We Know Your History, Too

This is one of the problems with some of these elitist bitches. They just believe others are ignorant and they’re smarter, by default. I believe it formed the intent behind one of her oft-repeated missteps about the deplorables, or something to that effect. This, from the cunt who stood idly by while her husband exemplified the contemporary trend of disgracing the office of the President of the United States. She’s a big reason I voted for Trump the first time around.

She’s beginning to sound like those Zionists suggesting the Balfour Declaration is some sort of legal document, in evidence of Israel’s legitimacy. No question, that’s where it started – the war, that is. It’s not a question of history. It’s how the Zionists selectively remember it.

I don’t question Israel’s right to exist one little bit. Only where they exist. The lease is up and owners have plans for re-modeling, so time to move. Maybe we can negotiate an upgrade-to-own deal of some sort. I hear there’s lotsa reconstruction opportunities looking for investors in Gaza. Jared Kushner could’ve re-done the lease back when he was officially tapped into the Saudi finance stream. Too late now – it’s time for a going out of the war business Mideast real-estate sale. We’re talkin’ REAL money now.

The only place antisemitism enters the equation is when politicos right OR left drive the narrative for personal benefit. Alot of this crap only exists in heaven. Or Hell – or maybe manifesting the mass-mindset of some idea rooted in religion from last century’s British imperialist cocksuckers. Still waiting for the Brits to step up. Didn’t they used to own like half the world? Or so they said. Gotta be some prime development opportunities out here somewhere. Maybe the Aussies’d take ’em in, heritage and all…

Keep it up and earn a swastika on your next pictorial. The history referred to is two posts down. Have a refresher.
Reporting leans almost all right.

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