Tuberville’s Military Knowledge

Ever heard the old saying “he probably knows just enough to be dangerous?” If you did and they were talking about you, you might be somebody like a green Army captain selected to assassinate some rogue operator in the Mekong Delta, or possibly just about anyone who ever volunteered to do anything in the military.

Appears to be a reasonably accurate yardstick with which to measure some of these bible-thumpin’ fuckwits with political platforms consisting predominantly of various forms of fear mongering and intimidation peppered with bigotry-fueled misinformation. Tooby’s forays into leveraging the U.S. military for Alabama holy roller’s gain are a textbook lesson for pure political deceit in this Alabama boy’s lexicon.

Mis-using some of the nation’s most precious shared resources – literally lying for personal and political gain personifies the concept of snake oil salesmen with limited knowledge pushing selfish interests to ignorant consumers. Tuberville’s knowledge of matters military generally speaking, goes about as far as his forethought into whatever shred of decency he may have left.

Next bill will be to legalize razor wire in the river.

This is what your Alabama votes and tax dollars are doing in D.C.
Christo-fascist nutjobs – the lot of ’em.

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