Capitalism = Protection Racket

Organized crime takes on new shades of meaning at orders of magnitude greater effect than what the term typically con-notated from days past when the likes of Al Capone did it in the good ‘ol US of A. So what do we get when the overall economy becomes intertwined with certain industries to the point where a criminal POTUS candidate solicits an entire sector thereof for campaign contributions in self-serving criminal legal defense efforts via election?

A legally funded and government-run protection racket. Another Trump term would constitute among other things, protection for the revenue streams lining the pockets of greedy, careless oil and gas vendors with ignorant, selfish politicians serving their needs, while simultaneously killing the planet. The farmers are their lackeys, all working together generating greenhouse gases at rates soon becoming vividly obvious to all.

Some of these assholes won’t know a free market until it melts away in a cloud of CO2. Chinese tariffs sound alot nicer coming from Biden, right? Those migrant invaders should be aware they’re here for exploitation, probably worse than they had back home. Nice work, fuckwits. I want more slop.

Farmin’, ranchin’ and drillin’ for oil just need to go the fuck away – forever.
End of Time -Danzig

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