Pope Has The Last Word

They’re following the model to a tee:

The head of the DDF, Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez, told reporters these sorts of event should be assessed very cautiously, as they may be fraudulent and exploited for “profit, power, fame, social recognition, or other personal interest”.

Attempting to ensure keeping the power, other interests, etc. strictly under Vatican control reeks badly of authoritarianism. Looks more like a little reaping goin’ on, to me. Masses worldwide whipped up with all this mind-blowing supernatual religion needing funded and so forth – now including top-down regulatory control of the most dictatorial kind.

AI’s out the window, so might as well circle the wagons…

Have fun telling all them people all that shyt they been believing’ only applies as long as Vatican gets the money. Think they’ll throw the Bosnians a bone?

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