Bad Actors

WTF is wrong with us? I mean, when bias and discrimination actually are the goals from the christo-fascist far right at least, what does anybody expect? Do people believe Altman is really totally altruistic, ever was? He knows about the on/off modulator as well as anybody. People have to use the shyt first, before anything else happens because of it. That’s where the money’s at, and people as a species generally suck when it comes to going after the easy kind. That’s also why the Pope, of all people, seems worried about it.

We’ll have AI Coordinator positions opening up on the pro coaching staffs anytime now. I like living where the scenery changes. Only the lead dog…

Colorado’s new law requires companies to inform people when an AI system is being used, and, if someone thinks the technology has treated them unfairly, allows them to correct some of the input data or file a complaint. It won’t allow an individual to sue over AI use, but sets up a process to look into potential consequences for bad actors.

Funky Cold Medina -Tone Loc

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