Kevin Stitt: Political Apologist

Even as most every one of these Trumpist cocksuckers in Congress nodded their heads in lockstep to kill the best border deal ever at Napoleon Bonespur’s behest, just recently…

As if this doesn’t end up with Florida smoking meth and pissing on the Alamo while a drunk Tennessee gives swirlies to that square — OK, that square with a panhandle — Oklahoma in the gift shop bathroom, as Texas tries to explain that there’s still quite a bit of Texas south of San Antonio, so please keep driving.

Yes, they will likely fuck it all the way up well before they even reach the border. I believe Clint Eastwood called it a clusterfuck. Team Trump email dried up. Must be outta money.

Everything’s just fine in Oklahoma. It’s all Biden’s fault.
And the mainstream media just repeats whatever they’re told, for the most part. Wonderful.

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