Lankford Lies

This Oklahoma fuckwit continues balancing the entire GOP platform on a thinly veiled patchwork of contrived border crises stretching back decades. Lately they like to salt the drivel with alot of “Biden” and “last three years” references, while the issue has been little more than a GOP hot-button campaign slogan since the Reagan era. At the expense of torpedoing a pending deal to start fixing it, it’s literally all they have to run on nationally now.

The irony cannot be lost on anyone paying attention. So the only way to continue doing that is just straight up lie. The fuckwit’s either expected to know what he’s talking about being a U.S. Senator, OR he’s expected to lie through his teeth in the same tired old political ploy they’ve been using to scare the base all along. Too bad the latter’s alot easier and often works on ignorant voters with short memories. What a bunch of total cocksuckers.

“In any event, the work authorization regulation contains a carve-out that explicitly bars aliens paroled under that 2009 ICE directive from applying for employment authorization. They must file asylum applications and wait to apply for work authorization, like any other applicant for that protection.”

Look for the FTN clip later where this fuckwit repeats the same lie, over and over for the cameras. Get your own house in order, then bitch about the border.

This piece ‘o shit cares about the border only insofar as the problems get him re-elected.
Just remember who said what about those regulations and procedures you guys study for a living.

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