Claudine Gay

As usual, it’s not about the actual issue at hand. It’s about politics and money. So-claimed “solid journalism” aside, the Hill reporter is advised to consider how that actually works before patting themselves on the back too briskly.

I am completely ignorant about Ms. Gay’s writings and work. If journalists really uncovered some actual plagiarism issues, they’ve got another thing coming. Things on that front will become increasingly busy pointing fingers in contradictory directions after AI takes politics to a whole new level of misinformation-fueled deceit.

No, what we have here are craven institutional investors and self-serving bigots with ulterior motives and a college on their hands.

(FILES) In this December 14, 2022, image released by Harvard University, Claudine Gay poses for a photo. The president of Harvard University Claudine Gay resigned January 2, 2024, the prestigious US school’s newspaper reported, after she faced criticism over allegations of plagiarism and her handling of anti-Semitism on campus. (Photo by Stephanie Mitchell / Harvard University / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE – MANDATORY CREDIT “AFP PHOTO / Harvard University / Stephanie Mitchell ” – NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS – DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS (Photo by STEPHANIE MITCHELL/Harvard University/AFP via Getty Images)

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