The Dead Internet

Oh it’s dead alright – long gone. Been complaining out loud since 2017. I alluded to this in my offline post last month. The article fleshes it out in greater detail. I find the alignments interesting and contend it’s not the tech itself – or industry – or government – or any of the myriad factors contributing to it’s abysmal trajectory, enslaving the population. It’s just people misusing it.

When they become personified in the institutions, services and facilities provided, those same functions have a singular societal purpose: To generate more revenue by hook or crook, either way, doesn’t matter. Bad actor’s only distinctions in this ecosystem is nobody has yet figured out how to legally define high tech ethics, one way or the other, much less reach consensus on the topic..

It is, however, an interesting lens through which to view the Internet. That it is no longer for humans, by humans – this is the sense in which the internet we knew and loved is “dead”. The freedom to create and share our thoughts on the internet and social media is what made it so powerful. Naturally, it is this power that bad actors are seeking to control.

Fuck Zuck, Musk, Bezos, etc. Nothing but a bunch of greedy cocksuckers who somehow got to the top of the tech heap early. Gates is laughing all the way to the bank AFTER a multi-billion-dollar divorce.

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