Tesla Another Musk Victim

I wanted Tesla to do well, as one of the promising EV makers with a real shot at putting a dent in the fossil fuel industry. Then somehow, for whatever reason, the Cybertruck marketing people convinced Musk they needn’t take into account a significant portion of the buying public who actually work with these things and use them for real truck stuff all day long.

Certainly there’s also a market for suburbanite Cybertruck drivers with little more than Costco requirements. I’m no automotive market guru, but I suspect there’s more money in the former.

Tesla’s woes are also a sign that the company’s recently released and long-awaited Cybertruck hasn’t exactly ignited renewed optimism. It’s clear by this point that the EV maker has had to make major compromises to bring Musk’s pet project to life, with the truck disappointing fans with a lackluster range.

Only the biggest, most glaring entry on a list of things new owners are already griping about.

Have sticker-price cuts and stock-market skid tarnished Elon Musk’s and Tesla’s reputations?

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