The Royal Scam

It’s not about any of these topics outlined below. It’s about how to exploit their interactions in illicit ways if possible, to get yours.

Economy – have a product to sell? Design the demand around it to form an irreplaceable piece of critical infrastructure or national security. Oil ‘n gas comes to mind.

Transportation – Big country, lotsa places to go, stuff needs delivered. Anybody got some planet-killing infrastructure we could rely on?

Healthcare – People getting hurt and sick ofttimes in transport. Then there’s the fat, lazy ones and that whole imperfect thing we call life, lock, stock and barrel. Lotsa ineffective drugs and specialized scientists performing dangerous procedures should keep prices high, supporting the madness for awhile longer.

Technology – Gotta keep all this stuff organized, managed and in communications. And OBTW, we can sell the bleeping computers with amazingly efficient built-in controls that literally turn their own knobs now.

Media – Ever wonder what’s goin’ on with all this crap? Depends on if the C-suite fuckwits are making enough money. We’ll let you know what to worry about and where the problems might be, in our greedy, biased, unqualified, myopic points of view.

Government – These mutherfuckers get to make the rules. So let’s check that economy and see if there’s some things we don’t fully understand where we can fuck it up, or potentially generate some more activity with wars and such.

Politics – Wanna try to run this shyt? Or maybe just exploit it for your own personal gain? We have elections in progress. Now get off ur ass and get corrupting!

Go find a job somewhere up there and see if you can get yours!

Psychobabble – Steeley Dan

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