing itself.

Some of these assholes go around just looking for reasons to give people a hard time. This guy, on his 6th job in 4 years, took it to the extreme. There’s no question in my mind it was plain old cold blooded murder. Trigger-happy fuckwit looking for an excuse. Whoever hired him got some splainin’ to do.

Must be getting really difficult filing the ranks on the beat these days.

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