The Real Hur Report

Does the truth really matter any more? Comey playbook, baby. It’s like Bill Barr graduated from cover letters to writing report highlights. Two-fer this week, with more than one Supreme Court Justice recently making the absurdly false assertion that one state decides a Presidential election. It belies their political motivation in the most obscene way, openly flaunting both the rule of law and common sense, not to mention core American values.

“For other recovered classified documents, after a thorough investigation the decision to decline criminal charges was straightforward. The FBI recovered additional marked classified documents at the Penn Biden Center, elsewhere in Mr. Biden’s Delaware home, and in collections of his Senate papers at the University of Delaware, but the evidence suggests that Mr. Biden did not willfully retain these documents and that they could plausibly have been brought to these locations by mistake. We also investigated whether persons other than Mr. Biden knowingly mishandled these classified documents, and our investigation showed that they did not. In reaching these conclusions, we note the numerous previous instances in which marked classified documents have been discovered intermixed with the personal papers of former Executive Branch officials and members of Congress.” (p. 12)

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