Crackpot, Geezer and a Whack-Job

Seems unlikely Kennedy will qualify for the debate at this point, but I suppose he deserves a mention for trying, as the crackpot rep.

Does that overview require further elaboration? It’s a sad commentary on the American electorate. Voters get to lie in the bed they’ve made, through deceitful campaigning and political skulduggery in the ongoing greatest political power struggle the world has ever seen.

At face value, gotta take the geezer if ur payin’ attention, at all. They all qualify for that checkbox, depending on where you draw the line. And yes, rational people know it’s a wide variable. I been feeling more geezerly myself, lately. It’s just what flavor geezer you prefer, in the case of the 2024 U.S. Presidential election.

Like ur choices? Talk to those cocksuckers in D.C. about it. This cowardly bastard had plenty of opportunities to do the right thing. When it comes to the Mango Menace, anybody too stupid to not know their whole platform is nothing but a con, here’s your sign.

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