Summer T-Break

Michelle’s been staying with Viki past few days, so I decided to take my summer medication break starting last weekend. Today’s the fourth day off and pretty much mirrors the last time I quit for more than a day or two a couple years ago. Seems to take about 3-4 days to completely wring the weed out of my system, after continuous round-the-clock usage for many months.

If there is such a thing as Marijuana withdrawal, it is not possible for me to get it, for some reason. I did notice the body temp reg thing a few times, but seemed like more of a fleeting sensation than a detour down hyperemesis lane. Only real change between then and now is I’m not eating the THC.

Cannabis medication for my ailments (arthritis, nerve root damage and autism) is a godsend. Haven’t had much sleep and the ache in my right glute and quad has returned to a state of constant glow. Arthritic joints feel the same lack of pain med. It’s hard to gauge the inflammation instigator when approaching a sedentary state, because it hurts to move.

Psychotropic effect on the autism is pronounced, as well. I find myself screaming in rage at the slightest miscue. It bumps depression back a little. Slows things down and lets me think clearly. Weird part tho is, I can’t tell much difference on the overall outlook, and haven’t really noticed the mental effect stoners are going for in years. Suspect I must be permanently high.

Vaping doesn’t feel like it’s affecting my lungs at all. I sense no physical effects there, and still enjoy spitting loogies on the roof while sitting in the hot tub.

In fact, people that are stoic may have worse outcomes, as they are less likely to go to the doctor. Thanks for that. Not sure if I’ll be able to trust another doctor ever again.
Any Place I’m Going -Unknown Artist

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